The Remarkable Adventures of Varenda The Salty Myth in Sindovanya Andevarlon | World Anvil
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The Remarkable Adventures of Varenda The Salty


Varenda The Salty was a young sailor in 1055. Due to the piracy of Coneach 'The Black Mist' Gall of Gravellow Atoll, legendary pirate, and his growing The Pirate's Guild, some traders chose to take their trade farther west to avoid the piracy.   During one of Varenda The Salty's trips from Ashoya across the ocean to Klocios, their ship was hit by a particularly large storm. Their ______ (navigator + magic motor) tried to keep them on course but with the sky so dark, and the storm so strong, they couldn't navigate well, nor could they resist the push of the storm. By the time it cleared, Meaquelbufaren Nebln was lost over the horizon, and so they had nothing to navigate on.   The ship sailed unknowingly south west towards Aclend, where they met the Zoleen, a species of deer people, whom had never been heard of, in strange lands unfamiliar to the Sanyadarishya and Airelsat. Even more strangely, the Zoleen as they called themselves could not use magic themselves, although some of the wild life did.   Varenda The Salty and his ship mates had many adventures there, after their ship had crashed. Early on, the captain died, and by the time the remaining crew had the boat repaired, over nearly 10 years had past, and many of the crew had died. After learning to navigate by the stars from the group of Zoleen they had spent their time with, and aided, they set out westward once more, not knowing if it would be quicker to go back the way they came, or continue on west.   As they were passing through The Serene Key, they were intercepted by Coneach 'The Black Mist' Gall of Gravellow Atoll, a now old pirate, but still dangerous. They were taken back to Fort Black Mist and offered a trip home as long as they swore not to reveal the location of these islands. Accepting Coneach Gall of Gravello Atoll's offer, they finally made it home after over a decade away.   When they told their story, not many people believed them, seeing such crazy ideas as navigating by the stars, and weird deer people as mere fairy tails, and so that's what Varenda The Salty helped make them. The rest of the crew rarely spoke about the adventure after people's reactions to their tail, but they still gathered occasionally to talk and reminisce.

Historical Basis

This was actually originally Varenda The Salty's autobiography, but no one really believed it. However, a young member of the Gatherers of the World and aspiring Children's Speaker, Leroy Bard spent a long time with Varenda in his old age as he would often tell stories at the local tavern of his adventures which became local legends. After Leroy Bard interviewed Veranda, he took his notes and formalized them into the set of tails that are favored by most of the spreaders in the Gathers of the World. Their original notes are still stored in The Great Library of Ingemoith, and one day may be written down into a single book, however the stories seem in no danger of dying and that may well be a long way off.   To this day, they are the only Sanyadarishya and Airelsat to have met the Zoleen, and while the Zoleen are fairy tails to the Sanyadarishya and Airelsat, the Zoleen remember Varenda The Salty and his ships visit as history.
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