Aelenur Elves Species in Siriande | World Anvil
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Aelenur Elves

Just as the other elven races embody the best of their patron deity, the Aelenur embody the worst of theirs. Naming themselves after the Stealer of Starlight their cruel and self serving nature is seemingly boundless. Their skins resemble dark, cold, stone in a multitude of black shades. Their eyes usually a fiery red, shiny silver or toxic green. Hair in darker shades of green, blue, purple and black or a stark contrasting white and silver. The Aelenur have no central governing body and act mostly in a tribal manner, with short alliances between the tribes creating larger, and more lethal, armies.
  Their settlements can be found in the permanent darkness under the mountain and deep in thick forests. Though they rarely are, found that is. Isolationist far beyond what even the Anvil Heart Dwarves feel is appropriate they usually shoot trespassers on sight or, in more rare cases, capture them. Very few return from Aelenur territory with their lives intact. They share their home region with the Stone Fist Dwarves and encounter each other in battle often, matching them in ferocity and cruelty, though it is said they are slightly more sadistic and creative in their treatment of other races.
  This sadism stems from the surviving Aelenur that felt that Lymedrin Aelenurden betrayed their kind in the battle against the other elves. They looked elsewhere for godly guidance and found it in an ancient fey entity known in common as Malice Webweaver. Very little is known about this demi-god worshipped by the Aelenur, only few very dedicated scholars will know of her. A spider queen that is said to have woven an endless web in the underdark. Priestesses of the Aelenur refer to her mostly by her true Fey name, Illfysi. Those Aelenur that displease the clergy, or the queen of spiders herself, await a terrible fate as drider. A horrid hybrid between spider and Aelenur tasked with the ever vigilant protection of the queen’s web.

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