Qravadox Species in Special Agent | World Anvil


Basic Information


The qravadox have a slender body, covered with a skin mixing black and a color that can vary according to the ethnic groups, this one is thin giving a tight appearance which allows to see their proto-skeleton through it. Their two legs end in feet which have two appendages, these forming an unclosed triangle. Their two arms, meanwhile, each have four fingers, one of which is the equivalent of a thumb, which allows them to handle what they are holding. Their head forms a sort of L and have a diamond-shaped mouth at the end that allow them to eat as well as store the food that is decomposed in it. Their torso is covered with the orifices connected to the organs which emit the spores and pheronomes which are useful to them in communicating with their fellows.

Genetics and Reproduction

The reproduction of the qravadox is based mainly on the spores which they reject three times in life, once at the age of ten years, another time at fifteen years and finally at the age of twenty. Once released from the body, they will travel through the air until they land on the ground, they will then form a primary mycelium which will grow underground. These will then form secondary mycelia from primary mycelia of opposite polarity i.e. positive with negative, this is when reproduction really occurs. With the definitive mycelium, a shell forms underground where the small qravadox develops, at the end of its development, the small one will merge with its shell which will become its skin. Once this is done, the baby will extricate itself from the ground and officially be born, the rest of its development will take place above ground. All this means that qravadoxes do not need partners to reproduce since each qravadox has enough to form positive or negative secondary mycelia with their spores, there is also no gender.

Growth Rate & Stages

Childhood takes place between birth and the age of five, adolescence between six and nine. Eventually they enter adulthood at the age of ten where they have their first spore release, their peak life is around fifteen years. Naturally, their life expectancy is twenty-four years, but obviously their technological progress has enabled them to exceed this limit.

Ecology and Habitats

The qravadox's natural habitat is the temperate forests of their home planet where they generally find everything they need to live, they have obviously extended their habitat with their technological development and the arrival of the civilizational stage. It is also in these forests that they find the ideal soil for the development of their young, which need a lot of nutrients at the start of their growth.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Qravadox are omnivorous, eating just about anything they can get their hands on, their bodies naturally breaking down organic matter to use as energy. Thanks to this diet, they were able to adapt to several environments to spread over a large part of their home planet.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The social structure of the qravadox is quite egalitarian since it benefits from the central government's wealth redistribution programs. However, technocrats, who represent scientists, engineers, and other positions surrounding science and technology form a class of their own within qravadox society. This distinction is not monetary, it is much more related to a matter of prestige and renown in society. This is demonstrated in the government structure where the Federal Council of Science and Technology, although not a decision-making body, has great influence over political decisions. All this focus on science and technology is due to the fact that the qravadox had to rely mainly on their tools to fight predators and not on their physique which did not offer them enough means of defense.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The qravadox are for the great majority concentrated within the Qravadox Directorate because this one being the political organization which represents them within the galaxy, this organization is also the fruit of their expansion within it.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The qravadoxs have a very fine sense of smell that they inherited from their ancestor who had to flee their predators and identify their congeners, it is this sense of smell that allowed them to distinguish them. Their vision is also limited to their forward field of vision since their eyes are not on a spinning head, but on their torso above their holes to release their spores.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The major organization of this species is the Qravadox Empire whose capital is the home planet of qravadoxs, this organizations is the result of the expansion of qravadoxs in the galaxy since the discovery of the wormhole network. It is this organization that represents and defends the qravadox interests within the galaxy, it is also one of the galaxy's great powers which allows the qravadoxss to have a great influence on galactic geopolitics.

Average Technological Level

The Qravadox Empire is approximately on the same technological level as most other entities in the galaxy. Having developed several key technologies in the field of genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, nano-robotics as well as the mastery of supra-luminal travel. All these advances have made it possible to increase life expectancy, facilitate space transport and many other benefits for the population as well as the economy.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The qravadox have a very particular conception of languages, rather than communicating by sound waves, they rather speak by pheromones which they release. The different languages being differentiated by the type of these used, a rather incredible variety of these having developed over time to weave increasingly complex massages. Writing is also used to transcribe these messages and for long distance communications, the communication devices detecting pheromones and transmitting the messages in writing. The two most important languages within the Qravadox population are Krati and Uqano, these two languages are also the official languages of the empire. Others are obviously spoken by the population, but they are more used in the private domain, official ones are used in administration and business.


Originally very large mushrooms growing on the ground of their planet of origin, the qravadoxs have quietly left the ground to migrate on the bark of dead trees. The cause of this migration comes from an atmospheric change of their planet caused by an underwater earthquake which released hundreds of tons of carbon dioxide. With this greater concentration, a great planetary drought was unleashed which decimated a significant portion of the tree cover of most forests. As a consequence of the drought, the humidity level increased a lot due to the increase in the temperature, all these factors will favor the fungi which will thrive on the corpses of the trees. These having an abundance of food, having evolved to capture water from the atmosphere to use it and the fact that they breathe carbon dioxide to release oxygen, all of these factors will greatly help their development.

Unfortunately for them, the excess carbon dioxide will slowly dissipate, be absorbed by themselves and the rest of the fauna, bringing temperatures back to normal levels and drastically reducing the amount of water vapor in the environment atmosphere. In addition, the dead forest cover that corresponds to their remaining habitat will not be sufficient to feed their entire population which will, without threatening them with extinction, trigger a disaster in terms of population. Those who will survive this event will adopt two radical changes to survive. The first being that they develop legs as well as arms to move around and thus be able to access more food than they had by just staying on the trees.

To move these legs as well as these arms, they also developed a proto-skeleton, muscles and even the beginning of a brain to coordinate their whole body. The second being at the level of reproduction, instead of making dozens of young each cycle, which inevitably causes overpopulation problems. The number of fertilizing will be drastically reduced in their spore which will make them develop a maximum of three young in all their life, the reproduction will also undergo changes to adapt to their new state. These changes will of course take place over hundreds of thousands of years, but when this is completed, the qravadox will officially become a presentient species. Predators also started to hunt them, to better protect themselves, the qravadox started to gather and coordinate to defeat them.

These interactions drastically increased their level of intelligence and they even begin to developed primitive tools. At first purely defensive, these tools will very quickly be used to hunt smaller animals that they will kill to take their meat that their body breaks down naturally and then consume it. Following this, their history followed a normal course with the discovery of more and more technologies, the development of complex societies, kingdoms and later countries which made the war until their planetary unification. From there, they will gradually expand into their home system with the discovery of their version of the Star Drive and in the galaxy following the construction of their first gate a little bit later.
Scientific Name
Ciboria Qravadi
Average Height
2.1 - 2.4 meters
Average Weight
55 - 80 kg
Average Length
0.9 -1.3 meters
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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Apr 5, 2022 12:56 by Jason Hosler

Interesting writeup. Lots of cool details, although there are some places that could definitely use some expansion, so some notes (bottom to top): 1) It is weird to read a History section written in future tense. 2) It is very uncommon for a species to shift from being herbivorous to omnivorous. I would think it would make more sense for them to learn to cultivate animals for by-products, mainly fertilizer to use to encourage plant growth. 3) If they want high temps and high humidity, wouldn't they have developed technology to encourage that environment on their planet? Given the ecological trends on earth, it would seem that following a natural technological growth into an industrial age would normally lead to increasing CO2 and heat, as it did on earth. 4) I would think that given the way fungi grows, does it make sense they would develop discrete organs? I would think it more likely that they would develop organs that are distributed throughout the body mass, which would make them very resilient to damage from limb loss or physical wounds, but much more susceptible to disease or poisoning as it would spread everywhere within them. 5) In languages, pheromones is spelled incorrectly 6) As pheromones would indicate that their language is scent based, what is the actual difference between their languages, both from a Qravadox persepective and for other species "overhearing" a conversation? 7) Why would their vents for spores and vision develop only on their front? See my earlier comment about organ distribution. Wouldn't they be likely to have vents either randomly scattered, or arranged in a full ring around their primary body mass? 8) You don't mention it in the societal breakdown, but as they call it an Empire, is there an Emperor? As you mention that scientists and technologists are an elevated social caste, wouldn't it make more sense for it to be a Technocracy or Meritocracy with power focused on that caste? Perhaps having a Head Project Manager or Prime Scientist instead of an Emperor, or even just some Ruling Council. 9) You mention that they have an "L-shaped head with a diamond shaped mouth". Do they have a neck, or simply an odd shaped protuberance from the top of their body mass? You also mention that the mouth is used for emitting hormones instead of pheromones. Also most creatures that use pheromones do not have a specific orifice for expressing them, but particular emission organs. It could also make a lot of biological sense that the vents used for vision and spores would also be capable of venting communication pheromones. 10) It isn't clear if Qravadox need other Qravadox to breed. The way it is written, if they drop spores on top of fertile soil, new Qravadox will be born. Would these children be genetic clones of their parent? Do spores mix? As the Qravadox know when their spores will drop, do they tend to collect the spores and preserve them until they can drop them on ideal soil, or find a mate(s) to mix spores with?

Apr 5, 2022 18:11 by Sacha Ricard

I first wanted to thank you for your comment, it is very relevant and it allowed me to correct many errors, I will tell you what I did for each of your points.     1) I corrected the verb tense for the past simple, thanks for pointing it out   2) They didn't completely change their diet since the mushrooms could eat any decaying matter, it's just that the food available was mainly vegetable. The real change is not really the diet, but more the nature of the food since they are now driving it away.   3) Yes and no, when they had their mushroom form it was indeed their preferred environment, but their evolution towards bipedality did not make this characteristic absolutely necessary. Only for the development of young underground is this ideal, but adults can live without it by spraying themselves with water to meet their water needs. Moreover, when they discovered the effect of CO2 on the atmosphere, they after a period of inaction changed their method of production.   4) Good idea! I change some things to include it into the species anatomy.   5) I corrected the error.   6) For other species, there are no differences, but qravadox are able to detect subtleties in pheromones and therefore determine the language.   7) This is because the qravadox developed them this way so they could throw them in the direction of the wind with their bodies to release them.   8) It's mentioned in the Qravadox Empire article, in the sidebar under the executive body.   9) Typing error, I think the new wording will be clearer, tell me what you think.   10) Good point, I added all this details in the category for this purpose so you can tell me if you are satisfied with the new writing.

Sacha Ricard
Creator of the world Special Agent
Any feedback will be greatly appreciated!