The Tongue of Borra Item in Spindle | World Anvil

The Tongue of Borra

"Names have power, Borra taught us that when he came to us. He walked among us and gifted us with the knowledge, when it was time for him to go he left with us with his tongue so that we may pass the power on to the next generation. Over the years the power became our own and the need for his tongue lessened. It was forgotten about. Now as our children struggle to find their names we need to find the tongue once more so that we the Borras-Folk can continue"
  • Wise-Swan, keeper of memories, speaking at a clans meet.
  • The Tongue of Borra is an artefact of the Borras-Folk, a mountain tribe of humans who venerate Borra, believed by them to be the last of the old gods to walk the earth. this man taught them his secrets and then vanished leaving behind his tongue. It is not known if the tongue was the actual physical tongue or something symbolic like a focus of some kind that the magic he used was cast through.   In truth the artefact is the actual tongue of Borras, one of the original gods. He cut it out and left it for his people when the weaver threatened to destroy them if he did not turn his back on the world with them and his siblings the other gods. The tongue was not lost but rather left the folk when it was no longer needed, and has been sitting waiting for a worth Borras-folk to come to claim it.


    Left behind when Borra left the Borras-folk, the date of this occurrence is near the time of the gods leaving but the Borras-folk believe that the man who walked among them was an immortal.   Passed down through the generations of the Borras-folk, over time it was lost and became a legend.


    It is believed to be the origin of the Borras-Folk's ability to shape themselves with names.
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