Ogre Species in Spheres | World Anvil
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Ogres makes for an imposing sight, hulking figures made of muscle covered in shaggy wool. They are renowned both for their great physical strength and their incredible toughness, allowing a naked ogre to go toe to toe with a fully armored knight. Fully aware of this fact, ogres take no guff from nobody and gladly bring their physical strength to bear should anyone antagonize them.   Once engaged in battle, an ogre's first instinct is usually to ram the target and then pound them into the dirt like a tent peg, an approach that works out most of the time. Should this fail, ogres will attempt to use the terrain to gain an advantage and seek to dismantle the enemy piece by piece if that is what is required.

Basic Information


Ogres have a bipedal build, having two legs, two arms and one head. Their legs end in massive hooves and two curling horns sprout from their head. They are covered in shaggy, curling fur, which insulates them from water and cold. Beyond that, this wool is tough enough to serve as armor. Ogres are strong, their bodies built with dense layers of muscles, allowing them to resist blows that would knock others out cold and hit with the force of a falling boulder.

Biological Traits

Female ogres have more pronounced breasts, due to deposits of fat and mammary glands that allow them to feed their young milk.

Genetics and Reproduction

Ogres reproduce through sexual intercourse. The impregnated female will carry the fetus to term over a period of about a year and a season.

Growth Rate & Stages

Ogres give birth to a single child. Baby ogres start out relatively hairless and without their horns. They grow in size over the next twenty to twenty-four years. Ogres can usually walk during their second year and speak fluently at their fourth.

Ecology and Habitats

Ogres usually dwell in highland areas, wandering the hillsides and living off whatever they can find.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ogres are omnivores and sustain themselves with foraging and hunting. Some ogre communities also engage in animal husbandry and farming.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Ogres tend live in tight-knit groups of a dozen or so individuals. Ogres in more developed societies often exceed these numbers though. Families tend to have tight bonds with one another.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Ogre wool makes for very durable clothes and some entrepreneurial tribes do sell their excess hair.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Ogres are a common species and found in many spheres

Average Intelligence

Ogres are sapient and on par with your average human

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The eyes of an ogre a place at the side of their skull, giving them nearly 360 degree vision. Their large ears can easily pick up sounds beyond the hearing of a human. Their nose works on par with a human, however.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Ogre names tend to be guttural and sound big

Average Technological Level

Greatbow: One of the most common weapons used by ogres aside from their own bodies, greatbows are used against flying, distant or heavily armored targets.

Common Taboos

Tool use. Ogres have a history of relying upon nothing but their bodies, taking pride in the power inherent to them. A tool should only be used if it can do something they literally cannot do themselves and even then only as little as possible
Scientific Name
Fortis Ovium
150 years
Average Height
3.0-3.6 meters tall
Average Weight
450-600 kilo


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