Joint Chiefs of Staff Organization in Special Agent | World Anvil

Joint Chiefs of Staff

The supreme body of the armed forces, it is responsible for leading and coordinating the action of the armed forces to ensure the defense of the territory as well as the interests of the Republic. Even if it is not he who makes the actual decisions on the ground, this role is assigned to the various commands which are under his authority, they must nevertheless follow his directives which have priority when he issues them.


The Joint Chiefs of Staff is directed by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who receives orders from the President, who is the supreme commander of the armed forces. It is the combination of the numerous commands under the authority of the Joint Chiefs of Staff which have responsibility for many aspects of the armed forces, such as logistics or personnel. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is appointed by the President from a candidate chosen by the Bureau of Military Affairs. Under the supervision of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Special Forces Joint Staff brings together the Commander of the Task Force and of the Maritime Commandos who direct as well as coordinate all the special forces units.

High Command

Led by the Chief of the Armed Forces, the High Command or HIGHCOM is the highest directing body of the republican armed forces, he must make the link between these and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The tasks of this command is to apply the directives of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, make the link between the commands under his authority as well as the Joint Chiefs of Staff, approve or refuse the creation of operational commands by the regional ones, to ensure coordination between the branches of the armed forces and to be sure that the armed forces cover all the territory of the Republic for a good defense. This command is the most important since it has under its authority the regional commands and those of the four main branches of the armed forces.

Strategic Command

Led by the Chief of Strategy along with the Vice Chief of Strategy, the Strategic Command or STRATCOM must plan the overall possible actions of the armed forces in accordance with the strategic objectives of the Republic and with what is found by Intelligence Command. Also, he must advise on the strategic needs of the armed forces to counter any potential enemy technological development and remain competitive with other galactic powers. His role is very important since it is generally he who proposes battle plans for the Joint Chiefs of Staff for large-scale military operations, such as an intervention in foreign territory or the defense of the territory of the Republic.

Intelligence Command

Led by the Chief of Intelligence along with the Vice Chief of Intelligence, the Intelligence Command or INTELCOM is in charge of centralizing the various information found by all actors of the armed forces, those of the National Intelligence Agency and the Military Intelligence Agency. Even more, it must indicate the general direction of the MIA in its operations according to the requests or orders of the different commands of the armed forces. Finally, he must alert the Republic or any other services of the state apparatus which would be concerned if a threat against his national security surfaces.

Personnel Command

Led by the Chief of Personnel along with the Vice Chief of Personnel, the Personnel Command or PERSCOM is in charge of taking new soldiers as well as officers to their first assignments, the trainning of all armed forces personnel and approve the transfer of members of the armed forces between different branches. Also, it need to recording everything related to the military careers of each armed forces' personnel for storage in military's archives and so that they are subsequently accessible to other high-ranking members of the armed forces. However, purely administrative tasks such as payments, recruitment or entry forms are entrusted to the Department of Defense.

Medical Command

Led by the Chief Medical along with the Vice Chief Medical, the Medical Command or MEDCOM is in charge to treat all members of the armed forces injured in combat or at any time during their active service, manage as well as put in place permanent military hospitals or the temporary ones at the rear and manage the hospital ships fleet. Although this is more secondary, it also ensures the psychological health of soldiers since psychologists are also present in military hospitals and hospital ships. However, the long-term care of patients is carried out by the public services of the sector of residence of the soldier.

Cyber Command

Led by the Chief of Cyber along with the Vice Chief of Cyber, the Cyber Command or CYBCOM must protect and maintain the infrastructure that allows communications for the armed forces so that they can communicate at any time and thus ensure the coordination of national defense. It can also order offensive actions against the enemy's cyber infrastructure, temporarily establish them during offensive action in times of war and collaborate with the civilian government in the field of communications if necessary.

Logistics Command

Led by the Chief of Logistics along with the Vice Chief of Logistics, the Logistics Command or LOGICOM must ensure the proper supply of the armed forces by efficiently transporting all the necessary supplies from the National Defense Production warehouses to units that need it. This service is the most important for the proper functioning of the armed forces, it is thanks to him that the latter can accomplish their objectives.

Public Agenda

Its role is to coordinate the actions of the four branches, support multiple other roles through the various commands it administers, to apply the orders of the president and to transmit the state of the armed forces to him. His role is essential in the chain of command, it is he who takes the most important decisionsĀ in terms of overall strategy and deal with the appointment of combatant commanders of the various regional commands, most of which follow the sector boundary. However, three are dedicated to actions abroad, but they are only activated in times of war.


The Joint Chiefs of Staff uses the Archangel Station, in orbit of Jupiter, where the High Command and the seat of his leader is located. All who do not touch this command sit at the Habashiya Center, in the city of Addis Ababa on Earth. However, it does not own these places since everything belongs to the Department of Defense who take care of most of the armed forces' administration.
Founding Date
Military, Armed Forces
Parent Organization


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