Divine Aid Spell in Star System Epsylon | World Anvil
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Divine Aid

Tier 3 Spell (Hard(d d d) difficulty)

"We may all be similar, but there are many ways in which we are different. Why should the ways we help our followers be any less so?"
  The Elderon govern vastly different domains, often literally as different as night and day. This is especially reflected in the spells they grant their followers, as some give buffs, while others give powerful attacks. Listed below are the nine different forms of this spell given by each Elderon.  
  • Impart Knowledge: Accessible to Coraga's followers, this spell allows the caster to learn one thing about an object within short range, such as where it came from, who built it, and what it does. It can also be used to identify elemental weaknesses of creatures and characters, and what spells and equipment they have. It cannot be used to learn a personal secret about a character, nor can it be used to locate an object or see into the future.
  • Dwarven Rage: Accessible to Wura's followers, this spell adds damage to a target's armed combat checks by an amount equal to the caster's ranks in Knowledge. If the weapon has a critical rating, reduce it by 1, to a minimum of 1. If it does not have a critical rating, give it a rating of 2. This effect lasts until the caster's next turn.
  • Bayu's Folly: Accessible to Bayu's followers, the target of this spell must make a Hard(ddd) Discipline check. If the check fails, the target becomes more amiable (see below chart) with a person of the caster's choice, including the caster, if the person is compatible with their sexuality and within visual range. The level of infatuation increases by 1 level per ss generated by the check.  
    • Violent: At this level the target does not like the infatuation target, and in fact would like to see them impaled upon a sharp object of some kind.
    • (1)Friendly: At this level the target is more amiable to the infatuation target, and will do small or medium favors for them, such as attack animals, monsters, or other people that they were not previously allied with.
    • (2)Infatuated: At this level the target is hopelessly in love with the infatuation target, to the point where they will do almost anything for them, including attack former allies, as long as it doesn't obviously endanger their health, like jumping off a bridge or eating a whole shark.
    • (3)Obsessed: Accessible on one's self or allies only through generating hhh or d, at this level the target is so infatuated with the infatuation target that they will do literally anything for them, including things that may cause personal harm. This more often than not backfires, as the target becomes so obsessed with their love that they become a danger to said love and those around them.
      This spell can also be used to make a target more beautiful, upgrade their clothes into something more fashionable, or adjust their makeup, adding b per s generated to the target's Charm checks, for a number of hours equal to the caster's ranks in Knowledge.
  • Dragon Scales: Accessible to Drogus's followers, this spell makes dragon scales grow on the target, giving them 1 point of additional defense per the caster's ranks in Knowledge.
  • Hydro Torrent: Accessible to Araque's followers, this spell unleashes a torrent of water against a target, dealing Water damage equal to the caster's Willpower, plus the number of s generated by the spell's check. This can also be used to manipulate nearby water instead, in a manner similar to Levitate.
  • Wolf's Howl Accessible to Lycaros' followers, this spell unleashes a directional sound wave that deals Sonic damage equal to the caster's Willpower, plus the number of s generated by the spell's check. This can also be used to tear a hole through reality, allowing a 5-course meal of fresh, juicy steak to appear. This spell cannot be used in a place where there is no atmosphere.
  • Serpent's Deceit: Accessible to Mulus' followers, this spell makes the target a much better liar, adding b per s generated to the target's Deception checks, for a number of hours equal to the caster's ranks in Knowledge.
  • Fairy's Garden: Accessible to Dalomon's followers, this spell can make plants grow from just about any soil, although some rare plants are harder to conjure. These can be used as potion ingredients, or as an attack that deals Plant damage equal to the caster's Willpower, plus the number of s generated by the spell's check. This spell cannot be used midair, or if the ground is unsuitable for growing plants.
  • Terraphobia: Acessible to Endiro's followers, this spell makes the target's body acutely aware of the fact that falls do not kill; rather, the impact with the ground does. This realization makes the body so scared of the ground, that it actively pushes it away like a magnet, allowing the target to hover above ground and repel all Land attacks until the end of the caster's next turn.


Divine Aid and all its variants appears as a flash of light, the color of which depends on the Elderon.
Gestures & Ritual
To cast Divine Aid, the caster must first offer a prayer to their Elderon, detailing exactly what it is they wish to borrow their power for. Then, with this power stored, they must focus on and point their arm at the target an unleash it.
Related Discipline
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 Combat Maneuver and 1 Action (1 minute)
short (range band)
Characters need at least 1 rank in Divine to cast this spell
Applied Restriction
Divine Aid needs at least one free arm to be cast. If the caster has no free arm, this spell cannot be cast.

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Dec 8, 2018 23:40

Like the article, I'm not very strong when it comes to RPG and such, but from my viewpoint it was hard to understand sometimes. I'm sure you're working on it, but a link to each Elderon would be great (and maybe one explaining what an elderon is? :D ) I'd suggest putting the info in a table though, that might make it easer to look at.   Nice work!

Grab your hammer and go worldbuild! :3
Dec 8, 2018 23:50 by R3negade X

Thank you for the feedback! I did link each elderon, just click on their name the first time they appear! I also wrote an article explaining the system I'm using, @The Basics of Genesys

Dec 8, 2018 23:55

Coragas link is missing, just so you know :D

Grab your hammer and go worldbuild! :3
Dec 9, 2018 00:15 by R3negade X

I actually linked her name in the quote at the top of the page

Dec 9, 2018 07:59

Are gods real in this setting? If so, are you required to be in good standing with your deity or church to be able to cast it?   "Divine Aid, and all its variants, appears as a flash of light, the color of which depends on the Elderon" - it's a bit comma heavy here. You probably don't need the first tow and cutting them out might help the sentence flow better. It could be nice to have a side panel with all those colors up, within easy access for the reader   Does Fairy Garden work in ground that is unnatural? Like floor of steel, hard stone masonry, etc?   Terraphobia is interesting: you become so afraid of the ground that you hover? I'd say "the target" rather than the targets body, but that might be personal preference. :)

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Dec 9, 2018 17:00 by R3negade X

Thank you for your input, I will work on those suggestions you gave me!

Dec 9, 2018 08:59 by Tikal

While I like some of the formattings you did to break it up, some visual elements would help so much. How do your divine spells fit into the rest of the game? What system is for?

Dec 9, 2018 17:03 by R3negade X

The system I'm using is called Genesys, and the spells in the Divine category are different to the ones in the other two categories.