Coalition of the Ascended Organization in Splinter Reach | World Anvil

Coalition of the Ascended

It is as the Atreika berry, is it not? Juices that burn your fingers. We would not handle if the taste were not so sweet. That is the Academies. You are as a slave for them to taste their secrets. They tell you what to wear, where to go, and what you are allowed to learn. And at the end of it, when you finally have played their games long enough and learned something useful, they sell you to some new master where you can let all those talents waste while you measure sums for grain shipments. They are scared of you. Of your potential.

Yes, yes. I see you know what I speak.

And the worst of it is... You burst through the brush for a taste of that beautiful fresh water stream and find only a puddle of baked rain water. You endure their slavery for pebbles of what you could know if allowed to reach your potential.
— Pillanu
  The Coalition of the Ascended is one of the most notorious factions within Altan'ruhl, partly for how brazenly they recruit and partly for the awesome power they wield. Ascended of The Illustrious Four all have different lives mapped out ahead of them, but they all are tied at least somewhat to service upon completion. The Coalition rejects the notion that they may serve after learning the powers necessary to manipulate the Pael. Instead, its members gather within Shift and explore new subjects that may have been barred to them while students at their respective Academies.

The Coalition operates like a terrorist political state. They pretend at being a diplomatic nation and are willing to make deals and agreements with their neighbors, but when it comes down to it, they will not hesitate to enforce their desires or claims violently. They actively encourage sedition and defection from those who Ascend from one of the Four, sewing malcontentment and disfunction. Some believe they ultimately want to establish themselves as a Fifth Institute.


The Coalition is a meritocracy, where the leaders are typically the most powerful Magen. This is not always true, as current events or specific talents can sometimes allow a less-powerful leader to take charge, but by and large the Coalition is based on who commands the most power. Each Virtue has a leader who holds the rank of Wizard, all reporting up to a single High Wizard who commands the most power across the organization.


Most members of the Coalition are rebels and trouble-makers at their hearts. The fact that they are able to gather at all and work together is more a tribute to the thirst most have for new knowledge and power rather than any heirarchical designs. A member of the Coalition does not like being told what s/he can or cannot do.

Public Agenda

Publicly, the Coalition of the Ascended is a haven for those Ascended who do not want to be forced into service dictated to them by the Academy that promoted them to the rank of Ascended. They want freedom to continue their studies in the areas they choose, and the Coalition grants that opportunity. They claim to maintain political neutrality, although aggressive acts against their neighbors belies this claim.

The Pael Unlocked

Founding Date
Political, Faction / Party

Nonviolently Opposed

The Illustrious Four despise the Coalition and would have long ago removed it, if they were so powerful and difficult to oppose directly. The Coalition sneers at and generally mocks the Illustrious Four, but don't consider any of them powerful enough to warrant more direct action than they are already taking.


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