Xamedana Species in Secrets of the Scarlet Horizon | World Anvil
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The Xamedana are first and foremost known for their long lives. While the second longest lived race on Ish'ae, after the Hezadura, the Xamedana are notable in that they continue to grow and develop for their entire lives. A Xamedana child with skin the colour of bright sapphire or brilliant amethyst grows up into giant 7 to 8 feet with darkened skin the colour of obsidian.   It is posited by some scientists that Xamedana could continue to grow and age for ever if their ever growing bodies didn't demand an ever increasing amount of food to subsist on. Originally born along the harsh world of the Raktana Steppe, Xamedana became fearsome hunters. This harsh lifestyle of might equaling was the way of life for the Xamedana for many centuries. Eventually Xamedana society split into two ideologies; those of the hunter tribes of the Raktana, and the new collectivist society of Shenadah.   The harsh reality of resource scarcity and ever increasing appetites created harsh societies on either side. The collective survival of Shenadese society valued the needs of group over the individual. The elderly who become too much of a drain on resources are expected to either commit ritual suicide or wander into the Sunward desert to live out their lives from the collective. The Raktana Xamedana on the other hand were often formed around one great elder who's age, strength, and general stature demanded ever increasing tribute from weaker Xamedana in exchange for protection. These two ideologies often came into conflict, and both sides found themselves at war. Eventually the Shenadese rose as the greater society, but many Raktana tribes exist today.   With a value placed so highly on food, most Xamedanian traditions take the form of feasts. To be invited for a celebration feast at a Xamedanian house is not an invitation to be refused. To those that attend, the banquette shall be lavish, and for those that refuse the invitation, the insult shall never be forgotten. For on a rare occasions when a Xamedana choose to open their homes, their hearts, or their kitchens, they do so fully and never with half measures.

Basic Information


Bipedal humanoids, physically hardy.

Growth Rate & Stages

Xamedana are a long lived people, and reach adulthood around their thirties. From there, they continue to grow and mature constantly. While most Shenadese Xamedana don't live past 200. This is when they are expected to either take their own life or wander the desert, according to Shenadese tradition.   For Raktana Xamedana on the otherhand, observations have been made of individuals claiming to be upwards of 375 years of age, though this has never been verified.

Ecology and Habitats

Xamedana evolved from the harsh, dry, and hot climate of the Raktana Steppe. This general hardiness translates to a generalized adaptability to most temperature extremes, but some vulnerability to extremes in moisture and precipitation.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Xamedana require a perpetually increasing caloric volume of food to sustain their increasing bio-mass.

Biological Cycle

Xamedana grow slowly from adulthood onward, but typically fall between 6' and 7' and half. Only in old age to they reach the more precipitous heights of 8' onward. As they develop their skin gradually changes from light blue, to darker and more intense shades of blue, eventually reaching a depth of colour resembling black.

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