The Gehrn
The Gehrn are not truly a religious cult, although they borrow heavily from religious trappings to present a weightier image and presence. They call their leaders priests and dress in robes similar to the priests in the Holy One's temples in The Wakari Coast . Their presentation as a religious organization has placated many who blithely accepted surface explanations and did not bother to learn what the Gerhn tenets were on a practical level.
The Gehrn believe that war is the natural and most stable state of the world, that strength is the only reliable power, and that the duty of a true man is unceasing preparation for war. Displays of power are necessary to warn enemies, to keep order (because strength and fear are the basis for a stable hierarchy), and to build up confidence in the warrior in training.
The Gehrn have their head at the Citadel, a old tower in the otherwise undistinguished town of Davan. Though Davan and the Citadel is just within the borders of Chrenada , the Gehrn claim a history from the pirates who founded the Wakari Coast, specifically that their order was begun by Red Harper after he parted from the renowned Bloody-Neck Jacko. This has been disputed, however, as no evidence can be produced, nor even is there a record of any claimed connection to Red Harper until two centuries after his death. It is suspected that this history was fabricated to give the Gehrn a sense of greater import.
The Gehrn had possession of the The Shard of Elan when The Great Circle realized its potential for magical defense, and arrangements were made to purchase the Shard and bring it to Alham . This was performed by Commander Shianan Becknam, Count of Bailaha and Mage Ariana Hazelrig .
While per Gehrn precepts luxuries which soften the true man are to be eschewed, the high priest of the Gehrn, Flamen Manceps Ande, kept for himself the slave which had belonged to a tinker who died while working at the Gehrn's Citadel. This was justified by alleging the slave belonged to the order, rather than to the flamen himself. This keeping of a slave would be unremarkable but for the interesting fact that the slave was a component in the Gehrn ritual to dedicate the Shard of Elan's new seat when the collapse of the shield took place.
Religious, Cult