Fairy Wood Geographic Location in Secret Vales of Terra | World Anvil
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Fairy Wood

Though today much of this wood is inhabited by the elves, this forest is still thought of as the home of the fae. With glittering pollen and fairy dust drifting on the breezes and colorful algae and fairy darters giving color and sparkle to the waters the woods appear truly magical. Even with the treaty, children are still warned about accepting gifts from strangers before entering the wood.

Fauna & Flora

Even without the large number of Fae creatures inhabiting these woods it would be a magical place. The large variety of magical flora would see to that. Fairy Lanterns, a delicate blush pink flower, light up dark sections of the wood. Spider ivy, a gossamer white lace-like ivy with wispy tendrils, grace the less shaded of the trees. At night the ivy seems to come alive with what look like glowing spiders dangling from the silky strands. Nymph lilies, a water lily so delicate that its bluish petals are translucent, can be found in the still waters of the wood. When disturbed these exquisite flowers ripple with color as they close. However the flower most closely linked with the Fairy Wood is the pixie posy. An anemone type flower with pollen that sparkles like glitter and seems to float on the air of its own accord, pixie posies can be found clustered in most clearings in the wood.   Flowers are not the only magic flora in the wood. There are also a large variety of fungi. In the damp sections of the forest are the fairy umbrellas, a delicate mushroom often pink in color. Pixie grapes, a small pink bulbous fungus that grows in clusters and releases colorful glowing spores often referred to as pixie dust, can be found growing on damp dead wood. The tendril mushroom, with its stretching arms similar to an octopus and its carnivorous diet, lies quietly in wait for small animals in damp corners of the wood. Sheltering under the leaf litter can also be found the nightcap, an oddly spiky blue luminescent mushroom.   There are also several varieties of algae that grow in the lakes and ponds giving the waters strange moving colors. Blues and greens are the most common algae, but whites and yellows and even pinks and purples can occasionally be found. The algae seems to swirl and move like a galaxy of stars giving the waters in the wood a magical appearance.   Some of the animals too appear almost magical, perhaps due to their long association with the fae. This includes the cheebit, a shy nocturnal animal. Most often white in coloring and typically no bigger than a fat chipmunk, it has a round head and body, sheep like ears and a bushy tail. Several varieties of luminescent moths, butterflies, and spiders also inhabit the wood. Fairy fish, a luminescent darter fish, inhabit many of the waters in the woods giving them an extra sparkle as they jump and dart through the water.   Even more mundane creatures like the fox, deer, rabbit, and wolf seem to move through the woods with an uncanny intelligence as though being in proximity with the fae for so long has granted them extra gifts.


Today this wood encompasses the kingdom of Guinglaini and much of the surrounding lands. However, before the elves made their home here it was home to Morrian refugees and those who wished to skirt the laws of the surrounding kingdoms, as well as a large number of Fae creatures.   Before the elves the land was more lawless and the Fae more apt to take advantage of their human neighbors. After the war between the Elves and the Fae and the consequent signing of the Marcanathi Treaty the land knows a tenuous peace.
Alternative Name(s)
Fae Wood


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