Coming of Age Tradition / Ritual in Siaken | World Anvil

Coming of Age

When a boy reaches the time in his life when he is to become a man, he must undertake a coming of age ceremony. In Estia the youths are trained from a very early age, required to learn the way of Glory. When he has reached the age where he shall become a man, he must go out into the forest and capture a wolf.   Once he has captured the wolf, he will be gifted his first true spear from the eldest male family member, and sent out into the wilderness where he will release that wolf. The areas children are sent differ with the region. Some are sent to central Estia others to the Mountains. There they are expected to stay for a week to contemplate what is Glory. He can take only his spear. They will have to live off the land for that time period and make a Walking stick with notches for each day spent away from his people, and then return to his home, where he is greeted as a man.


This has been a tradition done since the beginning of time as long as anyone remembers.


This is a way for youth to know the importance of surviving vs Glory and documenting what they are going through life in order to grow as a man. Knowing knowledge is very important.

Components and tools

His spear and his clothes.


When sent out they are sent by Everyone in the village. When given the spear only the Males of the village or tribe. When coming back the second time with walking stick they are greeted by a big feast by everyone


The only time people will see the youth after sending him out are 2 times. The first time when he comes back with the wolf and sent out with the spear. The other is a week later where they return as a man with the Notched walking stick.
Primary Related Location


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