When the Zecix go to war. Military Conflict in Shattered Equestria | World Anvil
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When the Zecix go to war.

It is said good beings have no rules. What happened on this day showed the world why the Zecix have so many and why those under their protection are safe.   Zix'base had been formed by this time as was flourishing. Trade was going well, many lived in the village and many more came with each season to trade. Members of nearly every tribe lived within its walls, the Xivix were still exiled and would never be welcome. The Renshe saw the growing market and knew if they attacked it they would have weapons, armor, and artifacts enough to elevate them beyond any tribe's ability to defend themselves. The world would be theirs for the taking.   Over the next few days they gathered their numbers in secret, hiding to the north of the mountain where the villages above couldn't see their camp. Weapons, armor, and artifacts were distributed, leaders were briefed, warriors were training. Their numbers swelled to easily double that of their target. So confident of their coming attack that a single Xei'el was never noticed sneaking out of the camp the night before.   At dawn the next day most of the Renshe moved south east, while some stayed in the north to flank the town when the battle started. Moving east they expected business as usual, but they didn't expect the gate to remain open as they approached. Pouring into the village they found it deserted, suspecting a trap too late the gate shut behind them.   Stepping into the open two dozen Zecix stood on their hinds, hooves shod in stone and the fire of Zix in their eyes. A single elder stepped forwards, his caot was gray and his face etched with age yet he walked with the ease of one half his years. "This village is under the protection of the Zecix, oldest of the tribes. You knew this coming here and still you chose to attack. Those of you who leave here today will carry with you the truth of what happens next as will your children and theirs."   His piece said the grey-mane stood in the first fighting stnace every Zeicx learned and the years melted away. Even as an army rushed forwards he knew peace and he knew regret. Lives would be lost today, but his warriors would not be among them. And so they clashed, steel to stone, hoof to blade. At first the Renshe hoped to overwhelm them, but the blows of the Zecix came faster than blades could strike and with each impact they could see the Zecix only becoming more formidable. Within moments of combat invisible darts of chi brought down their archers, hooves of stone became fire, and the ground rumbled below them.   Still the Renshe fought, knowing this was their punishment. There would be no quarter for those willing to sever a tribe from the rest of their world. The ground rumbled and stones burst forth, peppering the fighters from beneath, only for those same stones to come down and end their fighting. The older more versed Zecix summoned lava from deep fissures, guiding it and burying their enemies.   By the time the flanking Renshe arrived the war of Zix'base was over. The youngest warriors were stripped of weapons and sent out to what remained of their tribe while Hy'till came from the mountain path and tended those they could. Not one Zecix had fallen, but none felt this was a victory. The world knew they were more than hermits, and why they stayed on their mountain. No one dared attack a settlement under the protection of the Zecix after that, no one was foolish enough to do so.

The Conflict


The Renshe saw the new settlement growing and desired its riches, artifacts, and weapons. They gathered nearby, building up their numbers for a single overwhelming attack.


Zix'base and the surrounding plains.


It was the dry season, the ground was hard and the sky clear. A light wind filled the air, the actual war took place near mid day.
Start Date
Ending Date
Unknown- the same day

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