Reign of Winter: Shackled Hut 8/26/2019 Report in Seekers of Carmathan | World Anvil
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Reign of Winter: Shackled Hut 8/26/2019

General Summary

We found some beings in a hut, three male and three female that offered us shelter and drinks. Graagrahgron took a lap of the wine and gagged, while Alyara and Arradec started a drinking game. Alyara felt compelled to stay here, and after some convincing, our newest member Leulda said "If you don't leave with us then the dwarf will be more important to the group than you." Alyara didn't like that, she would not be bested by a dwarf, especially Arradec! This broke the charm and our hosts drew weapons upon us.   Outside Graagrahgron saw a Twigjack in the distance. We were unable to grab it, and would not give up Graagrahgron or our wolf. The Twigjack eventually said he would dispel the Vortex.   At the Vortex, it dissipated, and a witch with a ice golem and triceratops awaited us. Leulda turned into a bear and grappled the witch, as the rest of us dealt with the Snow Golem and Triceratops. Graagrahgron ran over to the bear, and made her huge in size. The Snow Golem was destroyed, and the Triceratops disappeared.
Report Date
27 Aug 2019

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