Norasj the Slayer, Chosen of Enrasj Myth in Senea | World Anvil
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Norasj the Slayer, Chosen of Enrasj

Cover image by ameeeeba on Deviantart
The assembled armies stood motionless, the sound of combat dying away as every head turned to the mountainous slope and the giant scaled form crumpled there. A last pitiful gout of fire sputtered from the beasts lips and then it too went still. The tall horned figure standing atop the Greatwyrm's corpse ripped their glowing blade from the dragon's chest and held it aloft, shouting a cry of victory that shook the very stone of the mountains. Above them, the remaining drakes called out in fear, and fled.   -Excerpt from The Son of Dragons, by Pernazk Kum - 632 C.C.


The legend of Norasj the Slayer, originally put to page in it's current form in the year 632 C.C. by the enrazi historian Pernazk Kum, essentially relates the birth of his people. The legend describes the closing days of the Age of Ancients, when the old races had gathered in their great host to combat the dragons and their tide of fire and shadow in the First Dragon War. The mortal peoples of the world were losing, and called out to their gods for aid.   It is said Enrasj, who had fathered the dragons in the first place, looked down and saw what a menace his creations had become. Pressured by his ethereal siblings, and stirred by his own curiosity, he looked to craft a new people altogether that could stand against his firstborn. He had created the dragons to be the perfect predator, he would now craft the perfect hunter to meet them in battle.   According to legend his efforts created Norasj, the first of the Enrazi. A man of gigantic size and might, with the horns of his draconic brothers atop his brow and fire in his belly. He strode into the world and met them upon the field, wielding a great curved blade and wearing armor bestowed upon him by his creator. The other races feared and avoided him at first but soon, one by one, began rallying to his banner. Norasj strode into battle and matched the dragons in both ferocity and skill, seemingly uncaring of his foes deadly teeth and scorching breath, and the tides of war began to shift. Enrasj reveled in his success and put more of this new people into the world, though none as great or powerful as the first.   With the new Enrazi people marching at the forefront, the draconic legions were pushed back until the mortal races stood upon the very slopes of the dragon's mysterious homeland, and Amerinesj Greatwyrm himself took to the skies. His breath burned whole battalions at a time, claws like scythes reaped monarchs from their horses, and his great red-scaled body crushed hundreds beneath its weight. Norasj met the beast face to face on the slopes of the mountain, and though he fought with all his might he was pressed back time and time again, narrowly escaping death.   It was now that the final gift of the Enrazi was bestowed. An ethereal spirit of Enrasj's court, Yla the Skald, had watched Norasj since his creation, and had fallen in love with him. He was the embodiment of honor and skill in battle, and for his bravery she rewarded his people with her Voice. The Enrazi began to sing and chant, and their words reverberated with ethereal magic. Their shouts brought drakes crashing from the skies and their songs healed and invigorated their comrades. With this newfound power Norasj took the upper hand in his duel, and with a great song empowered strike he broke the Greatwyrm's wings, and carved it's heart from it's chest.   Thus Norasj the Slayer led his people, and all others, to victory. The remaining dragons went into hiding, and the ancient races returned to their homelands. The Enrazi based their society there on the slopes of that last great battle, vowing to be there evermore awaiting the dragon's return. Norasj passed on his knowledge and skill to his people, but he did not stay with them. Enrasj reached to his new favored child and gifted him divinity, and Norasj the Slayer now sits in his creator's ethereal court as the paragon of the warrior spirit, worshiped by the Enrazi as a demigod.

Historical Basis

The depth of historical accuracy of Pernazk Kum's account is doubtful, however some things are agreed to be fact. Norasj the slayer was a leader of the Enrazi people, appearing in accounts from multiple reputable sources from various peoples, and did indeed lead great armies against the dragons in the Age of Ancients. Scholarly consensus portrays him as a renowned king and warrior who led his people against the draconic forces. There are few accounts of the Enrazi people that predate this myth, and so if Norasj was not the first Enrazi placed down by the gods, he may have been the one to lead them to this land from some other forgotten home.   The city of Enrazshan holds a shrine to Norasj which for centuries held an enormous sword, claimed to be the weapon Archsing wielded by the hero himself and used to slay Amerinesj Greatwyrm. It was apparently stolen or removed from the temple some time ago, and it's current location is unknown.


This myth is known to every member of the Enrazi people and believed by most to be absolute truth, and a basis of their religion. Outside of Enrazi society the myth is widely known among the other races across Faneshorn and believed to be truth by many religious fundamentalists.

In Art

Many Enrazi artworks depict either Norasj himself or his deeds in various songs, sculptures, paintings, and blade dances and the story is a foundational pillar of their society. Many other classical artists have found inspiration from the story of the Enrazi's rise and seeing works depicting Norasj in Dwarven, Human, and Elven culture is not uncommon.
cover image by ameeeeba on deviantart
Date of First Recording
The year 632 C.C., Age of Knowledge.
Date of Setting
Age of Ancients, later era.

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