Uldûzlár¸rın Mífôlogiyásı (Mif) Character in S.P.A.C.E | World Anvil
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Uldûzlár¸rın Mífôlogiyásı (Mif)

Written by dweam

Uldûzlár¸rın Mífôlogiyásı (a.k.a. Mif)

History: Raised in the the lower sections of the somur mothership Jed Opilate, Mif was born in bad clutch of 4 eggs after her mother was raped and abandoned in the engineering decks. After her siblings all died off 5 years later, Mif’s mother was devastated. She turned for her sister, Üstün İnsan, for help. Though only a minor politician at the time, she agreed to take them in. Angry at the presence of another sudden adult figure in her life, Mif ran away often, which resulted in groundings, which resulted in more anger. At one point, one of Üstün İnsan diplomacy missions had gone south and she was held captive. Her mother was freaking out, and quietly, Mif snuck out of the house. She didn’t return for days. The somur just wandered from housing to housing, street to street, sector to sector. When the police caught up to Mif, they didn’t take her home.They didn’t even take her to jubie. “Where are you taking me?” she asked. To your aunt’s, they simply said. “So she's safe.” Yes, the somur answered curtly. “What about mom? Is she ok?” The police didn’t answer. As they continued their journey to Üstün İnsan’s apartment, a horrible truth was learned. On Somur Month 6, 0325 AB, Ulduzların Mifologiyası ran away from home. On Somur Month 6, 0325 AB, Ulduzların Mifologiyası’s mother committed suicide. In the years that followed, the relationship between Mif’s aunt and herself began to repair itself, if only over the shared loss for such an important person in their life. As Üstün İnsan’s presence in the community grew, so did their bond. The two became quite close. So close, in fact, that by the time Mif was at the tender age of 27 (18 in human years), she couldn’t imagine life without such a kind, understanding, wonderful person that was her dear aunt Üstün İnsan. Not all things could last forever though. Mif was being pressured more and more to be a politician like Üstün, and after several nasty fights, Mif eventually ran away to the nearest planet, Concordia IX. Although she does miss her aunt terribly, Mif is not quite ready to come back to the expectant people on Jed Opilate. Personality: Wew! Now that all the depressing stuff is out of the way, let's get down to the nitty-gritty. Mif is very facetted character, but ultimely a very straightforward one. She in general tries her best to think analytically, with varying success. Her beliefs are set in stone, and even presented with evidence, Mif’s emotions will try to get in the way for her to accept the truth. Mif is also extremely protective of anyone that she remotely cares about, which is not in the least surprising. It can get to the point where her paranoia and anxiety goes through the roof, and at the worst times, seriously break concentration of those around her. When confronted why, all she says is “I lost some people in my life.” or “I don’t want to lose you guys too.” It takes a very comforting and familiar environment for any progress to be made. Basically needs level 10 friendship to unlock Tragic Backstory™. Should Üstün İnsan ever unexpectedly confront her in front of the rest of the cast, unless immediately prevented or without some serious character development, Mif will run away from her problems again, and disappear for at least a few days.


Üstün İnsan

aunt (Vital)

Towards Uldûzlár¸rın Mífôlogiyásı (Mif)



Uldûzlár¸rın Mífôlogiyásı (Mif)

niece (Important)

Towards Üstün İnsan



Owned Vehicles

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