The Dragon and the Raven Lord Military Conflict in Shireon | World Anvil

The Dragon and the Raven Lord

For five hundred years the damn Nightfeathers have had the privilege of being led by the Raven Lord. None of the other Lodges have had the chance to decide how the Ravens are run. It's about time we get our turn! I mean, what do those idiots over in Vobranas know anything about what the pressing matters here in Mandural are?

Nah, I say we change how this whole family is run. Who's with me?

— the Dragon

Since the Ravenous Ravens was established in Vobranas by the Lodge now known as the Nightfeather Lodge, the leadership had always belonged to the leader of the Nightfeathers, the Raven Lord. The other leaders of the Lodges only really had the power to rule over themselves. It had worked out well enough, until the leader of the Plainsfeather Lodge known as the Dragon started questioning how smart it was that all leaders came from the same Lodge, originating from the same geographical area.


The Dragon started seeding his discontent inside the Plainsfeather Lodge first, as it was the one he was leading. Most members seemed to agree, at least to some level. Even though there wasn't a war between Kupria, where the Nightfeathers belonged, and Asharia, where the Plainsfeathers had their operation, at that time, the two nations have always had a tense relationship. The Plainsfeathers were reluctant to believe the Nightfeathers would work in a way that was good for the Plainsfeathers.

Influencing the Lodges

When the Dragon had gotten most of his own Lodge behind his opinion, he started looking towards the other Lodges. Slowly and carefully, he started choosing his words wisely in the most subtle way he could to sway the other Lodge leaders when he met them, careful not to alert the Raven Lord or the Nightfeathers during the first year. When he'd gotten some pointers that the other Lodges also found it strange that only one Lodge should rule them all, he started hinting towards the Raven Lord about the discontent. The Raven Lord shut him down, implying that further discussing of these matters would be seen as treason. The Dragon knew it would be very unwise to cross the threats of the Raven Lord and decided to take it easier for a while.

About a decade later the Raven Lord was replaced. The dragon slowly started to resume his quest to sway the other Lodges. They seemed more reluctant this time around, remembering the threat of the previous Raven Lord. Yet, he kept at it.

In AE 1924 the Dragon executed a plan he had been brewing for a long time. There were currently only two capital cities on Shireon that didn't have their own Raven Lodge - Thalor Alari in Enarion and Niskala in Inmalenor. He'd come to the conclusion that it would be easier to help to start a Lodge in Niskala than in Thalor Alari, as he felt the northerners in Inmalenor was easier to talk to than the Enari.

Arriving in Niskala, the Dragon met a charismatic Inmali pickpocketer named Roon. It wasn't hard to talk him into wanting to start his own Lodge, especially not when the Dragon offered to help in any way he could. While helping to organize the establishment of the new Lodge, the Frozen Feather Lodge, the Dragon made sure to plant the seeds of discontent into Roon's mind, slowly influencing the other man to question the rulership of the Ravens.

After gaining a strong following in Inmalenor, the Dragon went back home. It took some time until he got back on top of all the Plainsfeather business he'd been neglected while working in the north. When he finally had time again he continued spreading his views to the other Lodges. This time, he did it slowly, not wanting to repeat the same shutdown he got the last time. He was a patient man, obviously not completely human as he didn't seem to age. He had time.

Conflict Intensifies

It would be several decades before the Dragon made his move.

Now that he was more or less confident he'd made a strong enough following to have a successful revolution, he got ready to confront the Raven Lord. The current Raven Lord was brand new, barely starting his career and likely easy to defeat. The timing was perfect.

The new Raven Lord, however, was not as green and confused as the Dragon had hoped. Again, the Dragon was shut down, and despite having a strong following none of the followers seemed to want to cross the Raven Lord. The Dragon stood alone, humiliated. Yet, he'd come too far to give up. He went back to the Plainsfeathers, trying to stoke the embers of discontent.

The Plainsfeathers had gotten enough. They had decided to confront the Dragon when he came back, urging him to just give up on his dream. However, seeing this new initiative to topple the Raven structure as a sign of a crazed mind, they met in secret without him and decided that the best course of action would be to get rid of him.

When the Dragon realized he was going to be wing-clipped, they had surrounded him. He was unable to fight them or escape.


The Dragon was beaten, tied up and locked away before his execution. Yet, even though the Plainsfeathers did all they could to prevent him from being able to escape, he was gone when they came back to get him.

No matter how hard they searched in Mandural and its vicinity, he was gone. A message was sent out to all the other Lodges, warning them about his escape and urging them to return him if found. A counter-message was sent out by the Raven Lord not long after with an order to kill the Dragon on sight, offering a hefty bounty for his head. Yet, the Dragon had seemingly disappeared.

After several decades the Dragon was still unaccounted for. The enthusiasm for the promised bounty dissipated, all active searching being over a long time ago. As recognition died with the fleeting lives of the humans, the sporadic reports of spotting him became even less frequent until they more or less stopped altogether.

Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Everyone grew tired of the Dragon's commotion and he was ordered to be wing-clipped. He escaped before getting his punishment, seemingly disappearing from the face of the earth.


The Dragon

Led by

The Raven Lord


Most of the Plainsfeather Lodge, plus some members of several other Lodges.
The Raven Lord himself and his intimidating composure, plus all members of the Ravens who are loyal to him




To change the way the Ravenous Ravens is ruled as an organization and to give other Lodges a chance to rule
To keep the rule within the Nightfeathers the way it has always been

Where's the Dragon Now?

Nobody knows. If someone does know, they won't tell.

Rumours say that one of the places he has been spotted is in Niskala. Considering his rather close relationship with the leader of the Frozen Feather Lodge it might be the most likely place for him to hide, yet as long as Roon refuses to admit it, or even acknowledge the accusations in the first place, nothing can be done without tangible proof.

Another place where some have reported seeing him is in Lenthir. However, looking for an individual who doesn't want to be found in Shireon's largest city is probably harder than finding the fabled needle in a haystack.


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