Summoner Profession in Sirus | World Anvil
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The Death that Chants

At the same time, the undead legion stepped forward, their black iron armor rumbling, a thunder-like torrent that rolled throughout the streets. Altogether and synchronously, like the rhythmic pounding of a machine, every skeletal warrior rapped its spear against its dark tower shield, again, and again, and again. The legion stepped forward once more. They were the souls of the Animarum, bound to the bones found deep within the earth and transmuted from nature’s gifts, each a bastion of war, an indomitable warrior defeated only by rendering their skeletal form obsolete. Each soul was a personality, full of memories, lost hopes, and forgotten aspirations. The legion advanced once more. Physically, each one of the ghastly legion was the same. However, these souls, bound to their hallowed tethers, had only one thing in common.
They were utterly, totally subservient to the whims, orders, and desires of their Master: Aethen Irlassen.
“Speak,” whispered their master.
And so they spoke. A storm of whispers arose from the grim army, drenching the air with an indistinct rustling.
They took one more step forward, thundering and pounding and whispering and storming, dauntless and fearless and tireless.
  Summoners bind souls and use the dead to best their foes. A high intelligence and wisdom are best for summoners.



All warlocks require the gene that allow them to use magic, a factor determined by their species and birth. Of the intelligent races, only humans, orcs, shaemors, and elves have this gene.

Career Progression

It is not until the apprentice tier that a warlock chooses their sect. They spend their time in the novice tier in classroom settings, learning about all the sects of magic in a school: their roles, abilities, common contracts, etc. In order to reach the apprentice tier, a novice warlock must pass a test specific to the sect of magic they wish to study.

Payment & Reimbursement

Warlocks are paid relatively well for their work. Their pay increases with the danger and difficulty of their contracts. As such, the warlocks in the upper tiers make considerably more than the warlocks in the lower tiers.

Other Benefits

All warlocks enjoy the benefits of free room and board at their respective colleges, as well as access to some of the best libraries, armorers, weaponsmiths, and teachers in Rhydallia.



Summoners are the magic-focused sect of necromancy. They are often hired to summon undead in order to provide soldiers for battles and wars, protect important people or caravans, provide a massive source of manual labor (e.g. construction), or provide more specific tasks related to the kind of undead being summoned.



Summoners summon undead, as the name would suggest. They funnel their magic into binding the souls of the Animarum to husks capable of receiving a soul in Sirus. Actual corpses are the easiest to bind a soul to, yet summoners can form their own husk and bind a soul to it. Summoners typically diverge between those who summon many weaker undead versus those who summon fewer and stronger undead. In most cases, the undead a summoner binds are under the complete control of the summoner until released from their duty. However, if a summoner binds a soul too powerful for that warlock, the soul may break free. Freed souls act differently from case to case. Some may try to live their previous lives as if they weren't dead, some may try to make their own way in the world, and some may attempt to kill the one who summoned them as well as anyone else they come across. If a soul bound to a powerful husk breaks free, it has the potential to wreak havoc in Sirus. When a summoner reaches the adept tier and attends their induction ceremony, they learn how to befriend and speak to the souls they bind.
Alternative Names
The Ossian
Summoners are often in demand, mostly for use as construction workers and sometimes to provide support to a fighting force. However, since summoning is a difficult magic to learn, there aren't many more summoners than ghosts.
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