Unraveled Condition in Sonnerand | World Anvil


Unraveled is a condition that causes the afflicted to lose the ability to cast, control, and be affected by magic. Due to the fact that Sonnerand is an intrinsically magical world, almost every creature born on Sonnerand can be afflicted by this condition. The Weave is woven into an Sonnerian's DNA. Extraplanar beings, or beings from other material planes, are not affected by unraveling.   Unraveling happens in a number of ways. The most common is through the use of the exceedingly rare Unravel Stone. This special elemental rock breaks down magic more effectively than lead and, when touching a magic user, can cause unraveling. Prolonged exposure to Unravel Stone can, like a radioactive isotope, cause bouts of sickness and exhaustion in those who wear it.   Certain high-level spells can cause the Unraveled condition. Spells like Dismantel Magic-- like its sister spell Dispel Magic-- can create a short area of Unraveled magic or drain the magic abilities from an individual for over a day. Other spells like Raze Arcana take this same philosophy and weaponize it; rapidly draining a pocket of space from magic energy, often to a volatile degree. The most dangerous versions of these spells won't just strip a person of their magic ability; they will cause their DNA to unravel as well. This is, obviously, fatal.   More still, there are areas of hostile antimagic space. Unlike analogous Antimagic Fields, Unraveled Space are areas where magic is actively repelled. The former causes magic to swirls around the perimeter of its space, like a ball under the ocean. The latter pushes magic violently away from itself, like similar ends of a magnet. In these spaces, attempting to utilize magic can cause disastrous effects, like internal spell combustion or mass backfires.   When someone is afflicted with Unraveled; they must wait for their bodies to restabilize to arcane energy. This process can take many days. Alternatively, another spellcaster can attempt to use magic like Greater Restoration to revive someone's arcane capabilities. The challenge with this is curing Unraveling is a laborious endeavor for the afflicted and the curer. There is a chance that the spell rebounds off the unraveled individual and worsens the condition. In the most dreadful of cases, inexperienced spellcasters have caused Unraveled individuals to permanently lose their magic ability and connection to the Weave.   This truly is a worse-case scenario. Sonnerians cut off from the Weave, particularly Sonnerian elves, orcs, & gnomes (all post-dematalyst races) lose a facet of their existence. Once they're cut off like this, they will die a slow and heavy death.


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