Kal Taijo Hanuyi Character in Somar (The Kronatayan Race) | World Anvil
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Kal Taijo Hanuyi

Joji Pai Kal Taijo Hanuyi

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

When he was Joji, he wore a blue tunic with a blue and yellow zig zagg pattern on it's left side. He also wore a crown made from gold strands with a single yellow jewel at it's center. He was never very much for extravagance.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kal was born into a small farm on the outskirts of Sinoya. He had a relatively normal childhood for farm boy, he was deeply curious about all things and wished to learn more about them. His pursuit was limited by the fact that he was still a common farm boy, education wasn't something within his reach just quite yet.


When Kal managed to pass the Ubedil, he was finally within reach of his goals, or so he thought. For he still had to go through with training, which he saw as an obstacle to overcome. Training was hard for him, but he kept at it, just for a chance to acquire knowledge, and barely managed to pass.
After he had left the waring tribes of his people, Kal simply wandered and wandered, exploring almost the entirety of the known world. In his travels, he was able to learn much and experience many things. He journeyed for about 3 Tausian years until he decided to return to his ancestral lands. He ventured home with the intent for change, his people would never get anywhere if the way things were persisted.


Early Military Career
In his early life, he only participated in two battles as an Anai'ish Ako Bel, a cavalry unit. Both were in a small territory dispute between his own house and Kolara, a neighboring house. In the first one, he barely managed to pull through. Physically he came out mostly unscathed, with only some minor cuts and fractures. But in the mental sense it was a different story. He was left mentally scared from all the death he saw. Kal did not posses the hardened heart of a warrior, but his drive to learn more about the world kept him going. What finally broke him was the second battle, for in it his Tahel was utterly massacred. In the confusion of the massacre, he managed to flee the battle without being seen. He just kept running and running till he managed to escape the borders of the warring tribes of Balbekan, which is how his adventure started.
Time as a Modin Alji

Accomplishments & Achievements

Through wit and clever planning he was able to unit the 48 waring tribes of Balbekan under one banner through armed conquest. No other Kronatayan in history was able to do what he did at the turn of the millennium.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

A good leader, very intelligent, and always doing what must be done regardless of what people may say or think.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Pai Joji Kal Taijo Hanuyi
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
1985 AR 2001 AR 16 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Circumstances of Death
Light blue
Black and short
183 cm
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Yanda as well as old Yanda

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