Violetta Character in Spheres | World Anvil
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Wild Lord Violetta Crimsoneyes (a.k.a. Thief of Virtue, The Unreliable, Flockmother)

Among the wild lords of the Wilderness, the crossbreed Violetta Crimsoneye stands out as among the most dangerous. An ambitious griffin willing to move both against the Sovereignties of Crounereaume and the territories of her fellow wild lords, she has earned many enemies, but her magnetic personality and care for her flock has also gained her many followers.   Her territory is known as a land of dangers, seeded with riches that only serve to lure in the unwary. Those who do often ends up trapped, to be hauled before Violetta herself by her followers, where she'll ply her charms to convince the captive to join her flock, perhaps even allowing themselves to be reshaped into griffins in the process. Rejections are not accepted, and with her ability to bend minds to her will, few have the willpower to say no twice.   Violetta's ultimate goal is the abolishment of the Sovereignties, so that their land may be returned to the Wilderness. For this reason, many a knight prepare for the day they'll go to the Wilderness to bring back her hide, as proof that this danger to the realms have been ended. Violetta only sees this as an opportunity to gain more followers.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Owing to her ancestry, Violetta is incredibly fast and agile. She's also incredibly durable for a griffin, a trait she inherited from her roc mother. Combined, she can pull sudden turns in mid-air that would snap the spine of other griffins. She's also quite strong, capable of shearing through metal armour with her talons.

Identifying Characteristics

Violetta was named after er unusual coloration, a side effect of her enchanted birth.

Special abilities

Like other wild lords, Violetta has bonded with the very Wilderness itself and will be reborn if she dies within it.   Violetta's gaze has hypnotic powers, which she can use to enthrall others, binding their minds to her will. It's a particularly insidious hypnosis that's capable of ensnaring even the hardiest will. Those who manage to resist or break free report how even for some time afterwards, they'd find their minds divided, part of them begging them to return to the Wilderness and to Violetta.   She has designed a personalized ritual that allows her to change others into griffins like herself. While quite quick on the willing, resisting targets cause it to slow down considerably, though in the end it is always succesful unless interrupted.   Violetta can change her own size within the spectrum of her parentage. She can at will shrink down to the size of a regular griffin, though expanding to the size of a roc is something she can still only do for short bursts of time.   Her mastery of her innate divine power has also manifested in a number of ways. Her mastery of the skies has imbued her with an immunity to lightning and an ability to channel it through her talons and beak. She can also shape wind it spears of twirling gales, which strike with enough force to shatter boulders. And from her mastery of minds, she's gained the ability to mimic and eventually perfectly learn languages, as well as how to protect herself from the prying thoughts of others.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Violetta was born to a roc and a griffin in 2652 AIT, who used magic to make their offspring possible. As a result, Violetta was born noticeably larger than her kindred. Her childhood was spent in the Wilderness alongside her her parents.   In 2668 AIT, Violetta decided to set out on her own and to claim a territory, quickly developing aspirations to become a Wild Lord. She managed to gather a number of the primordial forest's griffins to her banner and the found an area where the territories of two other Wild Lords overlapped, that of the fairy Ali Bittershimmer and the redcap Mallna the Herbalist. Because the territories had overlapped, neither Wild Lord could move on Violetta without risking offending the other and neither was invested enough to care. As a result, Violetta got her own land, which she would over the years slowly add to and lose pieces of in various campaigns and games of intrigue.   In 2722 AIT, Violetta met the griffin Cloudbill. They hit it off and he pledged service to her flock, quickly rising to become her right-claw griffin and favored subordinate. It was from his tales of travelling the sphere that Violetta got inspired to begin looking beyond the Wilderness to the Sovereignties that laid beyond. She, Cloudbill and others would occasionally make forays into these lands. She quickly concluded that there was much she liked, but that the lands where also constrained by a culture of virtue and honor, dedicated to laws and rules, with nature bound into farmland, fields and parks. And so Violetta began to dream of changing that.   In 2732 AIT, Violetta began her most ambitious project yet. To merge the Wilderness and the Sovereignties into one united whole, a perfect merger in one pristine, primordial wilderness, all of its lords and rulers made into her subjects. To do so, she began to look to one of the Sovereignties greatest strengths, their knights. Gathering treasures and trinkets, she seeded her territory with traps to lure in questing knights and brave adventures, there to convert them into her followers, either by convincing them or bending their minds to her will. Those she had the most secure grip on would then be reshaped into griffins, to lend their strength to her flock. She would soon become infamous among the sovereignties as the Thief of Virtue and she soon started meeting knights who quested specifically to take her head.   At the same time, she began to work ever harder to look for weaknesses and opportunities for subjugation among her fellow Wild Lords, seeking to subsume them and their territories into her own. Thus she was named the Unreliable, as most of the wild lords began to feel her searching gaze with every interaction, making every alliance and agreement one made only after much consideration.   While this has slowed her progress, Violetta has not been discouraged and still dreams of the perfect world her sphere will become.

Gender Identity

Violetta identifies as female


Violetta is pansexual. She has a preference for griffins over other races and has a kink for smaller partners.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Conquering her initial territory and staving off reprisal with some knowledge of the local politics was her first major step to becoming a renowned and reviled wild lord.   In 2736 AIT, she managed to beat the roc Beambill after a prolonged duel. Afterwards, she convinced the roc to join her flock.   Of the many people she has acquired from both the Sovereignties and the courts of her fellow wild lords, her most spectacular catches have been the knight Conan of the Fire, who had planned on putting her territory to the torch as retribution for her actions, and the fairy Diamond Dimplesand, who had been a highly skilled diplomat in the service of Ali Bittershimmer.

Failures & Embarrassments

Despite her best efforts, the griffin Silverbill, King of Taumazia, managed to penetrate her territory and claim a magical relic from within her sanctuary, fighting and defeating several of her followers in the process. This was particularly irksome for her, as catching and converting Silverbill would have given her significant influence in the Sovereignties and possibly allowed her to assume rulership of Taumazia without much conflict. She has invested herself in picking out and taking the knights in his service as payback and to weaken his position.

Intellectual Characteristics

Violetta has an incredibly strong personality, that tends to inspire awe and dedication. It is one of the traits that has allowed to her gather such a large following and convert so many people just through talking with them. She has a keen mind and is very observant, backed by a strong will. She's also quite knowledgeable, though this is more a result of her picking up information through her many years of living than any concerted effort to get educated. As a result, more esoteric or obscure info can still stump her.

Morality & Philosophy

Violetta believes that the Wilderness shpws the world as it should be, untamed and beautiful. She knows the Sovereignties carved their lands from the Wilderness and seeks to undo this, while also making it all part of her territory. She prefers to convert others to her cause through her magnetic personality and persuasiveness, but should that fail, she has no scruples bending stubborn minds to her will with magic.   Violetta strongly believes in her responsibility as a leader and looks after her flock. She strongly believes in teamwork and cooperation, encouraging harmony between those that serve her.   That being said, she is still a predator and has no trouble killing and consuming even other sapient beings if she feels it is justified.


Violetta likes seeing the young grow up and has been known to help kids who wander into the Wilderness. Anyone who hurts a kid will quickly gain her ire. She also believes in the sanctity of nature and sees the despoiling of it as a grave crime. Thus, the founding of the Sovereignties strikes her as a wound in the sphere itself.

Personality Characteristics


Violetta sees the Wilderness and the Sovereignties as two halves that would be perfected were they but joined into one under her control.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Violetta is in peak physical condition and has mastered the use of her body, especially in regards to her speed. Her natural charisma is such that she can make even the most outlandish claims sound true. Due to her very even tempered nature, she has an unwavering focus and an unyielding will. She's in close contact with nature and can easily live of the land itself. She's skilled at gathering information, be that through her keen senes, her understanding of social dynamics or just by liberating sensitive information from unobserved pockets. Through the divine magic she was born with and the primal magic she's learnt, she learned to control the weather, dominate minds and reshape things as she please. She's a skilled hunter of many things, be it the beasts of the Wilderness or the knights braving it. She's a skilled singer and loves entertaining her flock with her songs.   Despite her own divine nature, she's not a particularly faithful nor spiritual person and has little interest in the business of deities and spirits. Her knowledge of the medical arts are also not existent and she's more reliant on her own toughness than any ability to mend any wounds she might receive. She's begun studying the magic of plants, but is still a neophyte in this regard. Despite her use of magical items as bait, she only has the most basic surface level knowledge of their functions.

Likes & Dislikes

She loves her flock and her family, which are basically one and the same to her. She likes nature and thinks it's a shame that civilization usually seems to require "taming" it. From her mother, she inherited a great respect for the world hearts and everything they bring. Her favorite foods are fish, deer and horses.   She hates to see children or her family get hurt, both being quick ways to make an enemy of her. She find's most civilizations problematic, though think elves have the right idea of how to handle both, seeing theirs as a model for the rest to follow for anyone who craves civilization. She dislikes boars, finding their meat rather gamey and bland.

Virtues & Personality perks

Violetta has a very nurturing personality, which especially shows in her care for children. She's also very calm and collected, even when riled up, allowing her to act level-headed even under stress. She cares deeply for her flock and loves every one wholeheartedly, to the point she'd gladly throw herself in front of danger to protect them.

Vices & Personality flaws

Violetta is very confident in herself and her views, leading to no small amount of arrogance. She truly believes that her vision is the best and that forcing others to follow it is ultimately helping them see "reason". She also holds the species of her parentage, that of griffins and rocs, to be the greatest livings beings, with everything else coming in second. She's also quite the luddite and finds civilization to be more of an eyesore than anything else, a mistake perpetrated by people who simply don't know any better.


She does occasionally bathe in local lakes and rivers if she's gotten really dirty, though prefers grooming sessions with her flock.



Violetta has ruled her territory in the Wilderness since 2668 AIT. Its borderes have shifted many times since then, though overall it has managed to grow significantly larger in a relatively short time.

Contacts & Relations

Cloudbill: Her second-in-command and trusted friend.

Family Ties

Boneclaw: Her mother   Mistclaw: Her father

Social Aptitude

Violetta has a strong and domineering personality. She's very social and loves both giving and receiving attention.

Hobbies & Pets

Violetta enjoys watching the world heart of her sphere and dreams of travelling to other spheres to see their unique world hearts. She also enjoys singing and often gets her flock arranged into a choir to sing with.


Violetta loves using the term "embrace", specially in regards to how she thinks people should act. People should embrace nature, embrace her flock and so on.

Wealth & Financial state

Violetta has collected a lot of magical items and assorted treasures, though finds little personal use for them, instead using them as bait for adventures and knights
Year of Birth
2652 AIT 341 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born through divine magic to allow her parents, a griffin and a roc, able to crossbreed
The Wilderness
Current Residence
The Wilderness
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Violet feathears and fur, with dark spots on her fur
8.8 meters long 7.3 meters tall
1.9 tonne
Quotes & Catchphrases
Welcome to the Flock: Her usual greeting to new members, however they joined.
Known Languages
Comun: Langauge of the Sovereignties. She learnt in during her expeditions to those lands, mastering it so she could more easily talk with and sway its peoples.   Derkomai: The most common language in the Wilderness and the language she grew up with.   Poky: She learnt this language from an adventure she adopted into her flock. She can speak it well, but is illeterate in it.


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