Paišan Wars Military Conflict in Silinia | World Anvil
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Paišan Wars

The Conflict


Upon the Fall of the Masan Dynasty in the Empires of Olia and Vakonia, the two states' rivalry only grew. This culminated in Olia supporting the Deronian Revolt in 1455 - 1464 which resulted in the formation of the Empire of Deronia. This led to the creation of three major opposed states in Northern Silinia, at the heart of this conflict was the central island of Paiša which geopolitical location led it to being the centre point of many of the conflicts which have collectively become to have been known as the Paišan Wars.

The Engagement

Deronisi Revolt (1455 - 1464)

The Deronisi Revolt started in 1455 in response to heavy taxes levied by the Third Vakon upon its Deronisi Subjects. Many believed that they were being treated unfairly as they were barred access to legal institutions available to Vakoni Nobility along with Trade Disputes between Deronisi and Vakoni Merchants. This conflict culminated in the Union of Elotis which comprised a number of Different States in the Deronisi Territories rising against the oppression of the Vakoni State.   The Olian Republic under Ilon II decides to send Troops to aid the Deronisi Rebels gain their independence from the Third Vakon. The Rebels were at first defeated in the critical Battle of Valis in 1456 where their armies were scattered but the Olian Reinforcements allowed them to regroup around Avan. The Olians managed to seize the Island of Paiša from Vakoni control in 1457 and began a blockade of Vakoni merchants from passing the Straits of Paiša hurting the economy of the Vakon.   The Vakon managed to break the blockade at the Battle of the Paišan Straits in 1459 which would affirm Naval Supremacy for the Vakon for most of the war. The Deronisi launched an offensive where they managed to retake Valis from the hands of the Vakoni in 1459 after a stunning victory at the Battle of Deron's Hill in which the entire Vakoni army was scattered and was forced to retreat out of Central Deronia.   The Vakoni used their naval supremacy to launch an Attack on Paiša successfully retaking most of the Island in 1460 after 3 years of Olian Occupation. The Deronisi successfully seized all the remaining Vakoni occupied strongholds in Central and Western Deronia by 1462. In Paiša, the Olian reinforcements to the Island failed to reach as the Vakon Fleet spotted and sunk them at the Battle of Ilone Bay. Fortunately the Olian Presence managed to hold despite the Vakon's multiple attempts.   The Deronisi won another major victory against Vakoni Troops at the Battle of Koden where the Vakoni Army was once again routed by a smaller Deronisi Army handing over most of Deronia in Deronisi Control. The Deronisi attempted to siege the city of Konylon but they were pushed back for Vakoni forces. On Paiša a renewed Olian Fleet engaged the Vakoni Fleet at the second Battle of Ilone Bay where they lulled the Vakoni Fleet into a sense of security before ambushing them with renewed number and skill. This allowed the Olian to land reinforcements which put to seize the Island of Paiša in 1464.   At the Treaty of Valis, the Kingdom of Deronia gained its independence from the Third Vakon and the Island of Paiša was handed over to the Empire of Olia. The First Paišan War had ended and the Balance of Three States of near equal states in power.  

Second Paišan War (1475 - 1482)

The Vakon after regaining strength after the first Paišan War and seeking revenge prepared to engage the Olian-Deronisi Alliance. The Deronisi were defeated at the twin defeats of the Second Battle of Koden and Battle of Epós. The Vakon made their way throughout Eastern Deronia and soon the Emperor came to the negotiating table. The Peace of Epós in 1476 dictated that Deronia would break its Alliance with the Olians along with some monetary and trade concessions.   The Renewed Vakon Fleet was then dispatched where it helped land 10,000 men on the northern Paišan coast. The Olians launched attacks against Vakon Supplies, the Vakon Fleet though outmatched them and forced them from the scene. The Vakon hired further mercenaries and levied more troops for the Paišan Campaign. The next two years were an spectacle of incompetence by both sides as the Vakon failed to make any progress and the Olians failed to push them out. The over the next three years the Olians would push the Vakon from the Island.     With the failure, the Vakon retreated from the Island and at the Peace of Paron, the Vakon recognised the sovereignty of Paiša as the part of the Olian Empire along with Trade and Monetary Concessions for the trouble.  

The Time of the Three Parliaments (1483 - 1502)

During the time of the Three Parliaments while the Olian Nobility were devouring each other in a war to decide who would be the next Emperor of the Empire, the Vakon saw this as an opportunity to finally retake the Island of Paiša and even parts of the mainland in 1485. The Vakon would continue to hold the Island until 1499 when the forces of Ilon of Loran vanquished them from the Island at the Battle of the Standards where Ilon of Loran tricked the Force into thinking he was with a smaller force leading to the Vakoni ignoring the larger force allowing him to surrounding the army attacking the smaller force before following that up at the Siege of Paron where the Vakoni retreated.  

Third Paišan War (1523 - 1528)

The Emperor of Deronia and the Owen of the Third Vakon agreed to Alliance against the resurgent power of the Empire of Olia. The Olian Navy was defeated at the Second Battle of the Paišan Straits and bottled up in Oltos as the Vakon tried once again to re-take the Island of Paiša. On the Mainland, Olian Knights struck a crucial victory over the Deronisi at the Battle of Avis where the heavy Olian Cavalry utterly routed the Deronisi Troops causing heavy casualties. The Island of Paiša would successfully take Paron and continue southwards as the Deronisi halted the Olian Advance at the a Battle outside of the city of Valis.   The next year would be characterised by stalemate as the Olians continued to burn down the Deronisi Lands hurting the Deronian Economy while in Paiša the Vakoni were halted from taking the whole island before being defeated in some swamps and marshes leading to loss of many of their heavier equipment to lighter Olian Infantry as the Olians began continued their campaign of economic warfare against Central and Western Deronia as many city-folk began to starve due to a lack of supplies from the country side.   The Vakoni offensive had stalled utterly and the Olian counterattack had taken small bits of territory back but was an overall stalemate. The Deronisi managed to beat back the Olian Knights from moving into Eastern Deronia at the Battle of the Sores Bridge where the Deronisi Commander successfully repelled for the first time a Olian Cavalry Charge. The Battle would be propagated across the Empire boosting morale despite the Olians still occupying a large part of the rural country.   In 1528, the Three Parties met to decide the new state of Balance in the Region. The Olians agreed to give the Vakon trading rights on the Island as well as allowing Vakon Ships to land on the Island. In exchange the Vakon would pay a small fee for the services. The Deronisi were forced to pay a large indemnity and religious Tolerance of the followers of the Church of Oltos in Deronia to the Olians but were spared the lost of any land.  

Deronisi Civil War (1530 - 1537)

The Memory of the Loss in the Third Paišan War led to unrest as the Brutality of the Olians continued to hurt the Deronisi Economy two years after. As a result a number of Lords decided to rebel against the Emperor and Planned to replace him. The Rebels overthrew the Monarch and installed their own Emperor and installed a Constitution. The Issue was the Monarch they chose was a relative of one of the Three Great Houses of the Vakon.   Olia in response would invade Deronia to place the son of the previous Emperor. The War would last 4 years as the Deronisi and Olians battled it out over the fate of the Deronian Throne in a great back and forth which devastated Deronia and the Olian Economies. The Vakon helped send troops and ships to raid the Olian coastline. The Olians were eventually beaten back by the Vakon and Deronisi as Vakoni Troops landed in Paron and took over the entire Island of Paiša and the Deronisi at the Battle of Horum near Avan. The Olians were eventually forced to recognise the new Emperor of Deronia and the loss of Paiša. The Olians negotiated for the protection of Olian Merchants and Persons along with the Church of Oltos on the Island.  

The Long Peace (1537 - 1597)

The New Olian Emperor, Pastinai III, who had a distain for war issued in the age of the Long Peace, a 60-year gap in the Paišan Wars. His reign from 1537 - 1590 would see a time of cooperation between the three states as for a brief moment each side upheld the treaties laid out after the Deronisi Civil War. It was a time of stable trade and prosperity in the Gulf of Vakon and a time of technological growth.   It was an age of peace but does not mean there were no issues and the peaceful approach to diplomacy under Pastinai III was not shared by everyone. After his death, many issues began to emerge as the Vakoni and Deronisi began renewed arguments over their border territory and the Olians looked to retake Paiša and reclaim Martial Honour. The Peace had filled the Treasuries of the Nations with many a coin and it just took an issue which had been bubbling for quite a while to final explode the region back into War.


The Wars would lead to the fall of both the Empires of Deronia and the Third Vakon under the conquest of the resurgent Olian Empire. The Wars would twice lead to the devastation of Deronia and Paiša as the lands and its peoples were trampled under my armies who claimed to protect them. The Victor, Olia, was left with a massive debt from 30 years of near-constant warring and the Losers had their lands and people devastated leading to much human suffering with the total number of deaths ranging from one million to three million depending on your estimate.


The Wars would overall lead to the decline of Olian Empire which faced much unrest and debt after the wars. The Vakonian Constitutional Monarchy was overthrown by an Absolutist one leading to the Second Empire of Vakonia. In Deronia, the time allowed for more Olians to takeover Deronisi estates and the infiltration of Olian Customs, Laws, and Traditions into North-West Deronia. Paiša became further multi-ethnic and multi-cultural to form a special identity as Paišan distinct from Delonian, Vakonian, or Olian. The Ideas of Constitutionalism were spread across the region where it would influence future thinkers and intellectuals.

Historical Significance


The Paišan Wars were romanticised by future Olian Nationalist Historians and Artists as a Glorious Time of an unbeatable Olian Military able to beat Gunpowder with the Lance. In the rest of the region the wars are seen as a time of darkness when large sections of the population died in pointless wars trying to push Olia back into its corner. The Ideas of Olian Constitutionalism and Olian Philosophy spread via the latter Conquests influencing Sabisir Thinkers who would develop the ideas of Nationalism and Communism which would massively shape future.

Technological Advancement

The Wars saw the peak of the Heavy cavalry and rise of Pike and Shot Warfare in its place. It saw the introduction of fire-arms into Northern Silinia and how effective they could be against Infantry and the such.
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Defeat of both the Empire of Deronia and the Third Vakon by the Empire of Olia

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