Witches in Skies of Himinil | World Anvil
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It is difficult to describe what a Witch truly is. In the most basic of senses, they are people who have survived ingesting Warp Pearls. Though, that is not necessarily what they are. A witch is a font of magic. They are more akin to a force of nature that happen to have a body. Some would describe them as demigods. I would describe a Witch as a twisted idea made reality. A witch of cold embodies the idea of cold. They would have cold personalities, move slowly, and can warp reality around themselves to reflect their idea.   Every Witch, or Warlock if you prefer, is their own person. Or at least, they were their own person at one point. Now they are incredibly powerful, immortal sources of magic that create Fae, Sprites, and change the world to their whim. Luckily for the world, most Witches are not interested in destroying the world or being evil. Most people would call a Witch evil. This is because the Church spread that knowledge. Fearing their power, inquisitors hunt them down.  


  Every Witch has a theme or idea that they work under. This theme might be a concept, such as a Witch of love, or perhaps a force or object. A Storm Witch or Witch of the crows. A witch has complete control over their theme, including the more philosophical or psychological aspects of the theme. A Witch whose theme is fury would be able to cause someone to be angry, but they might also make a storm "angry". Some themes are more complicated. The theme might be difficult to sum up in a single sentence or be best represented by an image.   The theme of a Witch is usually an ironic theme. Someone with a fear of fire might gain a fire theme for example. Other times, the theme sort of intuitively makes sense for that Witch. A Witch who was fast to action, loves storms, and looses temper easy might have a lightning theme. The exact control over their theme is determined by how experienced a Witch is. To simplify things, there are three standard types of Witches.  

Witch Types

  The three types of witches based on their power and age. Newer witches fall into the first category, while the most ancient witches fall into the last. The three types are Dabblers, True Witches, and Elder Witches.  


  A Dabbler is a new Witch. Someone who has just survived eating the pearl. These Witches are confused, their mind is just now beginning to warp and they cannot control their magic effectively. Most Dabblers do not survive long. They often do not know well enough to hide from the Inquisition and are easily killed before they realize what they even are. Generally, after a few months a Dabbler is no longer confused about who they are. During this time, the Witch makes their Familiar. This is a subconscious act, bringing into being a Fae that knows everything the Witch does, but has a better understanding of the Magic. In children Dabblers the Familiar is usually their imaginary friend made real, while older Witch's familiar are reflections of how they view the world. The Familiar always reflects their theme as well.   As time goes on, the Dabbler delves deeper into madness. This is unavoidable and can be quite terrifying for the Dabbler and those around her. After approximately a year, they are fully insane and have been fully enveloped by their theme. At the same rate of their mind, a Dabblers body twists as well. Their form changes, taking on aspects of their theme and gaining a more "Witchy" appearance. Most Witches are eight to nine feet tall and have exaggerated forms. Sometimes a nose might be larger, warts would be exaggerated, or their form would be much more feminine. Once this transformation is complete, they have become a True Witch.   Most Witches do not make it past being a Dabbler, as the Inquisition kills them before they have the chance.  

True Witch

  True Witches have been a Witch for anywhere between one to hundreds of years. Being immortal, they cannot die of age. So clever Witches last quite a long time. True Witches are fully formed with all of their power. Usually, they take up a Lair. A Lair is a magical place that the Witch lives in. Often, the Lair is impossible to find unless you know how to get there. This makes it hard to hunt down True Witches, but the Inquisition definitely tries.   True Witches are capable of creating Fae at will, warp the region they live in to their liking, perform miracles, and do anything they like within their theme. The Witch is also much more difficult to kill. Often, the witch has a secret way to kill her. It is difficult to discover the method of killing a witch, but it is possible. The clues are there. The Witch does not increase in power from here until they become an Elder Witch.  

Elder Witch

  Elder Witches are the rarest and most powerful form of Witches. Most of them have been in existence since the dawn of man. There are only a handful of elder Witches at any given time. The transition from True Witch to Elder Witch is up to Geldah. Geldah, the Nerre who is most closely aligned with witches, can gift a Witch a black Warp Pearl. If devoured, the Witch goes into hibernation for a century and one day. Upon awakening, they are an Elder Witch.   If True Witches are described as demigods, an Elder witch is a true god. Should they will it, they can alter the world as a whole. They can cause gravity to flip, fire can be naturally hotter, and the dead can even come back if it fits in the Witches Theme. Most of the time, these Witches are simply content to exist. They sometimes take up hobbies, but rarely have the urge to change anything permanently. One example of these "Hobbies" is the (Raven Queen) who is currently running a small country. There are only a handful of Elder Witches right now, but any could awaken at any given moment.   Elder Witches often find themselves being worshiped. People and animals alike are in awe of their power. Some ignore this, others embrace it. Almost every god or monster in mythology can be tracked down to an Elder Witch that existed at any time.  

The Witch Hunt

  To the layman, a witch is a chaotic, dangerous monster that should be destroyed. The Inquisition reinforces this and rewards this behavior. A dead witch is worth a fortune, and Dabblers are worth a hefty sum as well. This led to Witch Hunters searching the lands for witches. Witch Hunters are part of the Inquisition and make it their life's work to hunt down and kill anything of the Wyrd.   As one could imagine, hunting a Witch is no small task. New Witches are not as powerful as they will be, so they are the easiest to kill. Elder Witches are nearly impossible to slay, but it has been done in the past. An army is usually required, but often a small group of brave heroes is much more effective for the job than any army. Witches have unique ways to kill them. Every Fae of theirs knows how to do it, but they would never tell such secrets unless the interrogator is especially adept at torture. Sometimes, Witch Hunters will risk mingling the the Wyrd in order to seek out Magi which know the secrets to killing witches.   Witches do not think the same way that mortals do. Often, they do not even conceptualize that they are mortal. This means they toy with Witch Hunters instead of kill them outright. They will play twisted games with them that may lead to the Witch Hunters demise, or their decent into madness.  

The Madness

  Witches minds are warped the same as their bodies. Every witch has some sort of strange outlook on the world. They might find pain cute, experience their life out of order, or think that everyone and everything is their enemy. Some Witches can be reasoned with and deals can be struck. But most of the time they are completely unreasonable. Some people have successfully struck deals with the more insane witches by understanding their madness. They figured out the way that witch sees the world, a task that can be quite difficult for those without imagination.  

Witches Lair

  Most Witches, not all, create a Lair. These Lairs are not as simple as some cave they hide in or a castle they rule over. A witches Lair is a magical place. They can only be entered in a special way. Becoming lost in the woods and asking an animal to lead the way, Draw a door with special chalk in a special place, Jump from a certain location in an act of faith, or solving a riddle are a few ways to enter the Lair. These Lairs exist outside of space, and often outside of time. Many adventurers seek out an entrance to a witches Lair in order to retrieve an item, speak to the witch, or meet a Fae they have fallen in love with.   A witch has complete control in their Lair. They can create and destroy things within with ease, though anything brought in from the real world cannot be destroyed. The Lairs also fit the theme of the Witch. The Porcelain Witch's Lair is a large tower made of porcelain and broken dolls. To continue to use this Lair as an example, to find it you must wear a broken porcelain mask and wander Meuclont until you find a tower that did not exist before.  


  When multiple Witches come together for a singular goal, usually three, they form a Coven. Covens are always formed for one purpose that aligns with all three Witches. Protecting a location, destroying a town, helping an adventurer on their quest, or raising an animal. Most Covens are temporary. However, some covens, like the one in Meuclont, watch over a location and thus exist for as long as the location does.   A Witch Coven is more powerful than all three Witches individually. They can seamlessly combine their magic and themes. Sometimes, unique Fae will result from Covens. For example, a Covenant of a Witch of Ice, of the Forest, and of the Sky could create together a massive snowstorm, floating forests, or alter a bear to be made of ice and be able to fly. Some of the strangest and most powerful magics are left over from Covens.  

Fae and sprites

  A Fae is a creature created by a Witch. They are usually made for a purpose, such as protecting a location or delivering a message. Fae often take a humanoid form but a Witch can create an animal just as easily. More often than not, it is quite easy to spot a Fae, because they follow the Witches Theme. A Tree Witch would make Fae to be made of living wood for example. Some Fae are more subtle, and can successfully hide in society. Sprites are similar to Fae, except they are generally much smaller and are treated as pets.   Fae contain a small amount of magic based on their Witches theme. They can perform Minor acts of magic. For instance, a Fae of a Glass Witch could fix broken glass or mold it slightly. This magic is a byproduct of their creation and is not always intentional. When a Fae is done with their task, they do not go away. They continue to live, serving the witch or are left to wander. When a Witch dies, their Fae are left to live their lives with no master.   If anything, a Fae is loyal to their Witch. They cannot disobey her, because they do not want to. They are happy to serve and hold the Witch in the highest regard. If a Witch asks a Fae to kill themselves, there would be hesitation, but they would do it. There is a limit to this loyalty however. Extreme torture can cause a Fae to betray a Witch,

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