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Snow Badger

Snow badgers (Taxidea nix) are fossorial primarily carnivorous mammals that live in Sephran's northern forests and taigas.

Basic Information


Possesses four short, stocky, but powerful limbs each equipped with a set of razor-sharp claws made for digging in the snow. Despite their appearance, snow badgers can run at similar speeds to other animals in their weight class.

Biological Traits

Snow badgers boast thick skin and fur as well as 5 cm long claws that are specially designed for digging into the snow and disabling prey.

Genetics and Reproduction

Snow badgers reproduce sexually. Gestation lasts 7-8 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

It takes around two years for snow badger cubs to grow into adults.

Ecology and Habitats

Snow badgers ideally live in the Kininey Outskirts, though they will occasionally make dens inside the forest itself. Old abandoned dens are reused by countless other species living in the habitat.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Small birds and rodents, fungi, roots

Biological Cycle

Mating season takes place throughout the month of March. Cubs are born in November. During the worst parts of Winter, snow badgers will enter a torpor.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Snow badgers live solitary lives unless it's a sow and her cubs.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Winter Nikkon have learned to tame snow badgers. The badgers dig up roots, shoots, truffles, among other things, in addition to tilling soil for the Nikkon and assistance for hunting. In turn, the badgers get to keep any food they find.

Facial characteristics

A full-body length white stripe and black "badge" markings on its cheeks. Otherwise, the face is completely white.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Snow badgers can be found in most regions to the north, especially in open fields of the taiga just outside of Kininey Forest Expanse.

Average Intelligence

Almost as smart as dogs

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Snow badgers have an especially keen sense of smell and hearing.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Taxidea nix
15 years
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Height
23.1 cm-27.9 cm
Average Weight
15 kg
Average Length
70-75 cm
Average Physique
Bulky, muscular
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Light gray to black
Geographic Distribution

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