Northedge Geographic Location in Sharn Campaign | World Anvil
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Sharn - Overview



  Northedge, one of the quietest regions within Sharn, is a residential quarter. Most of its inhabitants are crafters and commoners, people who make an honest living within the great city. As a result, it is an uncommon destination for adventurers. However, a variety of tradesfolk and artisans work out of their Northedge homes, and it is possible that a party will be recommended to one of the Northedge specialists.

  In addition, if an adventurer wants to take up residence within Sharn, the prices in Northedge are quite reasonable. Finally, while Northedge is known as a peaceful region, this calm façade can make an excellent cover for sinister activities. In other words, Northedge makes a perfect hiding place for a master villain, a nefarious cult, or a cunning spy.


Upper Northedge Districts

 Crystal Bridge (Wealthy Residential)

 Oak Towers (Wealthy Residential)

 Shae Lias (Elf Neighborhood)

Upper Northedge
  Character: Wealthy, but not ostentatious. Calm and peaceful.

Social: Upper class

Areas: Elf neighborhood, wealthy residential (2)

Businesses: Upscale and exotic elven craftwork.

  Upper Northedge is home to those who have the wealth to purchase a manor in the clouds, but who wish to avoid the bustle of Upper Central. This ward also houses the majority of Sharn’s population of elves.


Middle Northedge Districts

 High Hope (Temple)

 Holdfast (Dwarf Neighborhood)

 Oakbridge (Average Residential)

Middle Northedge
  Character: Peaceful residential area, home to skilled crafters and successful merchants.

Social: Middle class

Areas: Dwarf neighborhood, temple district, average residences.

Businesses: Dwarven and gnomish craftwork, respectable and reliable goods.

  Middle Northedge is a peaceful residential ward, featuring some of the finest average housing in the city. The inhabitants are successful, hardworking folk, and the streets are clean and quiet. Much of the dwarf population of the city lives in this ward.


Lower Northedge Districts

 Longstairs (Apartments)

 North Market (Marketplace)

 Stoneyard (Apartments)

Lower Northedge
  Character: A quiet residential area containing a few workhouses.

Social: Lower middle class

Areas: Marketplace, apartment homes (2)

Businesses: Solid, sensible goods; basic furniture, clothing, tools, and food

  Lower Northedge is home to the hardworking laborers of Sharn — generally decent folk who believe in an honest day’s work and can afford to stay out of Lower Dura. The people of Lower Northedge don’t look for trouble, and they don’t like it coming to their towers.

  The ward is relatively simple in structure and design, but it has been kept in good condition over the centuries and is a pleasant enough place to live. While it is largely residential, it includes a number of small workhouses and simple schools, along with North Market.

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