Charlotte Shoe Character in Sea Hears | World Anvil

Charlotte Shoe

Charlotte is a fifth year student at Taru International Academy. Once popular, now ignored for the most part, Charlotte finds comfort in being involved in the drama club. Her favourite teacher is Mr Wang, who is head of Performance Arts, particularly as she aspires to be a singer. She has already written several songs and has been asked to perform at the opening ceremony for the school for the third year in a row.

Mental characteristics

Failures & Embarrassments

Charlotte used to be popular for her supposed gift in foresight. She would be able to predict numbers, objects held behind backs and particular dates of importance. One day, a student asked her something unusual, and Charlotte's prediction was very wrong, and was linked to another student breaking their arm over the incident. Since then, Charlotte's gift as been viewed as a fraud and Charlotte closed away her talents and dropped some of her classes.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Taruan and Common.

Cover image: by Sailing Ocelot


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