Bardic Spell List in Sleyterra | World Anvil

Bardic Spell List


Faerie Lights

Casting Time: 1 Action (Bonus Action to move them in combat)

Range: 160feet

Components: Somatic, Material: Glowmoss

Duration: 1minute, concentration

Dice Mechanics: None.

Five gently glowing lights appear within range. Each one lights a 10 foot sphere and can be spaced up to 10 feet apart. Outside of combat they can be freely maneuvered within the range of the spell and each other. Many times these lights will appear like small faeries with barely perceptible wings extending past their glowing centers.

Lights will wink out if they are out of the spell range.


Casting Time: 1 Action

Range: 30 feet

Component:Verbal or Somatic

Duration: 1 minute, can be dismissed with an action

Dice Mechanics: N/A

A small spectral faerie appears and can be used to move objects weighing less than 10lbs, open unlocked doors or chests, remove items from open containers, or empty out vials. This specter cannot activate magic items, or attack.


Casting Time: Instant, Action

Range: 30 feet

Component: Verbal, Somatic, Material: Pinch of Salt

Duration: Instant, Action

Dice Mechanics: Roll a ranged attack, on a hit the target takes 1d6+1 piercing damage

A spectral dagger appears behind the target and plunges into their back. On a missed attack the dagger passes through the target harmlessly.


Casting Time: 1 Action

Range: 120 feet

Component: Verbal, Somatic, Material: Short piece of wire(any metal)

Duration: 1 Round

Dice Mechanics: N/A

Pointing, or gesturing at a creature within range you are able to send a

Tebin’s Mercy

Casting Time: Action

Range: Touch

Component: Verbal, Material: Petal from a tebiria flower

Duration: Instant

Dice Mechanics: N/A

Touching your target, you call on Tebin to be merciful and she answers by stabilizing the target at 0hp.


Tebin’s Embrace

Casting Time: Action

Range: 60 feet

Component:Verbal, Somatic

Duration: Immediate

Dice Mechanics: 1d6 + Casting Modifier of healing

As you speak and reach for your target a set of glowing arms wrap around your target and heal them.

Level 2

Spark of Love

Casting Time: Bonus Action

Range: 30 feet

Component: Verbal, Somatic

Duration: 30 minutes

Dice Mechanics: Advantage on the next skill challenge.

Expressing your confidence in your target’s skill, you give them advantage on the next thing they do within the duration of the spell.

Broken Dreams

Casting Time: Action

Range: 30 feet

Component: Verbal, Somatic

Duration: Immediate

Dice Mechanics: 2d6 Psychic Damage

Your words cut deep, and shatter the dreams of your target dealing damage.


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