Special agent Mars' terraformation advancements

Mars' terraformation advancements

Technological achievement


After roughly one hundred years, the project was finally partially completed with the establishment of an artificial magnetic field that will decrease the need for colonists to wear suits. With all this, the humans present there were able for the first time to escape the underground cities that had been built since the beginning of colonization and begin to massively occupy the surface with subdome cities. Indeed, the process will take another 100 years to be fully completed, despite this, due to the low Martian gravity, the atmosphere is not dense enough to allow humans to breathe without equipment even today. The same characteristic forces the inhabitants to stay in the closed facilities to gain access to an earth gravity. The underground cities which made the particularity of Mars began to be gradually abandoned and this one experienced a phenomenal increase in its population. Several technologies that were used during terraforming will go a long way to repairing the damage caused on Earth by humans before the discovery of fusion. Also, atmospheric manipulation technologies will greatly slow down the effects of global warming and begin to remove excess carbon dioxide from the Earth's atmosphere.

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