Anai'ish Profession in Somar (The Kronatayan Race) | World Anvil
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A young boy of a tribe must complete a test known as the Ubedil. The Ubedil is split into three parts, the Rami na Ubedil, the Non na Ubedil and the Jozo na Ubedil. These three tests are used determined whether or not the boy is fit to be a potential Anai'ish.

Career Progression

When a boy is chosen, he must ascend through two ranks before he actually becomes an Anai'ish. The ranks are the Kina, Kinai'ish, and then Anai'ish Ako, at that point he is considered a full fledged Anai'ish.

Payment & Reimbursement

An Anai'ish's payment varied greatly across the clans that owned them. As their was no widely accepted currency among the clans, it was not simply a matter of paying them in money. Many time it was simply reimbursement in the form of material wealth, whether that be food and supplies or even bronze is a matter for the clan they are in service to.



They serve as the soldiers and protectors of the Yannem Empire.

Social Status

To be an Anai'ish is to be considered a first class citizen. The Anai'ish is a highly decorated and renowned profession.


The average of Anai'ish to basic citizens is about 22 percent.


They say that the first Anai'ish evolved from the stone age warriors of ancient Balbekan.



The tools of an Anai'ish are actually quite varied because they themselves are quite varied. The Anai'ish are the entirety of the Yannem's military forces so to have them be a variety of different units is a necessity. But the most common type, the Anai'ish Ako Tan carries the Ekitai, their short sword back-up weapon, the Ato, their main battle spear, the Harkoku, their shield. Their armor most consistantly consisted of a skirted conical helm along with their mask as well as metal shin guards. As for the rest of their armor, it was wildly inconsistent as each clan usually did something different to equip their soldier. It largely came down to the wealth of that particular clan. The poorer clans usually left it up to the individual to armor the rest of their body while the richer ones give their Anai'ish suits of chain mail woven into a thick coat to wear.
Alternative Names
Anai'ish Koi
Related Locations
Ranks & Titles

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