Magi Profession in Signus - World of Magi | World Anvil
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A Magus (pl. Magi) is an individual magic user who uses their skills to provide services to a certain person or group. They serve as specialists in a chosen profession, which range from combat to diplomacy. A Magus is to be called upon in times of dire need.



While most sentient beings have an affinity to magic, Magi are known to be especially skilled in harnessing it. As such, not all who can cast magic can be a Magus.   Aspiring Magi must undergo an assessment program given by a university that tests their physical, mental, and magical abilities. Upon passing, they will be given the title of Initiate and are given the opportunity to enroll in the university providing the assessment. Failing the assessment will prevent them from becoming a Magus-Initiate and must take the assessment again.   Initiates must then take extensive studying and practice for at least four to five years until they are given their Magus License.


Social Status

Regarding their status as extremely skilled magic users, Magi are held in high regard by the public, often becoming the subject of art and literature which romanticize their exploits.   There are, however, some groups of people who do not think highly of Magi, especially those who live in places where magic is considered taboo.


Provided Services

Services provided by the Magi may vary depending on what their employer requires them. These services include but are not limited to:
  • military and defense
  • law enforcement
  • crime and investigation
  • monster hunting
  • diplomacy and foreign affairs
  • espionage and counterespionage
  • research and development

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