Snike Species in Shadowling Lore | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Humanoid Body, Light Grey Surface
Metal, Robotic Mask.

Snikes are extremely lightweight, and also have a flexible physique.

Genetics and Reproduction

Snikes are Dark Matter Formations, and thus, cannot reproduce. Could, however, be multiplied by higher mights.

Ecology and Habitats

Snikes prefer either dark, or hidden areas. They can withstand cold temperatures, will however stay away from warmth.

Additional Information

Social Structure

As said, Snikes communicate with eachother by gestures. Act introverted towards other monsters, though.
They usually wander around in groups of 3 to 5.
If they see it as beneficial, they will team up with another species, even if it's on the enemy side.

Average Intelligence

60 IQ
Cannot speak, but communicates with gestures.
Able to "think around the corner", which is shown by a Snike sometimes attempting to perform a tricked shot. (Shooting slightly in front of someone that's currently running, e.g.)

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Snikes have great Sight and Hearing, but cannot perceive smells. Their sense of touch is also a little numb.
They can extend their limbs - excluding the neck - to great lengths. The arms can reach to 3 meters, the legs to about 8.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Snikes carry a sniper-like gun with them.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Dark Matter Formation
Shaped from Dark Matter Formations
Average Height
0.60 meters (with usual limb length)
Average Weight

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