Platinum Dragons in Sector Curatio | World Anvil
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Platinum Dragons


The Platinum Dragons are a fleet Codex Divergent chapter of an unknown founding, however, Administratum records show tithe records mentioning the chapter as far back as the 36th Millenium. They are part of a trio of chapters called the Elosian Sentinels tasked with guarding a specific subsector centered around the Elosian star system in the Segmentum Tempestus. The reasoning for the formation of the Elosian Sentinels has been lost to time. At this time the Platinum Dragons are the only one of the three that has survived, the fate of the other two, The Red Spectres and the Wind Reavers, remains a mystery.     They specialize in ranged combat and defensive warfare. The chapter is fiercely loyal to the imperium and their chapter cult includes veneration of the emperor as a godlike being, both in his aspect as God-Emperor and the Omnissiah. The chapter also holds a high reverence to plasma weaponry, Astartes that specializes in plasma weapons use join a group within the chapter known as The Starfire Creed. The chapter does not keep any of their worship a secret, and investigations by both the ecclesiarchy, the priesthood of mars, and the inquisition have not found any heretical teachings, though they remain suspicious.  


While the chapter declares themselves as Imperial Fists successors, the truth of the matter is their gene-seed is chimeric, being a mixture of Iron Hands as well as Imperial Fists. The records relating to the reasoning of this have been either lost or suppressed, but no extreme mutations have been found. In fact, the combination seems to have balanced out the flaws in each respective gene source, Platinum Dragons possessing neither the self-loathingand obsessive urge to add augmetics of the Iron Hands nor the melancholy introspection and masochism of the Imperial Fists (Though time will tell. There are signs that there is some form of psychological effect caused by the chimeric geneseed but nothing is certain yet.)   However, two of the space marine's additional organs seem to have developed as less effective, these being the Su-San membrane which allows a marine normally to be able to go into suspended animation, is, while functional, severely diminished in its duration. The second affected organ, the Betcher's gland, which normally allows a marine to spit a corrosive venom, is completely non-functioning.  


The chapter is currently at full strength. At this time all forces but the First Company remnants are made up of Primaris Marines. Though they are fleet based, their fleet is comparatively small, being made up of one Battle Barge (The 7th Son’s Aegis) and two strike cruisers (The Defiant Blade and Gladius of Iron). While the chapter is fleet based, they maintain a Chapter Keep atop the lone hive city on Elosia Prime where refugees fleeing chaos and Xenos incursions in the wake of the opening of the Great Rift seek shelter. The Chapter Keep (called The Bright Mountain amongst locals) is not the central command location of the chapter, that honor belongs to the 7th Son’s Aegis. The Bright Mountain serves as a place of ceremonial function as well as where initiates begin their training upon being accepted by the chapter. The day-to-day running of the chapter and taking requests from client worlds within the subsector are routed through to The Bright Mountain, analyzed, and sent on to the Chapter Master and Council of Captains.   The city upon which the Bright Mountain rests has shed its original name and taken the name of the keep upon itself. It is a relatively small hive city compared to many others in the galaxy, serving mostly as a spaceport. The population is largely made up of refugees and their descendants that flooded the chapter world for protection when the subsector was cut off from the greater imperium by the warp storms that engulfed the area upon the opening of the Great Rift. Much of the populace is dedicated to the production of weapons, armor, food, and other supplies for the Elosian Crusade in hopes that they can one day return to their homes. Law and order is maintained through a combination of volunteer Enforcement Militias and by neophyte space marines as part of their training cycle.     The lands surrounding the Keep are snow-covered and frigid, though not as deeply cold as worlds such as Valhalla or Fenris. The land is dotted by vast greenhouse facilities which extend deep within the planet itself that produce the food that feeds the world and the crusade as a whole. These facilities are proudly guarded by techno-barbarian warrior clans from which the Platinum Dragons recruit. The predominant threat to these facilities is the natural fauna of the planet and occasional Xenos and heretic raids. This has instilled a proud warrior culture in these tribes which contribute to both the Astartes and Imperial Guard forces.  


  The chapter has eschewed Codex Astartes company arrangements and has instead split into Orders tasked with specific battlefield and chapter roles. Each marine during their training will spend time in each Order, save the Inheritors which has its own traditions. Trainees in any order will be referred to as Squire.     Each Order is commanded by a Captain supported by a command staff of Two Lieutenants, a chaplain, an apothecary, and a librarian. There are five Battle Orders.
  • The Firebrands (Main Battle Line Troops)
  • The Stormriders (Fast Attack Troops)
  • The Inheritors (Veteran Company)
  • The Ghost Talons (Reconnisance and Espionage)
  • Thunderheads (Heavy Weapons and Tanks)
  Squads from all of these can mix together as deemed necessary by the Council of Captains and assemble into a Warhost. One of the captains and their command will be granted the temporary rank of Battle Lord until whatever mission they complete is done. This is done for major conflicts.   Aside from the battle orders, there are a variety of specialist orders
  • The Helix Auxila (Apothecaries)
  • The Vigil Sanctus (Chaplains)
  • The Aegis Arcanum (Librarians)
  • The Iron Sworn (Techmarines)
  • The Host Mortalis (Chapter Serfs and Recruits)
  The Overall command of the chapter is through a body called The Council of Captains, made up of the captains of the Battle Orders and the leaders of the Specialist Orders. Together they discuss any chapter business and make decisions through votes and debate. The Chapter Master ultimately has the final say, though traditionally they only make a vote in terms of a tiebreaker and serve as the chapter's voice when dealing with the human populace, and other imperial organizations, and announcing orders to the chapter as a whole. In times of full chapter mobilization, the chapter master will take command.    



The chapter recruits through a series of methods, but most typically by members of the Ghost Talons order keeping an eye on the various warrior tribes on Elosia Prime but also amongst the youth gangs and civilian militias within the refugee populations. If one of those within an appropriate age to undo the trials of the chapter, they will be formally invited to participate. There are a series of trials they must undergo to determine their worth. These trials take place over the space of a single week.   The first trial is The Hunter’s Trial, where they must work together with other aspirants to bring down one of the Ice Drakes of the plains with nothing but what they can find on the plains. No weapons, no clothing, nothing. Those who survive this challenge, and were noted as having worked well with their teams may move on. This trial is said to learn who can not only use their resourcefulness to defeat a great foe, but to see who can use their resourcefulness to help those who fight alongside them.   The next trial is The Inner Eye’s Trial. Here the aspirants are given a liquid that contains both toxins and psychotropics. They must meditate in silence for one full day under the liquid’s effect, all the while a chapter librarian is subjecting their mind to nightmarish visions. Any who make it without making a sound may proceed. This is to test their strength of will in the face of the horrors they will one day be asked to face.   The Third Trial is The Blind Warrior’s trial. They must hunt and fight another aspirant through a labyrinth, blindfolded, with a dagger. The fight is to first blood, the winner may proceed. This is to test their ability to deal with environments that will hamper their senses and to handle foes in these situations.   The Fourth Trial is the Starfire’s Mettle Trial is to escape a zero gravity chamber that is flooding with intense heat at the same time the air is being removed. This is to test their ingenuity under stressful situations in an environment similar to that of a starship in crisis, which they will face often as a fleet born chapter.   The Final Trial is The Veteran’s Judgment Trial. Here the aspirant is expected to fight an astartes in hand-to-hand combat, no weapons, no armor. The Astartes however, will be given light sparring armor, and a training sword. This is to test how they react to fighting against a superior foe in a scenario where their enemy has all the advantages. It does not matter if the aspirant wins against their foe, they only need to not complain or quit. If they do this, they are welcomed into the chapter as a Squire and begin their training after they feast and heal.   These trials are typically held once a year, on the Day of the Emperor’s Ascension. Those who received the invitation are welcomed and are allowed one night of feasting, with the understanding that they will immediately be thrown into their trials the moment the midnight bells toll. As soon as that bell tolls, they are taken, blindfolded, bound, and taken to the areas of training.   At the end of the week of trials, those who survive or haven't quit will become space marines. Often those who survived but did not succeed will become armsmen of the chapter serfs, or some other occupation within the chapter, though it is not unheard for those who did not succeed in the trials to join the Imperial Guard in the grenadier corps. Those who died in the trials are not treated poorly as in some chapters, their names are carved upon a stone wall behind the seat of the chapter master in the Great Hall of the Bright Mountain, for even though they could not ascend to be sons of the Emperor, they were worthy to be given the chance, and that should be honored for all time. If the aspirants had a surviving family, this family will be given the right to live on the grounds of the Chapter keep, though not within its walls. The settlement within the hive city made of the families of failed aspirants is called by the locals The City of Aspirations.  

The Starfire Cult

The starfire cult is a particular part of the platinum dragon’s chapter cult, which has subsequently spread amongst the general populace, including members of the Adeptus Mechanicus, in the elosian subsector. Though it is called a cult, it is more specifically a philosophical belief, that all beings in the universe are born in and driven by the stars, more specifically in the heat of the stars. All matter, all energy is emitted from the nuclear furnaces that are the stars. This energy and heat forge all things, and it is the human will that shapes them. Meditating and contemplating one’s connection to the eternal nuclear fires of the universe will allow one to understand one's place in the universe, and one day unlock the potential within. For all mankind can one day be like a nova, and explode forth in a torrent of energy and matter. It is believed that the fire of plasma weaponry is an embodiment of this Starfire. The tribal cultures of elosia call plasma weaponry, Dragon’s Light, a term that the Platinum Dragons have kept and subsequently have incorporated into their culture. Individuals who prove proficient with plasma weaponry, and even vehicles with plasma weaponry on them, are considered to have been touched by their connection with The Starfire and are respected thusly.  




The battle orders are those formations of marines that most typically head into direct battle. Members of each order will join together to form Warhosts to head into combat. Each order is led by a captain and their command squad. Warhosts are led by the captain with the most relevant combat talents, however, each captain is equally versed in the battle style of each order, to keep from being too unbalanced in their battle skills. Squires, the Platinum Dragon’s name for those who passed the trials, but are not considered full brother marines yet, will spend a full decade in training, spending time in each of the Orders, save the Inheritors. Their first year is spent with The Host Mortalis, to teach them humility and to give them the very basics of life within the chapter. During this time they will be monitored by members of the different orders who at the end of this first year will choose the training regimens of each Squire to best serve the needs of the chapter, and these Squires will rotate around till their decade of training is done. It is also over the course of this decade that their space marine organs will be implanted.  


The Firebrands make up the Main Battle forces. They can take the field as any of the various intercessor squads, as their training teaches them to remain flexible in any of these roles. The greatest amount of training Squires undertake in this order will be as a Firebrand Squire, acting as forward scouts. The Firebrands often carry trophies signifying different accomplishments, including customized helms and pauldrons. Some of the more veteran amongst them also carry ceremonial swords gifted to them by the warrior tribes of Elosia Prime.  


The Stormriders are marines tasked with using rapid assault vehicles or jetpacks to move in an attack with quick fury. They make up the Inceptor, Suppressor, Outrider, Landspeeder, and Invader ATV crews. Stormrider Squires make up the crews for Landspeeder Storms and Scout Bike Squadrons. Stormriders also train themselves to be able to handle as much of the repairs and maintenance rituals without requiring Techmarines. It is said that they wish to feel closer to the machines that they ride into battle, feeling that they are an extension of themselves. Stormriders will frequently name their vehicles and treat them as if they were steeds.  


The Ghost Talons are marines tasked with recon, espionage, and sabotage operations. They also run spy networks within the refugee populace as well as the guard forces and even amongst the crews of the Chartist captains within the Elosian Crusade. They are made up of Infiltrator, Incursor, Eliminator, and Reiver Squads. Squires assigned to them are formed into Sniper scout teams during their training. These spy networks are often responsible for not only finding out combat information but for choosing those to be recruited into the chapter. They move in secret, watching the warrior tribes and city populace, and send information on to the chapter as to who they feel would best serve the chapter. The Reiver Squads are notable as they wear customized helms that resemble the vicious face of a dragon, and their vocal emitters will let out a terrifying roar to terrify their enemies. The Reiver squads have also been known to voluntarily assault criminal elements within the capital hive city, for the purpose of keeping their skills sharp.  


The Thunderheads are marines tasked with the operation of heavy weapons and tanks. They operate the various Gladiator tanks, Eradicator Squads, Aggressor Squads, and Hellblaster squads. Squires in the Thunderhead Squads are tasked typically with loading turrets in the tanks, while more experienced brothers drive. Those members of the Thunderheads deemed to be most blessed by the Techmarines of the Iron Sworn Order become Hellblasters, and are treated with near reverence. Currently, they are working within the newly reignited forge worlds to create even more tanks and transports to take into battle. Thunderheads do not have the same level of traditions the other Orders have, being noted for a level of stoicism, unlike other orders. It is unknown if this is due to their close ties with the techmarines of the chapter or for some other reason.  


The Specialist orders are those marines who have specialized in certain support roles within the chapter. These include Techmarines, Chaplains, and others. Squires will spend a year with each of these as well. Unlike other chapters, these Orders include the mortal serfs of the chapter, in which squires will spend their very first year.  


The Helix Auxila is the name given to the Apothecaries of the chapter. They are tasked with healing the chapter's warriors, and preservation of gene-seed, as well as any scientific research as required. Here as well squires will learn about this role as well as receive training in battlefield medicine. Squires will spend time as Helix Adepts serving with Infiltrator Squads towards the end of their training year in the Helix Auxila. However, it has been known for those Squires who chose to return to the Helix Auxila to spend further time as a Helix Auxila feel that their skills are best used to support the Infiltrator Squads.  


The Vigil Sanctus is where the Chaplains of the chapter serve. Their role is not only as the spiritual guides of the chapter, but the maintainers of the chapter’s great relics and tombs of their greatest heroes. The Vigil also maintains a small strike force of marines dedicated to the retrieval of lost relics, artifacts of renown, and the recovery of fallen marines that could not be retrieved during battle. Squires will spend time in these Vigil strike forces. During this time they are also sworn to a vow of silence for the year of training. Here they also taught all of the facets of the Chapter Cult. Those who join the Vigil permanently will maintain their vow of silence until they are chosen to become full Chaplains. They use specialized sign language and nonvocal communication through their armor displays.  


The Aegis Arcanum is where the chapter’s librarium does its work. All Squires found with psyker potential will be given to the Aegis for the remainder of their lives and are removed from the regular cycle of training. However, all Squires will spend time in the Aegis. Here the squires learn not only the chapter’s histories and knowledge but also where they learn the dangers and ways to counteract psyker assaults. Amongst the Aegis are squads of protective units that escort Librarians into battles where enemy psykers and anti-psyker forces are expected. Their other duty is to execute Librarians that lose control of their powers. These Aegis brothers wear tabards over their armor, and helms with rams horns upon them to denote their devotion to the protection of the chapter's librarians.  


The Iron Sworn is the order of the chapter’s techmarines. They are tasked with the maintenance and rituals surrounding the wargear of the chapter. It is here Squires learn of the part of the chapter cult in regards to the Emperor’s facet of the Omnissiah, as well as the holy gift that is the plasma weaponry of The Starfire Cult. They are also taught the appropriate rituals to appease the machine spirits of their wargear and to how to do minor field repairs. They spend a year in the workshops of the Iron Sworn maintaining weapons and tending to the Warplate of their senior brothers. Those Squires who show the most promise are inducted to be trained by the Mechanicus upon the Elosian Forgemoons to become Techmarines. There are those who show some aptitude but not enough to become techmarines who serve as assistants and bodyguards in battle to the full techmarines. They are given specially crafted artificer armor based on Mark III armor but sized up to fit primaris marines. The Iron Sworn is also where the Dreadnaughts of the chapter are maintained and revered. Amongst the chapter, dreadnaughts are considered living saints of war and are treated accordingly, revered as masterful wielders of destruction itself, but living monuments of history.  


The Host Mortalis is the collective name for the chapter serfs who handle all the day-to-day and menial tasks in the chapter. This includes assisting in all of the other orders, maintaining the chapter keep, crewing the starship, and nearly every other support role one can think of. They are also tasked with law enforcement in the hive city districts at the direct base of the chapter keep. During a Squire’s very first year after passing the trials of the aspirant, they are given the Host Mortalis where they receive cursory training in everything and serve as a serf alongside normal humans. The idea behind this is to teach humility. Also, because serfs are trained in military skills equivalent to the Imperial Guard this is where Squires will learn the beginnings of the warfare styles of the imperium, which is critical as many of them came from the techno-barbarian tribes and as such lack the knowledge of the use of modern weapons.  


The Inheritors Company falls into a strange place within the chapter. They are the only part of the chapter that remains of the original chapter before the coming of the Primaris, and as such are nearly entirely made up of Firstborn space marines. They are the veterans of many wars and countless battles and survived the near destruction of their chapter by betrayal and Xenos imprisonment. Their numbers continue, and they have sworn to never accept more into their ranks, feeling that they must atone for the death of the previous chapter master. They wear mark 6 power armor that had been gifted to them by the Imperial Fists, their parent chapter, upon their founding. They wear modified heraldry, and blackened armor, with the silver and blue of the chapter upon their pauldrons. Their gauntlets are golden. They are led by a captain, one chaplain, and one librarian. They have asked that upon their deaths, their armor be placed into the Reliquary Vaults of the Vigil Sanctus. Squire’s do not spend any time training with the Inheritors, however sometimes Veteran Inheritor’s will ask a squire be assigned to them for a time, in order to have them serve as an assistant in their arming rituals. Officially this confers no benefit or rank, however many who do this duty find themselves moving up ranks quickly, though the reason for this is likely because of lessons those they serve impart upon them.  


The Great House is the name of an Order not part of the battle or specialist Order and has no representation within the Council of Captains. The Great House is a special order where the primaris marines have been voted by their brethren to be the best and brightest of their number. Here are the Bladeguard Veterans, the Champions of the Chapter, and the Ancients. They are never directly assigned to Warhosts but instead volunteer to join them. Squires rarely train in the great house, and only those who have gone above and beyond the call of duty during their training will spend any time here, often learning from the Ancients of the chapter’s heraldry and the importance of the great war banners they take into battle.    

Individuals of Note


Interim Chapter Master Severus Amalgus

Severus Amalgus when he was awakened from the stasis vaults on mars, served in the Unnumbered Sons as an imperial fist, and fought in many battles. When the call came to help rebuild The Platinum Dragons, he volunteered and was given the rank of Lieutenant. During the unfortunate events of the primaris contingent's travels to the Elosia subsector, he found himself the highest-ranking officer left alive and became the Interim Chapter Master. Originally he planned on eventually stepping down, but his brethren have encouraged him to continue in the role permanently. He often feels as though he does not deserve the rank, but he tries his best to live up to his ideals. His eventual goal is to be able to stand down as Chapter Master when, hopefully one day aid from Terra comes, but at this point he is starting to believe he might be stuck with the role.  

Order Master Vexus Quintus (Ghost Talons)

The master of the Order of the Ghost Talons on the surface seems out of place. A boisterous individual, prone to boasting and drinking and singing songs of battle during rest times in the chapter keep. However, on the battlefield, he takes on an entirely different persona. Wearing the skull mask of a Reiver, he becomes a veritable phantom, leading his soldiers from the shadows, and being an absolute master of stealth and subtle warfare. It is unknown which is his true personality, or why he maintains such a different dichotomy of attitudes.  

Order Master Diaman Syderus (Firebrands)

The Master of the Firebrands, leads his Order from the front lines, believing that the best place to get a feel for a battle is in the thick of things. He is able to keep a clear head and commands decisively, but also encourages all the sergeants under his command to lead independently of his orders, feeling that instead of micromanaging his units, he wishes for them to find solutions to the tasks he gives them at the moment.  

Order Master Macullius Invictius (Thunderheads)

The Order Master of the Thunderheads is a quiet individual, gruff, and straight to the point. He speaks very little, but when he does speak his words are always listened to. He is a master of both armored combat and siege warfare, skills he imparts upon the brethren of his order.  

Order Master Septimus Ventanus (Storm Riders)

The Order Master of the Storm Riders is a hearty fellow, full of humor, and kindness. He encourages his brethren under his command to be likewise, for “It is best to live life the same way you take it. Fast and with a smile!” He often finds himself riding his battle bike along with the tribesman of Elosia when he can, feeling freest when riding as fast as he can.  

Order Master Galeo Evidar (Helix Auxila)

The Order Master of the Helix Auxila shows an atypical kindness for an astartes, using his skills to help his brother marines, but also shares his medical knowledge to help humankind in general, and encourages those under his command to remember that “Every Marine was Human Once.” That said, he will often lose himself in research to improve some treatment or another and is prone to hermitage unless he is reminded to do otherwise by those under his command, or his fellow order master.  

Order Master Anigicar Mor (Vigil Sanctus)

Order Master of the Vigil sanctus, is a serious individual, holds the tenants of the Chapter Cult sacrosanct, and is eager to teach it. He is a spiritual guide for not only the marines but the mortals that live within the chapter’s keep and ships, watchful that they do not stray from their holy duty. He has never taken his helm off since taking on his role as Order master, feeding through tubes in the death mask.  

Order Master Lorenzo Anatar (Iron Sworn)

Lorenzo Anatar is as much an artisan as he is a technician, and encourages all his fellow techmarines to appreciate not just the utility but artistry of the chapter’s wargear. In his personal time, he attempts to recreate ancient patterns of warplate but made to fit the Primaris physique. He has had limited success, as evidenced by the custom Mark III styled armor of his personal guard.  

Order Master Adrim Rodrigos (Aegis Arcanum)

The Chief Librarian as well as the Order Master, Adrim Rodrigos is a potent psyker, and seeks to help train all those in the chapter with similar gifts. He has a fascination with the increased amount of psykers since the rifts opening and leads his fellows in discovering the reason for this.  

Order Master Astorean Seraphir (The Great House)

Astorean Seraphir is not an Order Master in the same sense as the others, however, he coordinates with all of the champions, Bladeguard, and Ancients to make sure their needs are seen to, as well as maintains a record of all of the chapter Heraldry. He often serves as an attendant to Interim Master Amalgus  

Order Master Drakas Valatar (The Inheritors)

The Order Master of the Inheritors is a broken man. He is often deep in a touch of melancholy, claiming it is due to his failure to prevent the chapter from falling. He is the only one of the Order Masters not to be a primaris, or taken the Rubicon Primaris. He is rarely out of his warplate and seems to be willing to lead his fellow Inheritors on suicidal charges or missions with high risks of death.  

Order Mistress Astrathena Malleus (The Host Mortalis)

Order Mistress Astrathena Malleus is the current Master of the Host Mortalis, the fifth in her family line to bear the rank. She is fairly new to the last, only 30 years of age, but her predecessor trained her well and she serves nobly and effectively. She will not brook any disrespect, be it from other serfs or even members of the Astartes, a fact that has earned her both praise and enmity both. She currently is training her eldest son to take her place one day, hoping beyond hope not to be working in her role till her dying day. She ideally hopes the crusade can free the paradise worlds of the subsector so she can retire, and be the first in her family line to have the glory of doing so.
Allegiance: Imperium of Man   Founding: Unknown   Successor of: The Imperial Fists (Chimeric geneseed of Imperial fist and Iron Hands)   Chapter Master: Severus Amalgus   Homeworld: Elosia III   Fortress-Monastery: Bright Dragon's Mountain   Allies: House Havelock (Combined Knight House and Skitarii forces), Iron Scale Auxila (Astra Militarum)   Enemies: Pillars of Torment (Chaos Warband)   Number of Marines: Nearly Full Chapter Strength but mostly inexperienced soldiers.   Specialty: Ranged Combat, Infantry Combat, Siege Warfare   Battle cry (Call and response): We are the Emperor's Shield (Vengeance for Him on Earth!) We are the Omnissiah's Sword! (Vengeance for the Blood of Mars!)   Colours: Silver, Gold, Dark Blue

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Aug 5, 2023 16:53 by G34RS

I absolutely love this, especially the look of the Power Armour! Have you ever painted a mini with this design?

Aug 5, 2023 18:28 by Cervine Comedy

Oh yes! I've got a whole army done up. I really should upload some images for the wiki.

Aug 5, 2023 22:46 by G34RS

100%! I'd love to see them!!