The Snowroost Mountains Geographic Location in Skydwellers | World Anvil
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The Snowroost Mountains

"I don't think I'll ever forget that moment. The clouds parted, as if welcoming us, and we could see them - a breathtaking span of mountains blanketed with snow that nearly extended into the horizons. I mean, I had always heard about them, and I knew they were there,! I think that's the moment that I knew that I would become a Charter. To travel the Outer Realm and experience that all over again, in a thousand different new ways...hang the consequences, curse the danger, but I'm going!"
-Sam Wintersplit, renowned Charter


Also known as the Himalayas by those on the ground, the Snowroost mountain range is a huge mountain range that spans miles and miles. It houses some of the world's tallest mountains, and receives a large amount of attention from both Skydwellers and ground dwellers alike. It has forests, and snows, an intricate cave system, and clouds surrounding it. In fact, the Himalayas are some of the most popular vacation sites for Skydwellers - though a certain portion of the mountains are restricted solely for scientific and preservative use.    Two separate forests are surrounding the mountains; the Hollyman Thicket and the Walsteral Covert. The Hollyman Thicket is located in the resort area of the peaks, on the western side and closer to the Inner realm. A portion of it extends up the lower slope of the mountains. The Walsteral Covert, which is more overgrown and dangerous, stretches around the western edge. The Ivory Snowfield is a small stretch of rock and snow that is relatively left alone by ground dwellers, probably for its avalanche-ish tendencies. The Azure Span, dotted with ponds, streams, and even a few waterfalls between clouds, sits to the north, and a small portion of it is accessible to the tourists.


The mountains themselves house a variety of ecosystems filled with nonmagical and magical life, thanks to their position on the very edge of the Inner Realm. From forests and snowspans untouched by man (and by man, I mean humans and dragons) brimming with magical and nonmagical life, to the caverns filled with dark and mysterious creatures, to the surrounding clouds that grow forest and house rivers, giving them a unique quality of housing some of the greatest diversity of life in the sky.

Localized Phenomena

One of the most interesting aspects of the Snowroost mountains is their effect on the gravitational pull of a compass - within a ten-mile radius around the peaks, all compasses, rather than pointing to magnetic north, will instead point straight to the tallest peak of the mountain range - Ascendance Peak. None have been able to reason out why this happens, though several studies are currently underway.

Fauna & Flora

From the graceful argents and aurifers to the vicious thornbrush, the forests of the Snowroost mountains are filled with all kinds of magical plant life. Some of them are deadly vines and thorns, some are flowers that can hurt or heal. But by far the most valuable plant life in the Snowroosts are the Amthryllison flowers - extremely rare flowers whose dust, when thrown, can form temporarily solid walls and bridges in the air. It is there that most scientists go to make a study of the flower's environment in order to find more.  
A great number of magical creatures can also be found in the Snowroosts, such as the Luminian Lynxes, some of whom have even been spotted on the mountains themselves, as well as Shiver Wolves, of which three separate packs have been identified. Also, there are the Silvertip Falcons, a wild breed of falcons whose wings are tipped with silver and seem to have a magical screech. Though one of the most renowned species that can be found deep in the caverns of the mountains are the Darkhounds.  


" my family and I visit the mountains every ten years or so, and it's just so beautiful and breathtaking - perfect for family flights and activities. It really is a shame that they've closed it down. It had better reopen soon - safety concerns, my claw! There's nothing unsafe about the mountains, and they're just trying to cover up after that kerfuffle a few weeks ago!
- a very disgruntled tourist
The Snowroost mountain range is second only to the City of Wonders in terms of tourist popularity. Two resorts surrounded by various activities, an array of hiking paths in the Hollyman Thicket, and several trails in the Azure Span combined make it one of the most highly favored vacation sites in the sky.


As far as current Skydwellers can tell, no permanent civilization has ever been set up near the Snowroosts. A few songs, sketch drawings, and poems about the mountains have been discovered, as well as the ruins of one or two lumber or mining outposts. Charters find that very odd, considering the rich variety and abundance of life there, as well as the fact that it's a stable landmark in a relatively repetitive sky. Though they haven't yet discovered the reason why, they've abstained from growing the Intercity Cartography station there because of its effect on their compasses. They have, however, established a small station, as the Snowroosts are one of the most popular destinations for Charters, despite the fact that it's technically in the Inner Realm.   The mountains themselves were rediscovered by the first expedition of Charters sent into the Outer Realm, one of whom was Samuel Wintersplit, a renowned Charter and discoverer of several species, including the Darkhounds. The first sightings of several prominent species such as Wingfish and tree swifts.    Small expeditions of Charters into the mountain caves have yielded little important discoveries, though one battered Charter described a painting of a narrow cavern with a dragon in it. Most dismiss the source as incredible, as he was half-delirious at the time that he spoke of it.   *important note: recent disturbance at Ascendance Peak has left a few people wondering about the possibility of another important historical event occurring in the mountains. A few Charters swear that they saw the Dragon King there, as well as a few totally unfamiliar dragons. Already the news has been leaked to the public, and a few small newspaper chains have published articles considering the matter. None of the bigger presses have taken on the theories - which some have taken as an even bigger sign that something happened, and important people are trying to hush up the news.
Mountain Range


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