High prophets of blight Rank/Title in Shattered Equestria | World Anvil
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High prophets of blight

High prophets of blight are not prophets in the standard sense. Most prophets see the future, these prophets work to create the future. Their vision of the future is a world overrun with monstrosities and mutants where blight flows and little is left of the original world. There exists two forms of prophet, one for blight and one for mind blight. The corrupt blight branch of the worshipers do not have prophets.   High prophets of blight: High priests of the church of blight these warped beings were once ponies. Now all that remains is a massive cycloptic floating head covered in writhing tentacles each tipped with a powerful magic eye. Its flesh is burned and scarred from the process of its creation and its mind filled with false visions of grandeur.   High prophets of mind blight: A high priest of the Worshipers of Mind Blight whose flesh has rotted, melted, or been burned away in a horrific ritual. Now a just a gigantic floating skull circled by ten motes of light each with a unique and powerful ability. Its eye sockets burn with green fire as it seeks only to spread its influence and destroy those who fail to submit.


In order to become a high prophet one must advance in the ranks until no one outranks them then must order those who know the ritual to make them into a high prophet. The ritual is long, costly, and dangerous for all involved so it is not taken lightly.


There are no set requirements other than devotion to the church, ability to succeed, and power regardless of the form it takes.


The role of a High prophet is to command those below them and determine how best to spread its influence. They use their numerous magic abilities and exceptionally enhanced intellect to lead the church to greater heights than before their creation.


Advance the will of the church and of blight.


High prophets are given anything they request without question.

Accoutrements & Equipment

As prophets are disembodied heads there is no dress code.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

However if a prophet should put another goal above that of the church they can be excommunicated.
Religious, Special
Alternative Naming
Equates to
These are the equivalent of a pope, or a general in the army. No one outranks them.
Source of Authority
Devotion for acolytes and sheer magic ability.
Length of Term
Until death
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