Rennbuedale Geographic Location in Spheres | World Anvil
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The mystical Rennbuedale has captured the imagination of many. Already legendary back in the days where it was merely a mysterious and hard to reach place, the Rennbuedale Kingdom's jealous guarding of the land has only added to its mystique.   The valley is a fertile land, rich in ressources and magic, a place where fairies play and nymphs walk among the trees. The land has always resisted attempts at civilizing it and the Rennbuedale Kingdom has wisely never pushed the issue, forming the realm around the valley rather than trying to tame it. The lake in the centre is said to be the home of spirits of life and mystical beings alike, with a sip conferring the essence of life itself. All knights of the kingdom have tasted this mysterious liquid and been strengthened by it. Because of these properties, the kingdom is every careful against letting just anyone have an attempt at getting a drink.


Grey cliffs surround the valley. Much of the ground is covered by thick, ancient forests. Lakes and streams are plentyfull. A great lake dominates the centre, a massive waterfall filling it. Whenever the sun shines, rainbows can be seen in the misty clouds of droplets.


The dense forest and plentiful waters lead to a rich array of animals.

Localized Phenomena

The centre lake is difficult for any sapient being to find. Even when marked on a map, the forest, streams and cliffs seem to subtly twist to make progress and challenge. Rivals seem drawn to one another and wild beasts always appear right around the corner. Yet the road never seem impassable, just difficult. Those who drink from the waters of Lake Rennbuedale are said to be blessed with vitality and strength.

Fauna & Flora

A wide array of animals and beasts live in Rennbuedale, from the humbe hare to the mighty boletosaurus. A wide array of plants also grow in the vale.

Natural Resources

There's plenty of wood and minerals in Rennbuedale. However, the few attempts at harvesting have all ended in escalating incidents, as if the land itself rejects such exploitation. The magical waters of Lake Rennbuedale is the most precious resource, though lose all power if removed from the valley. Drinking this liquid fortifies the body, removing wear and healing wounds, even reversing age to some degree. A second immediate sip has no effect and one must return at a later date to regain the benefits of a drink. The exact time is unknown, but a year and a day is the rule of thumb.


For a long time, Rennbuedale was a place shrouded in myth, a place that lured in adventurers and explorers to get a taste of its fabled waters. But in 2494 AIT, a burgeoning kingdom decided to turn the valley into its centrepiece. With an army of mercenaries, including the infamous vampire Dahlia Damutamu, and loyalists, they managed to conquer the valley and surrounding lands. The four leaders, a human, an elf, a dwarf and a merfolk, journeyed to lake Rennbuedale and sipped its waters, swearing upon the place to stand by each other. Thus was founded the Rennbuedale Kingom.   In 2503 AIT, it became pofficial policy that all knights of the kingdom would have to seek out and find the waters of Lake Rennbuedale before they could fully be considered knights of the realm, with all privilieges that entailed.


Many seek the waters of Lake Rennbuedale, though most end up turning back at some point. These day, entry is strictly regulated by the Rennbuedale Kingdom. Those who wish to enter must not only fill out and then have an application approved, but must also pay a substantial fee.
Alternative Name(s)
Valley of Rainbows


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