Ghost Profession in Sirus | World Anvil
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The Death that Whispers

Orilvith heard Liriel gasp. The tattoos on the elf’s face began glowing a ghostly blue as Hirlas, pushed to his knees by the hand of bones, began screaming again. The elf, dominating Orilvith’s friend, suddenly withdrew his hand and stepped back. Hirlas, his back to Orilvith and on his knees, was shuddering and quaking, taking frantic breaths. He saw a wisp of smoke rise from Hirlas’s face.
“I can’t...why is everything going dark? Why is...?” Hirlas cried, crumpling to the stone floor of the roof, his good hand searching his face as if the answer to his question lay there.
“Because, my dear,” the elf said dismissively, looking down on their friend. “You’re going blind.”
  Ghosts use stealth, curses, and illusions to best their foes. A high dexterity and wisdom work best for ghosts.



All warlocks require the gene that allow them to use magic, a factor determined by their species and birth. Of the intelligent races, only humans, orcs, shaemors, and elves have this gene.

Career Progression

It is not until the apprentice tier that a warlock chooses their sect. They spend their time in the novice tier in classroom settings, learning about all the sects of magic in a school: their roles, abilities, common contracts, etc. In order to reach the apprentice tier, a novice warlock must pass a test specific to the sect of magic they wish to study.

Payment & Reimbursement

Warlocks are paid relatively well for their work. Their pay increases with the danger and difficulty of their contracts. As such, the warlocks in the upper tiers make considerably more than the warlocks in the lower tiers.

Other Benefits

All warlocks enjoy the benefits of free room and board at their respective colleges, as well as access to some of the best libraries, armorers, weaponsmiths, and teachers in Rhydallia.



The ghosts are the stealth-focused sect of the school of necromancy, and by far the most controversial. Ghosts are often hired as spies, detectives, private investigators, and sometimes as assassins.



Ghosts are the most elusive of all warlocks, for they earned their namesake due to their ability to fade from sight. The best among the ghosts can go completely invisible, and even turn others invisible. Ghosts can use their magic to listen and see where others cannot, making them wonderful spies and scouts. They make use of curses to debilitate, daze, and disable their opponents, yet most of these curses require the victim to be within touching distance. A man may see his blade pass through a ghost as if they were made from thin air, as the higher-tier ghosts can make their forms immaterial for a brief moment, though it is a very tiring ability. All ghosts gain a raven companion once they reach the adept tier and attend their induction ceremony.
Alternative Names
The Anima
Ghosts are hired either by the rich and powerful to do their dirtier work or by governments and settlements to commune with the dead when needed. As such, they are the smallest sect of necromancy.
Other Associated professions

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