Gorrans Species in Space Lore | World Anvil
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The Gorrans are a species native to the planet Sollas. They are massive beings, averaging at 8 feet tall, with bodies rippled with muscle. A thick layer of white fur coats their frame, and is exceptionally soft and pleasant to the touch. They have long snouts, stretching out from their faces like a dog's would, and relatively small eyes in comparison to the rest of their faces. They have short and round ears on the top of their head which can turn and rotate to better hear their surroundings. They stand upright and have four limbs, with five fingers and toes each. Their fingers have short, blunt claws on the ends of them.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Gorrans live best in large and open areas. Villages that are more spread out tend to work great for them, and even their major cities are usually vast sprawling landscapes which one might think of as an exceptionally large suburb. That said, they can still function quite well on ships or in other, more tightly-packed cities.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Gorrans are omnivorous, but greatly prefer to eat meat than vegetation. Their cooking often incorporates lots of various types of meat in a single dish, with sparse vegetables for flavoring.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While their relatively small eyes make it more difficult for them to see than other species, their long noses more than make up for this, and are used as their primary method in sensing the world around themselves.
50-70 years
Average Height
7-9 feet

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