In the northern landmass lies a group of large creatures. They are created when a dead human's spirit starts possessing various materials around them, forming large, bulky beasts. These creatures are referred to as Golems by the humans that live there. 1 variation of these creatures is the Wood Golem. They are the rarest variety, for they spawn from spirits that possess abandoned housing, and humans don't often waste housing, except for in times of great crisis. Another variation is the Stone Golems, which form from various boulders and mountains around the continent. Finally, the most common version is the Ice Golem. These often just form from ice, and are fragile, and thus, harmless. Golems are only found in the northern continent. This is for 2 reasons.
1. It's a very dangerous and hostile environment, where death is common.
2. As opposed to the central continent, where the bodies of the dead quickly decompose and are eaten, and the southern in which the humans are responsible for burying, honoring, and letting the dead spirits move on, the bodies of the northerners are left out to the cold, where they slowly get consumed by the ice or other materials, until their spirits merge with the materials to become a Golem.
But don't be deceived. While they are dead humans, they are rabid and aggressive. They want nothing but death to humans. And if not handled correctly, they might just be able to achieve their goal.
And that is the story of the golems.
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