Drogus Character in Star System Epsylon | World Anvil
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The Valiant

Patron of the dragonborn and bringer of fire, Ki, the sun, and the day. Drogus believes that cunning and strategy are just as important as brute force and strength for victory. He also has little respect for the other races, as they are not, as he put it, "as strong of heart" as the dragonborn. He taught the dragonborn how to use the natural life force Ki, and he trained them in combat and tactical thinking. He strongly believes that the dragonborn need no other race to survive, and envisions a world just for the dragonborn.

Divine Domains

The Sun, Fire, Ki, The Day

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Drogus is a humanoid dragon-looking individual. He has a dragon's head, claws for feet and hands, wings, and is covered in magma red scales.

Body Features

Drogus is covered in scales the color of hot magma that glow as such, he has massive dragon wings on his back, and his hands and feet are sharp claws.

Facial Features

Drogus has two large horns, a big, tooth-filled mouth, and his eyes are like flaming rubies.

Apparel & Accessories

Drogus wears iron armor that has dragon heads at the openings.
Divine Classification
Ruby Red
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You dare suggest an alliance with my children, mortal ape? Look around you. They are the masters of life energy. They can level mountains, vaporize oceans, and cut the very skies in half. They bath in lava when they need to cool down, and they devour boulders when they need a mushy snack. Tell me, ape...what does your kind have to offer?"

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