Frozen Malevolence Geographic Location in Senmir | World Anvil
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Frozen Malevolence

Further than the Tundra is unknown, but only death awaits for those who venture. For none ever leave its' cold hard grasp.


Far to the North in the world of Senmir, or as far as anyone can go, lies the Frozen Malevolence. A cold unforgiving tundra that stretches as far as the eye can see. No explorers that have entered the tundra have every come back. Because of this the Frozen Malevolence is considered to be the end of the world. There are a few who live in the North that believe the Frozen Malevolence to be a gateway to the afterlife. They call the area the Everlasting Tundra. When a loved one has died the body will be prepared and wrapped up in linens. On the linens family members or close friends will write well wishes to the deceased for a safe journey to the afterlife. The body is then place on a wood board that is attached to the thin strips of metal. This allows for the body to glide across the icy land and into the next life. For they believe that none are truly gone and will simply come back in another form. This belief is very specific to those who live near the tundra as most other people believe nothing good will come from entering the place.   A few expeditions have been done to map at least the outskirts of the tundra, but it seems to extend into a horizontal line for several miles. Those that camp on the outskirts during these expeditions have all reported hearing a soft low moaning sounds.....some also swear that an image of a woman is seen as the edge of the tundra.

Fauna & Flora

It is assumed that no life plant or animal can be sustained inside the tundra.
Alternative Name(s)
White Tundra, End of the World, Everlasting Tundra


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