Moving Fortress Vehicle in Senmir | World Anvil
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Moving Fortress

It rolls slowly forward intimidating in its' size and impenetrability. A deafening sound comes from within as the soldiers chant. No words are spoken, but there is a rhythm to the chant as they yell and stamp their feet within. Only those with the keenest aim can take down the moving fortress. If they can avoid the rain of arrows and blasts of fire magic they are then greeted by horns from the oxen or pikes from the soldiers within. The moving fortress has conquered many foe, but due to its' weight it failed in the @Arid Expanse.

Power Generation

The moving fortress is moved by giant armored oxen controlled by two drivers. When the fortress is empty it is lighter and can move quicker, but when fully loaded down it is quite slow and cumbersome.


The moving fortress is moved by giant armored oxen controlled by two drivers. The drivers are key to the success of the fortress.

Weapons & Armament

There are five archers and five magic users that will fire off ranged attacks as the fortress moves closer. Their job is to bombard the enemy as they make there was slowly forward. There are also slings and rock if the archers run out of ammunition to they can keep firing at the enemey. As they get closer to their enemies the other soldiers that have pikes will jab and attack those who approach the fortress.

Armor and defense

The oxen themselves have armor, but the fortress is covered in metal plating. The top is open, but five shield bearers hold massive shields over the fortress to protect the other soldiers.   If the drivers are taken down the moving fortress can come to a complete halt and be very vulnerable. That is why they are usually fully armed and sit behind a shield that is as tall as their shoulders. There are holes in the shields for their arms to still grab the reigns for the oxen.
5' x 6'
10 miles per hour when fully loaded
Complement / Crew
34 soldiers


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