Wall Ball Sticky Item in Shakiraverse | World Anvil

Wall Ball Sticky

Grasp, Throw, Squeeze, Pinch

It may not do much. It barely rolls, and seves no real purpose. One cannot play games with it- it is too small and inconvenient. But none of this matters, for the wall ball sticks.
— Shawn Kohl Micky, Town Elder

We find ourselves in a quaint little part of the world, bathed in warm summer light and lulled by the endless song of the waves. The towns people live peaceful lives, unaware of the dark days that await them, looming over the horizon.

It Comes From Space

The journey was a long one. It landed on the beach, deep in the trenches of the night, a lone shimmering green light falling to the ground. It went unnoticed for days, hidden by the foam of the waves, until finally its presence was noticed by a local teen. The object was small, green, and soft to the touch. The girl picked up the object, eyeing it curiously, and it spoke its name to her.

"Wall Ball Sticky."

So she took it back to the town, and told her friends about it. "It is wall ball sticky!" she said. "Let us see just how much of a sticky ball this wall ball is.". The group of them ran through the houses, searching for a nice wall to stick the ball on, growing in numbers as word of the bicky stall mall spread. But as the girl threw the ball, the gall did not micky.

No Small Icky

The fact that the sticky wall ball would not stick to any walls was quite the problematic stall. Disappointed, the town teens went back to their way, though a determined few decided they would find a way to make the sticky no more ball wall sticky again. For hours they tried, searching for different walls the ball might sticky too, cleaning it, treating it, talking to it. But whatever they did, the ball did not stick.

Finally, Ball Sticky

Tired and hungry, the dedicated teens retreated to a house to eat and replenish their strengths. It is in the comfort of their own homes that the impossible happened.

It was amazing! I had never seen anything like it before. My friends and I, we had tried everything. Walls, windows, people, chairs, it would not stick. But for some reason, in the middst of our dinner, Andrew- who had yet to touch the ball- threw it to the ceilling. And the wall ball sticky.
— Alli for a TV Interview

The day after the miracle, citizens awoke to find their beach covered in wall ball stickies. Each of them seemed to call to a specific individual, and the population rushed to in hopes of finding their sticky wall balls. Soon, there were more ball stickies than people, and an exodus of strangers arrived to the town in hopes of finding their sticky balls. These were strange times, and stranger times still were to come- the wall ball stickies were but the first step in a cosmic chain of events which would change the world.
"Hi, hello, yes. I, uh, I've come to return a book?"

The tentative voice pulls the shopkeeper from their readings, drawing their attention beyond the counter to a timid looking client, a thick book in her hands.

"Yeah, I just don't like it? Its just too weird for me."

"Oh, I'm sorry. We don't accept returns.. can I ask what book it is? Just for future reference."

"Its this weird mystery novel, "Wall Ball Sticky", one of your colleagues recommended it to me."

The shopkeeper takes a moment to think, and starts looking through some records. "Wall Ball Sticky... I'm sorry, we have no records of this book being sold in our establishment. Are you sure you have the right address?"

"I'm quite sure? I mean, I might be wrong, but I always come buy my books from here...". Her cheeks redden, an embarassed blush taking over her face. "I'm sorry for disturbing you."

"Eh, no worries, it happens. Can I offer you an adhesive sphere? We just recieved a shipment to sell to kids, figured it would make your trip worthwhile."

"Sure, why not. I'll go for a sticky wall ball."

The shopkeeper turned to grab an adhesive sphere from a box behind the counter, ruffling through the foam until they found a saled plastic pack. They snatched it, and rose back up behind the counter, ready to hand it to the girl. But the store was empty. They looked around, concerned- they hadn't heard her leave. All that was left was the book, layed on the counter, a wall ball sticky resting atop of it...

Cover image: by Greyson Joralemon