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Betheria Iridan

Betheria Iridan (a.k.a. Ulanna Kesako)


Betheria became famous under the name Ulanna as a priestess of Bolugama and a proficient fusion and essence magic user. She is most remembered for her taming of various monsters around the continent, particularly the giant scorpion, Soriin.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Betheria was born to a noble family in the territory that was once Braca before it was conquered by Ilya Shiroko. Her parents were unhappy with being part of the empire and gathered other nobles in the hopes of rebelling. They were able to convince several other houses and Betheria was brought into their plans. She was extensively taught essence and fusion magic through her entire life, along with combat training, in order to help in what was meant to be a coming war.   However, a spy for the royal family found out about the plot and before any of it could be put into action. Betheria was forced to flee her home with several other rebels and went into hiding. During this time, she watched as each one of her associates was captured and killed, along with anyone who harbored them. Seeing the horror of what she had tried to do and the consequences to the people around her, she went further into hiding.   While on the run, she was found by a Bolugama temple as she lay starving. The priests there treated her and never asked her name. When the time came that she was healthy, she decided to stay, giving the false name of Ulanna Kisako to hide her true ancestry in case there were still people trying to track her down.   Using her skills in various forms of magic and combat, she traveled around the empire. At first, she fought the monsters that plagued the citizens, but that only brought up horrible memories. Instead, she imitated what she had heard the royal family did in order to keep their creatures in line. She became famous as a monster tamer and went down in history as Ulanna Kisako, priestess of Bolugama. According to the official record, Betheria Iridan died while on the run from Eoin authorities.


Religious Views

Betheria was not originally a deep follower of Bolugama. However, after being saved by the priests, she beacme a devout practitioner and used the religion's teachings in her taming of monsters.
Current Location
424 466 42 years old
Aligned Organization


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