Magical Critical Failures in Scourge of Shards | World Anvil
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Magical Critical Failures

These critical failure charts break down the magical failures by College. The effects of the critical failure will be based upon what kind of magic was attempted.   The severity of the critical effect is directly related to the power invested in the spell. Use the table appropriate for the power invested in the casting.
Mana/Fatigue Energy Value
1-4 Low
5-8 Medium
9-12 High
13+ Very High

Special Notes:

On the Medium level, in addition to the effect rolled, the caster must make a Will roll or suffer 1 hit of Damage.   On the High level, in addition to the effect rolled, the caster must make a Will roll or suffer 1D6 Damage.   On the Very High level, in addition to the effect rolled, the caster must make a Will roll or suffer 3D6 Damage. If Will roll is made, the caster still suffers 1D6 Damage.   If the spell cast has no target, and the critical result states the effect affects a target, the GM should feel free to replace target with caster, or random target, in any way that seems appropriate.   If the effect seems completely inappropriate, or the GM doesn't wish to deal with the results, the GM may roll again, choose an appropriate effect, or simply double the damage (2 for med, 2D6 for high, and 6D6 for very high)   Some effects have no time period after the effect. These could be considered permanent, or they can last for as many days as the power invested into the casting. The effects with permanent in the description should definitely be permanent.   Some effects may be dispelled by Dispel Magic, while others may not. The ones that cannot be removed by Dispel Magic should be removable either by Remove Curse, or by some other spell, such as restoration or regrowth. When resisting, all effects are treated as if they had a casting skill of 16.   If the casters spell skill is over 18, then they get another roll to avert the critical miss. If the roll is 3 (or less), then the critical effect is controlled. The caster gains +1 for each level above 18, i.e.: at 19 they must roll 4 or less, at 20 they must roll 5 or less, at 25 they must roll 10 or less. After skill 25 (10 or less) they gain no additional bonuses. The caster realizes that the spell is going critical, and even though they avert the disaster, they know what would have happened had they not.    


2 Nothing happens
3 Caster feels irresistible urge to "mark territory"
4 Spell succeeds, but replace animal with human
5 Caster and (any) animal become hypnotized in each other's glare
6 1d hostile creatures summoned
7 1d hostile creatures summoned, Unsoothable and Uncontrollable
8 Spell succeeds, but with random animal type
9 Caster swarmed by hundreds of non-stinging insects for 3d minutes
10 Caster smells like a skunk for 3d minutes
11 Caster becomes appropriate animal for 3d minutes
12 Roll again on Medium Energy Value   Medium
2 Roll again on Low Energy Value
3 Casters mind becomes appropriate animal mind for 3d mins
4 Caster climbs tree and perches for 3d hours
5 Caster has urges to eat appropriate animal food for 1d days (Will-2 roll to resist, more or less hourly)
6 Single, appropriate monster summoned
7 Caster uncontrollably vomits on next meal before eating it (as a fly does)
8 Caster grows feathers instead of hair
9 Caster swarmed by hundreds of stinging insects for 3d minutes
10 Appropriate animal summoned, hostile and 1d+1 times larger than normal
11 Caster becomes appropriate animal for 3d hours
12 Roll again on High Energy Value   High
2 Roll again on Medium Energy Value
3 Caster rouses all animals in 60' radius
4 Caster goes blind and gains sonar for 3d days
5 Target grows fur/scales/feathers/other appropriate animal flesh
6 Animals have hostile reaction to caster for 3d hours
7 Caster accidentally fuses random creature and random human together
8 Caster grows three extra stomachs and becomes grazing ruminant
9 Caster swarmed by rats/vampire bats/piranha for 3d mins
10 Caster gains appropriate animal limb/feature
11 Caster becomes lycanthropic version of animal
12 Roll again on Very High Energy Value   Very High
2 Roll again on High Energy Value
3 Caster summons major demon in animal form
4 Caster goes blind and gains sonar
5 Caster becomes worm
6 Caster must vomit on food before it becomes edible to him/her
7 Caster becomes an insectivore
8 Caster attacked by thousands of rats/vampire bats/piranha
9 Caster becomes permanently possessed by animal
10 All animals immediately have hostile reaction to caster
11 Caster becomes appropriate animal
12 Roll twice more, ignoring rolls of 2 or 12  

Body Control

2 Nothing happens
3 Target's hair grows 3D6 inches
4 Target's voice becomes squeaky (1-3) or deep (4-6)
5 Caster drops anything he/she had in hands
6 Spell succeeds, but replace caster with target and target with caster
7 Target grows to 1D+1 times normal size for 1D6 mins
8 Target reeks of intense sweat for 2D6 mins
9 Target loses 1D6 from ST (1-3) or DX (4-6) for 3D6 days
10 Caster feels random pains for 3D6 mins
11 Caster becomes intensely itchy for 3D6 mins, unscratchable
12 Roll again on Medium Energy Value   Med
2 Roll again on Low Energy Value
3 Targets body turns ethereal for 3D6 hours
4 Targets hair grows 3D6 feet
5 Caster loses function of hands for 3D6 hours
6 Caster sprouts extra Arms (1-2) Legs (3-4) or head (5-6) for 3D6 hours
7 Target changes handedness for 3D6 days
8 A single feature of the target is changed to that of another race
9 Target loses 1D6+2 from ST (1-3) or DX (4-6) for 3D6 weeks
10 Caster grows horns
11 Caster becomes intensely itchy for 3D6 days, unscratchable
12 Roll again on High Energy Value   High
2 Roll again on Med Energy Value
3 Target gains 2D6 body parts (random) for 3D6 days
4 Target changes gender for 3D6 days
5 Caster loses function of hands for 3D6 days
6 Caster sprouts mouths over entire body for 3D6 days
7 Target (1-3) or Caster (4-6) becomes puddle of sentient goo for 3D6 hours
8 Target must breathe water (salt or fresh) for 3D6 hours
9 Target loses 1D6+2 from ST (1-3) or DX (4-6)
10 Caster is in agony for 3D6 days
11 Casters face gets "mixed up" for 3D6 days
12 Roll again on Very High Energy Value   Very High
2 Roll again on High Energy Value
3 Target gains 2D6 random body parts all over
4 Target becomes a "monster" of GMs choice, in body only
5 Caster becomes covered with eyes
6 Caster loses all but one HT and skin turns frail
7 Target (1-3) or Caster (4-6) becomes puddle of sentient goo
8 Target must breathe water
9 Target loses 3D6 from ST (1-3) or DX (4-6)
10 Caster is in extreme agony for life
11 Casters bones turn to liquid
12 Roll twice more, ignoring rolls of 2 or 12  

Communication and Empathy

2 Nothing happens
3 Target is deluded into thinking spell succeeded
4 Target and caster feel each others emotions for 3D6 hours
5 Caster's thoughts broadcast to target for 3D6 mins
6 Spell succeeds, but replace caster with target and target with caster
7 Target learns secret of casters, including full name
8 Target is Dizzy for 3D6 Minutes
9 Caster becomes Manic (1-3) or Depressed (4-6) for 3D6 hours
10 Caster feels s/he is better than everyone else for 3D6 hours
11 Target causes fear (-6 reaction) in 60' radius for 3D6 mins
12 Roll again on Medium Energy Value   Med
2 Roll again on Low Energy Value
3 Target falls in love with caster for 3D6 hours
4 Targets language becomes gibberish for 3D6 hours
5 Caster and target exchange bodies for 3D6 minutes
6 Target becomes completely content for 3D6 hours and does nothing
7 Caster possesses target for 3D6 hours, but own body falls unconscious
8 Caster falls into coma for 3D6 days
9 Caster becomes Manic (1-3) or Depressed (4-6) for 3D6 days
10 Casters emotions psychically affect everyone in 60' radius for 3D6 hours
11 Target views all friends as hideous monsters for 3D6 hours
12 Roll again on High Energy Value   High
2 Roll again on Med Energy Value
3 Everyone in 60' radius hallucinates horrors for 3D6 hours
4 Targets language becomes gibberish for 3D6 days
5 Caster and target exchange minds for 3D6 minutes
6 Target becomes completely content for 3D6 days and does nothing
7 Caster possesses target for 3D6 days, but own body falls unconscious
8 Caster has horrible nightmares every night for the rest of his/her life
9 Caster becomes Manic Depressive
10 Target forgets language and speaks a random one
11 Target suffers personality reversal for 3D6 days
12 Roll again on Very High Energy Value   Very High
2 Roll again on High Energy Value
3 Caster driven insane
4 Targets language becomes gibberish
5 Caster and target exchange minds
6 Caster must roll on Fright Check Table whenever meeting someone new
7 Caster is vexed. All reaction rolls to caster are made at -5
8 Target forgets all spells, skills, and languages
9 Caster sees everyone as having the same face
10 Caster gains an extreme form of Cowardice
11 Target suffers personality reversal
12 Roll twice more, ignoring rolls of 2 or 12  


(Elemental opposites are fire to water and air to earth (and hot to cold))   Low
2 Nothing happens
3 10' by 10' pit opens in front of caster (10' deep/mana or fatigue invested)
4 Target's body become Elemental opposite for 1D6 mins
5 Wall of Elemental opposite surrounds caster (1-4) or target (5-6)
6 Spell succeeds, but in elemental opposite
7 Spell affects random subject in elemental opposite
8 All cloth on nearby beings crumble to dust
9 Caster is soaked by 3D6 gallons of water
10 Wall of Element surrounds caster (1-3) or target (4-6)
11 Target's body become Element for 1D6 mins
12 Roll again on Medium Energy Value   Med
2 Roll again on Low Energy Value
3 10' by 10' pit opens in front of caster (100' deep/mana or fatigue invested)
4 Elemental in Element summoned. Uncontrollable and angry
5 All metal in 60' radius turns to rubber for 3D6 hours
6 Spell succeeds, but increase effect by 1D6 and in elemental opposite
7 Spell affects random subject, increase by 1D6 and in elemental opposite
8 Target becomes immune to element for 3D6 hours
9 Caster is doused in 3D6 gallons of acid
10 Casters clothing turns to wind (1-3) or water (4-6)
11 Elemental of opposite element summoned. Uncontrollable and angry
12 Roll again on High Energy Value   High
2 Roll again on Med Energy Value
3 Casters body becomes water soluble for 3D6 hours
4 The solidity factor of the earth and water are reversed for 3D6 days
5 Casters hair turns to appropriate element
6 Casters clothing/armor and equipment turns to fire (1-3) or thick stone (4-6)
7 Caster generates a magnetic pull capable of unsheathing a dagger from 10'
8 All water in 60' radius turns to steam (not inside bodies)
9 All metal in 60' radius turns to mercury
10 Casters body turns to glass for 3D6 days
11 Caster is encased in globe of diamond 20' radius for 3D6 mins
12 Roll again on Very High Energy Value   Very High
2 Roll again on High Energy Value
3 Casters body becomes water soluble
4 The solidity factor of the earth and water are reversed for the caster
5 Target turns to stone
6 Rain of fire for 60' for 3D6 hours
7 Casters skin turns to air, without form
8 60' radius shift of all elements to elemental opposite
9 Caster turns to liquid
10 Caster becomes lighter than air
11 Caster is encased in globe of diamond 20' radius
12 Roll twice more, ignoring rolls of 2 or 12  


(User refers to the user of the enchanted item)   Low
2 Nothing happens
3 Target item possessed by minor demon
4 Target item becomes stuck to caster for 3D6 mins
5 Target item "sings" whenever used
6 Spell succeeds, but on random target
7 Target item becomes highly magnetic
8 Target item uses double mana
9 Target item becomes unusable when wet
10 Casters soul is transferred to the item for 3D6 hours
11 Target item gains spirit with IQ of 2D6+2
12 Roll again on Medium Energy Value   Med
2 Roll again on Low Energy Value
3 Target item possessed by demon
4 Target item becomes stuck to caster for 3D6 days
5 User has sneezing fit for 3-6 mins whenever item is used
6 Caster becomes "addicted" to item
7 Spell seems to succeed, but power fails on 1-2 out of 6 when used
8 Target item drains all fatigue from user whenever used
9 User smells like fish for 3D6 minutes whenever item is used
10 Casters soul is transferred to the item for 3D6 days
11 Target item gains IQ 3D6, and telepathy
12 Roll again on High Energy Value   High
2 Roll again on Med Energy Value
3 Target item possessed by major demon
4 Target item becomes stuck to caster for 3D6 weeks
5 User loses 5-30 (1D6x5) pounds whenever item is used
6 All money on users body disappears whenever item is used
7 Caster kills all green plants in 10' radius whenever item is used by anybody
8 Target item drains all fatigue from 60' radius when used
9 Caster powers item with Fatigue whenever item is used by anybody
10 Casters soul is transferred to the item for 3D6 years
11 Target item gains IQ 3D6+2, and 3 psionic abilities including telepathy
12 Roll again on Very High Energy Value   Very High
2 Roll again on High Energy Value
3 Target item becomes doorway to Hellish dimension
4 Target item becomes permanently stuck to caster
5 Caster loses 1 IQ permanently whenever item is used by anybody
6 User loses 1 HT permanently whenever item is used
7 Target item turns against caster and tries to kill him/her
8 Target item drains all users HT when used
9 User loses 1 year of life whenever item is used
10 Casters soul is transferred to the item
11 Target item gains IQ 4D6, Strong Will +5, and 10 mind control spells
12 Roll twice more, ignoring rolls of 2 or 12  


2 Nothing happens
3 Food tastes all right, but isn't filling at all, and gives no nutritional value
4 Food turns into a dead rat
5 Caster gains bizarre cravings for 3D6 hours
6 Food turns rancid
7 Food turns to poison ivy
8 Food turns to dirt
9 Caster becomes ravenous and must eat all available food
10 Food is too salty to eat
11 Caster gains stomach-ache for 3D6 mins
12 Roll again on Medium Energy Value   Med
2 Roll again on Low Energy Value
3 Food causes intense stomach-aches resulting in 1d damage
4 Food becomes maggot ridden after 1/2 eaten
5 Caster gains bizarre cravings for 3D6 days
6 All food in 60' radius goes rancid
7 Caster can taste with his/her hands for 3D6 days
8 Food turns to stone
9 All water in 60' radius goes foul
10 Anyone tasting food must swallow 1 gallon of water or become dehydrated
11 Anyone eating food becomes colour of food for 1D6 weeks
12 Roll again on High Energy Value   High
2 Roll again on Med Energy Value
3 Food causes intense cramps for 3D6 days
4 Anyone eating food loses 1D6 teeth
5 Anyone eating food suffers 1 levels of Gauntness (G17) for 3D6 weeks
6 Anyone eating food loses all Fatigue for a full day
7 Food is fatally poisonous
8 Food becomes animated and tries to escape
9 Food becomes cooked human head
10 Caster becomes anosmic
11 Caster sprouts vegetables from body
12 Roll again on Very High Energy Value   Very High
2 Roll again on High Energy Value
3 Food becomes explosively unstable after 3D6 mins
4 Casters body roasts
5 Anyone eating food suffers 2 levels of Corpulence (G17) permanently
6 Caster no longer gains nutrition from food
7 Spell appears to succeed, but food is undetectably poisonous
8 Food becomes animate and attacks caster
9 Food becomes animated cooked human body and attacks caster
10 Casters body ferments
11 Caster becomes appropriate food
12 Roll twice more, ignoring rolls of 2 or 12  


Low 2 Nothing happens
3 Caster catches a cold
4 Subject suffers epileptic fit
5 Subject becomes covered with red, itchy splotches
6 Caster loses all fatigue
7 Caster causes 1D6 damage
8 Caster gains 3D6 warts
9 Subject loses hair, all of it
10 Caster loses voice for 3D6 minutes
11 Caster contracts Mononucleosis
12 Roll again on Medium Energy Value   Med
2 Roll again on Low Energy Value
3 Subject becomes allergic to Caster
4 Subject transformed into a eunuch for 3D6 days
5 Caster becomes colour blind for 3D6 days
6 Subject becomes addicted to healing spells
7 Caster causes 2D6 damage
8 Caster falls asleep for 3D6 hours
9 Subject becomes numb for 3D6 weeks
10 Caster loses voice for 3D6 hours
11 Caster contracts STD
12 Roll again on High Energy Value   High
2 Roll again on Med Energy Value
3 Subject becomes albino
4 Caster ages 1D6 years
5 Caster becomes nearsighted (1-3) or farsighted (4-6)
6 Target is poisoned
7 Caster causes 3D6 damage
8 Caster falls asleep for 3D6 days
9 Caster receives same wounds as subject, but untreatable
10 Caster loses voice for 3D6 days
11 Subject becomes hemophiliac
12 Roll again on Very High Energy Value   Very High
2 Roll again on High Energy Value
3 Subject becomes epileptic
4 Caster ages 3D6 years
5 Caster contracts the black plague
6 Caster becomes blind
7 Caster kills subject
8 Caster falls into coma
9 Subject's skin disintegrates
10 Caster becomes mute
11 Caster and subject both become paralyzed
12 Roll twice more, ignoring rolls of 2 or 12  

Illusion and Creation

2 Nothing happens
3 Caster creates bird with casters face which flees at earliest opportunity
4 Complex Illusionary skeleton attacks caster
5 Caster appears to turn blue for 3D6 mins
6 Illusion is obviously phony, nothing happens if creation
7 Any illusion or creation is lime green
8 Caster appears to be on fire for 3D6 mins
9 Illusionary Disguise for 3D6 mins of a household object for head of caster
10 Illusion/creation is uncontrollable and does all sorts of weird things
11 Next spell cast fails, but appears to succeed to the caster
12 Roll again on Medium Energy Value   Med
2 Roll again on Low Energy Value
3 Caster creates dog with casters face which flees at earliest opportunity
4 Caster has psychotic episode through illusions, and gains quirk
5 Illusionary disguise of caster as monster-faced humanoid for 3D6 hours
6 Next five illusions are obviously phony with no need to disbelieve
7 Any illusion/creation is covered in illusionary/real blood
8 Caster appears and believes s/he is on fire for 3D6 mins
9 Caster disappears, and illusionary self appears in spot and kills him/herself
10 Caster believes illusion (or next illusion) is real with no chance to disbelieve
11 Replace words illusion with creation, and creation with illusion
12 Roll again on High Energy Value   High
2 Roll again on Med Energy Value
3 Caster creates mount with casters face which flees at earliest opportunity
4 Caster gains phobia based on illusion/creation form
5 Illusionary disguise of caster as demon for 3D6 days
6 Illusion takes on own life, uncontrollable and permanent
7 All mounts in 60' radius (or single nearest) become bizarre creature mounts
8 Illusionary disguise of caster as wanted criminal for 3D6 days
9 Caster creates monster which attacks
10 Illusion or Creation is exactly like casters mother/father/guardian
11 Caster creates exact duplicate of him/herself for 3D6 days, GM control
12 Roll again on Very High Energy Value   Very High
2 Roll again on High Energy Value
3 Caster creates psychotic warrior with casters face
4 Permanent Illusion Disguise of hideous creature
5 Caster gains severe phobia based on illusion/creation form
6 Random target gains Illusion Disguise of Caster for 3D6 weeks
7 Caster creates 2D6 phantoms of him/herself which attack caster
8 Caster creates hoard of monsters which attack
9 All subsequent illusions are purple, but caster doesn't know
10 Creation (illusion becomes creation) is permanent and attacks caster
11 Caster creates appropriate creature, but it is possessed by major demon
12 Roll twice more, ignoring rolls of 2 or 12  


2 Nothing happens
3 Target learns and believes implicitly something obviously untrue
4 Next seek/detection spell cast gives false information
5 Caster sends all thoughts to a single target for 3D6 minutes
6 Caster thinks random comrades name is "Dorko" or something ridiculous
7 Spell works, but target is treated as caster and caster as target
8 Spell affects random target, unknown to caster
9 Caster forgets all spells for 3D6 hours
10 Caster believes target is illusionary
11 Caster learns something embarrassing about the target
12 Roll again on Medium Energy Value   Med
2 Roll again on Low Energy Value
3 Caster sees scary Images of the Past. Fright check
4 Caster sees divination of his/her own death
5 Target broadcasts thoughts to everyone in 60' radius momentarily
6 Caster learns false history of next touched item
7 Following 5 information spells are lies
8 Spell affects multiple random targets, unknown to caster
9 Target loses memory for 3D6 hours
10 Caster believes next attacker is illusionary
11 Caster sends all personal information to target
12 Roll again on High Energy Value   High
2 Roll again on Med Energy Value
3 Caster sees horribly scary Images of the Past. Fright check -5
4 Caster goes blind, but gains one wizard eye
5 Target broadcasts thoughts to everyone in 60' radius for 3D6 hours
6 Caster is no longer affected by Scryguard or related spells
7 Following 10 information spells are dangerous lies
8 Caster becomes non-iconographic for 3D6 days
9 Target loses memory for 3D6 days
10 Single foe may just think of caster and know his/her position
11 Caster believes s/he must do an intricate ritual to cast spell again
12 Roll again on Very High Energy Value   Very High
2 Roll again on High Energy Value
3 Caster has brain hemorrhage for 3D6 dam to the brain
4 Caster gains mind of target and loses own
5 3D6 foes may just think of caster and know all his/her vital information
6 Caster becomes non-iconographic
7 Caster sees mana instead of light
8 Caster learns some terrible truth that drives him/her incurably insane
9 Target loses memory
10 Caster Astral Projects him/herself and teleported into pentacle
11 Major demon interested in caster, begins manipulation by false information
12 Roll twice more, ignoring rolls of 2 or 12  

Light and Darkness

2 Nothing happens
3 Caster gains glowing red nose for 3D6 mins
4 Caster receives electric shock and is stunned for 1D6 turns
5 Target leaves glowing orange footprints for 3D6 days
6 Caster glows as continual light for 3D6 mins
7 Target glows as continual light for 3D6 mins
8 Targets/Casters head engulfed by darkness for 3D6 mins
9 Dancing lights blind everyone in 60' radius. HT check after 1 min
10 Caster is blinded for 3D6 mins
11 Continual Darkness, 60' radius, centered on caster
12 Roll again on Medium Energy Value   Med
2 Roll again on Low Energy Value
3 Target becomes translucent for 1D6 days
4 Caster surrounded by Wall of Light for 3D6 hours
5 Caster is Blurred for 3D6 days
6 Caster or Target glows as continual light for 3D6 hours
7 Caster becomes irritated whenever in bright light
8 1D6 Dam sunbolts emit from targets eyes for 3D6 min
9 Caster has Small Vision for 3D6 hours
10 Caster is blinded for 3D6 hours
11 Caster becomes pitch black for 3D6 days
12 Roll again on High Energy Value   High
2 Roll again on Med Energy Value
3 Caster loses shadow permanently
4 Caster surrounded by Wall of Light for 3D6 days
5 1D6 Dam sunbolts emit from targets eyes for 3D6 days
6 Caster or Target glows as continual light for 3D6 days
7 Caster becomes allergic to sunlight
8 Caster becomes human mirror for 3D6 days (note: since the caster’s eyes are mirrors, no light is getting to the retinas, so the caster is blind)
9 Caster has hawk vision for 3D6 hours
10 Caster is blinded for 3D6 days
11 Caster now "sees" sound. Roll vs sight as well as hearing
12 Roll again on Very High Energy Value   Very High
2 Roll again on High Energy Value
3 Caster Flashes every 1D6 hours
4 Target becomes permanently invisible
5 1D6 Dam sunbolts emit from targets eyes
6 Caster or Target glows as continual light
7 Caster becomes Highly allergic to any light and must live in darkness
8 Caster gains one eye with Small Vision, one with Hawk Vision
9 Caster flashes so brightly that all within 60' are blinded for 3D6 days
10 Caster is blinded
11 Caster permanently Body of Shadow
12 Roll twice more, ignoring rolls of 2 or 12  

Making and Breaking

2 Nothing happens
3 All ropes/strings on caster knot themselves and take 1D6 mins each to untie
4 Caster casts reshape on anything s/he touches for 3D6 seconds
5 Casters pants become Stiff (-1 DX)
6 Casters shoes are Disintegrated for 4D6 damage (to the shoes only!)
7 Spell has opposite effect, possibly on random item
8 2D6 damage to weakest part of item
9 Item becomes stuck to next item it touches for 3D6 hours
10 Target item is permanently dyed bright yellow
11 Nearby metal item rusts into uselessness
12 Roll again on Medium Energy Value   Med
2 Roll again on Low Energy Value
3 All ropes/strings on caster knot themselves and cannot be untied
4 Caster casts reshape on anything s/he touches for 3D6 hours
5 Casters clothes become Stiff (-2 DX)
6 Random item on caster is Transformed into something useless
7 Target item animates uncontrollably
8 Target item becomes transparent, tinted its original colour
9 Casters feet become stuck to shoes, and shoes to floor
10 Caster becomes Weapon Self with his/her own weapon for 3D6 hours
11 Target item is inscribed with casters name
12 Roll again on High Energy Value   High
2 Roll again on Med Energy Value
3 All casters clothes and 1D6 random items Enlarge to double size
4 Caster casts reshape on anything s/he touches for 3D6 days
5 Target item gains a 2-foot diameter hole in it
6 Casters weapon Shatters
7 Target item animates uncontrollably and attacks caster
8 Some non-sharp item is sharpened and damages next person touching it
9 Target item permanently attached to next inanimate item it touches
10 Caster becomes Weapon Self with his/her own weapon for 3D6 days
11 Unknown, the caster gains Mystic Mark meaning "murderer"
12 Roll again on Very High Energy Value   Very High
2 Roll again on High Energy Value
3 All casters items and clothes Shrink in half
4 Caster casts reshape on anything s/he touches
5 All metal in 60' radius rusts into uselessness
6 Target item explodes violently doing 3D6 explosion damage
7 3D6 nearby items animate and attack caster
8 Any item fixed by caster is only rejoined, even by hand
9 Caster becomes target of spell (or random attack spell from his/her grimoire)
10 Caster becomes Weapon Self with his/her own weapon permanently
11 All casters items and clothes Disintegrate (magic items resist at their Power level)
12 Roll twice more, ignoring rolls of 2 or 12  


2 Nothing happens
3 Magic items in 60' radius lose magic for 3D6 hours
4 Target gains Scryguard, triggered next information spell attempt on target
5 Spell works at ten times expected power, and all casters fatigue drained
6 Spell affects random target
7 Spell visually warps and has bizarre/useless effects
8 Roll once on random college low effect (GM may veto any effect)
9 Caster twinkles for a moment
10 Caster casts random spell from his/her spell list
11 All people in 60' radius become allergic to magic for 3D6 days
12 Roll again on Medium Energy Value   Med
2 Roll again on Low Energy Value
3 Magic items in 60' radius lose magic for 3D6 Days
4 Caster gains evil aura permanently
5 Next active defense triggers random spell
6 The following three spells are delayed by 3D6 seconds
7 The following three spells have opposite effect
8 Roll once on five colleges low effect, all happen (GM may veto any effect)
9 Spell maintained for 3D6 days at no fatigue cost to the caster
10 Caster casts random spell, on him/herself as target
11 Target becomes immune to spell for 3D6 years (Missile spells excluded)
12 Roll again on High Energy Value   High
2 Roll again on Med Energy Value
3 Magic items in 60' radius lose magic
4 Caster is target of spell reversed
5 Caster casts random spell from any college
6 The following ten spells are delayed by 3D6 minutes
7 The following ten spells have opposite effect
8 The next phrase spoken by caster becomes truth
9 Roll once for every college low effect, all happen (GM may veto any effect)
10 Next five spells hang, then all trigger during casting of sixth spell
11 Unknown, caster randomly casts low level spell every hour
12 Roll again on Very High Energy Value   Very High
2 Roll again on High Energy Value
3 Magic items in 60' radius explode doing 1-3D6 explosion damage
4 Caster triggers random spell at any active defense
5 Caster loses one level of Magery
6 All casters spells are delayed by 3D6 minutes
7 All casters spells have opposite effect
8 Roll once on every college, med effect, all happen (GM may veto any effect)
9 Spell maintained permanently at no cost to caster
10 Unknown, caster randomly casts med-high level spell every hour
11 All mana drained permanently in 60' radius
12 Roll twice more, ignoring rolls of 2 or 12  

Mind Control

2 Nothing happens
3 Target loses mind for 3D6 minutes
4 Target has laughing fit for 3D6 mins
5 Caster gains quirk regarding fear
6 Caster must answer following ten questions truthfully
7 Target is dizzy for 3D6 minutes
8 Target is deluded into believing spell succeeded
9 Caster gains a voice in head repeating single message for 3D6 days
10 Caster is absent minded for 3D6 days
11 Target goes berserk for 3D6 minutes
12 Roll again on Medium Energy Value   Med
2 Roll again on Low Energy Value
3 Target loses mind for 3D6 hours
4 Target believes s/he is a random animal for 3D6 hours
5 Caster believes an animal lives in his/her head for 3D6 days
6 Caster becomes truthful for 3D6 days
7 Target becomes overconfident for 3D6 weeks
8 Target gains minor delusion
9 Target believes conspiracy theory
10 Caster becomes gullible for 3D6 days
11 Caster believes s/he is a vampire for 3D6 days
12 Roll again on High Energy Value   High
2 Roll again on Med Energy Value
3 Target loses mind for 3D6 weeks
4 Target gains bloodlust
5 Caster gains severe phobia
6 Caster cannot tell a lie, but can withhold the truth
7 Target believes him/herself invulnerable
8 Target gains major delusion
9 Target becomes paranoid
10 Caster becomes cripplingly shy
11 Target becomes religious fanatic
12 Roll again on Very High Energy Value   Very High
2 Roll again on High Energy Value
3 Target loses mind
4 Caster gains murderous split personality, can hear it in his/her head
5 Caster gains phobias of everything
6 Caster cannot lie nor withhold the truth
7 Caster becomes psychotic killer
8 Target becomes Hebephrenic (1-3) or Catatonic (4-6)
9 Caster gains 10 levels of weak will
10 Target gains mental lycanthropy (no physical change)
11 Target believes him/herself to be a deity
12 Roll twice more, ignoring rolls of 2 or 12  


2 Nothing happens
3 Target levitates for 1D6 mins
4 Target is flipped upside down, standing on his/her head
5 Target is hastened for 3D6 mins
6 Target is slowed for 3D6 mins
7 All knots/buckles on caster become untied
8 Caster runs in random direction for 3D6 mins
9 Small, random object flies for 3D6 mins
10 Target spins in spot for 3D6 seconds and is dizzy afterwards
11 Target believes he/she is 3D6 feet from actual position for 3D6 hours
12 Roll again on Medium Energy Value   Med
2 Roll again on Low Energy Value
3 Random item thrown at caster by Poltergeist
4 Casters main weapon grows wings and flies 40 hex away
5 Caster becomes Ethereal for 3D6 hours
6 Target and caster exchange places, clothing, and items
7 Target is teleported 6D6 feet in random lateral direction
8 Target spins in spot for 3D6 minutes and is dizzy afterwards
9 Target sees as if s/he were 3D6 miles from actual position for 3D6 hours
10 Caster vibrates for 3D6 hours
11 All non-magical items in 60' radius scatter randomly for 3D6 feet
12 Roll again on High Energy Value   High
2 Roll again on Med Energy Value
3 Target is teleported 100' above nearest body of water
4 Target has a 1 in 6 chance of coming to an abrupt stop whenever running
5 Casters hex becomes a Repel (G80) zone for 20 ST
6 Target Blinks for next active defense
7 Target is teleported 6D6 miles in random lateral direction
8 Caster becomes Ethereal for 3D6 days
9 Random items thrown at caster by Poltergeist for 3D6 mins
10 Caster vibrates for 3D6 days
11 All non-magical items in 60' radius scatter randomly for 3D6 miles
12 Roll again on Very High Energy Value   Very High
2 Roll again on High Energy Value
3 Gravity becomes reversed for caster
4 Caster flies upwards for 1D6 mins, then spell ends
5 Casters hex becomes a Pull (G80) zone for 20 ST
6 Target teleports 3D6 feet in random lateral direction every hour
7 Target is teleported 6D6 miles in random direction
8 Caster becomes Ethereal
9 Caster permanently has Slide spell (G79) on
10 Caster vibrates
11 Target is held in position by unseen forces, and cannot be budged
12 Roll twice more, ignoring rolls of 2 or 12  


2 Nothing happens
3 Targets shadow exchanged with demons shadow
4 Caster becomes target of Death Vision spell
5 Target becomes pale and clammy
6 Caster raises uncontrollable zombie from nearest grave
7 Caster glimpses Hellish dimension for 3D6 seconds
8 Caster becomes target of spell (Roll again if inappropriate)
9 Caster craves blood for 3D6 days or until satiated
10 Caster becomes hideous for 3D6 hours
11 Caster summons minor demon
12 Roll again on Medium Energy Value   Med
2 Roll again on Low Energy Value
3 Caster grows fangs
4 Everyone in 60' radius target of Death Vision
5 Casters skin and blood turn transparent
6 Casters shadow becomes animated an attacks caster
7 Caster gains effects of Slow Healing upon next wounds
8 Caster must devour sentient creature flesh in 1D6 days or die
9 Target is treated like spirit (cannot cross pentacle, repelled by spells...)
10 Caster becomes horribly hideous (Fright Check -6) for 3D6 days
11 Caster summons 3D6 minor demons
12 Roll again on High Energy Value   High
2 Roll again on Med Energy Value
3 Caster becomes haunted by evil spirits
4 Caster contracts black plague
5 Caster gains demonic visage
6 Target gains terrible fanged mouths over entire body and is famished...
7 Caster views Hellish dimension for 3D6 hours
8 Casters jaw can unhinge (like a snake), and s/he must swallow a sentient creature
alive every 1D6 months or die. Otherwise doesn't eat anything
9 Target gains tentacles and feelers all over body
10 Caster becomes Vampire
11 Caster summons normal demon
12 Roll again on Very High Energy Value   Very High
2 Roll again on High Energy Value
3 Casters body dies, and is trapped in spirit form
4 Casters soul becomes trapped in nearest stone, permanently
5 Casters body permanently possessed by major demon
6 Casters or Targets soul transported to Hellish dimension for eternity
7 Caster is attacked (and devoured) by 3D6 demons
8 Caster must devour human (or sentient creature) flesh every 1D6 days or die
9 Caster becomes Skull Spirit
10 Caster uncontrollably raises uncontrollable zombies permanently
11 Caster summons major demon
12 Roll twice more, ignoring rolls of 2 or 12  


2 Nothing happens
3 Casters fingernails turn to bark for 3D6 hours. Annoying and weird, but relatively harmless.
4 Forest Warning on 10 hex centered on Caster
5 Nearby wooden item rejuvenated (random; item sprouts branches and leaves and possibly fruit).
6 Nearby plant contracts disease or parasites; if parasites, they swarm all over everything within 2 hexes.
7 Caster misidentifies next plant ("Nothing happens")
8 Mushroom grows on casters nose. If cut off, it regrows 1d times before ceasing.
9 False tracks appear leading into dangerous situation
10 Nearby plant becomes animated for 3D6 hours, and doesn't want caster to leave it.
11 All plants in casters hex grow the equivalent of 1 month in 1 minute. Even the weeds and seeds in the soil.
12 Roll again on Medium Energy Value   Med
2 Roll again on Low Energy Value
3 Casters hair turns to leaves and stems for 3D6 hours. Hard to style, but not really dangerous.
4 Caster becomes Tangled in growth for 3D6 mins
5 Mold grows across casters face for 3D6 days
6 Caster grows 10d leaves, prunable in one hour (before then, caster will be damaged @ 1 HP per leaf)
7 Cloud of pollen fills 60' radius for 3D6 hours
8 Caster gains hay-fever for 3D6 days
9 At night, nearby encampment or building becomes concealed by plants
10 3D6 nearby plants become animate for 3D6 days
11 Blight for 3D6 hex centered on caster
12 Roll again on High Energy Value   High
2 Roll again on Med Energy Value
3 Casters skin turns to bark for 3D6 days. -2 DX, -1 HP/hr if they move.
4 Caster gains Walk through Wood for 3D6 days. Caster cannot pick up any wood at all.
5 Nearby wooden object or dead tree explodes sending slivers for 2D6 cutting
6 Next person caster touches becomes a bush for 3D6 hours
7 3D6 nearby plants immediately wither
8 Rain of Nuts in 10 hex radius for 3D6 hours
9 Caster gains psychic connection/empathy with plant permanently. Just that particular plant.
10 3D6 nearby plants become animated permanently
11 Caster gains Body of Wood for 3D6 days
12 Roll again on Very High Energy Value   Very High
2 Roll again on High Energy Value
3 Caster is turned into a tree. Caster can regain natural form with a Remove Curse.
4 Caster is now nourished by photosynthesis. Skin turns leaf green, can't eat food, and only regains FT in sunlight. Rate depends upon amount of sun, and amount of skin exposed. If nude or nearly so, 1 FT per half hour. Less if covered. HP heals at 1 HP/24 hours of sunlight.
5 Caster forgets language, but gains permanent plant speech
6 Caster must bury him/herself every evening to regain fatigue and HP.
7 60' radius becomes infertile- all plants die and none can grow
8 Caster gains sap instead of blood. -1 FT every 10 minutes. If no FT, take HP instead.
9 Caster becomes Immured(M165).
10 All plants in 60' radius become permanently animated. Creepy and weird. They actively try to avoid being cut/harvested.
11 Caster is now turned into algae; basically a greenish smear on the ground. He has Body of Slime until someone casts Remove Curse upon them.
12 Roll twice more, ignoring rolls of 2 or 12  

Protection and Warning

2 Nothing happens
3 Caster loses 1D6 (or all) PD for 3D6 hours
4 Nearby door or lock becomes Magelocked
5 Subject believes s/he is being observed by spies for 3D6 hours
6 Casters next attack does minimum damage
7 Next edged weapon swing is Turned
8 Targets next defense is (or turns) Ethereal
9 Casters buttons/buckles/clothes all become Magelocked for 3D6 hours
10 Caster immediately senses danger
11 Caster loses 1D6 (or all) DR for 3D6 hours
12 Roll again on Medium Energy Value   Med
2 Roll again on Low Energy Value
3 Next foe gains 1D6 PD (to a max 6) in battle for 3D6 hours
4 Caster flashes bright red lights and sirens wail for 3D6 mins
5 Next missile weapon directed at anyone is caught in mid air
6 Casters next 3 attacks do minimum damage
7 Caster surrounded by Mystic Mist (not immune) for 3D6 hours
8 Casters next 3 missile attacks miss by a fraction
9 Casters buttons/buckles/clothes all become Magelocked for 3D6 days
10 Next attack by anyone does double damage
11 Next foe gains 1D6 DR in battle for 3D6 hours
12 Roll again on High Energy Value   High
2 Roll again on Med Energy Value
3 Casters arms turn to iron for 3D6 days
4 Caster flashes bright red light and sirens wail for 3D6 days
5 Caster attracts all missiles for 3D6 hours
6 Next attack against caster does maximum damage
7 Caster surrounded by Mystic Mist (not immune) for 3D6 days
8 Casters next 3 missile attacks are reversed
9 Caster becomes Paranoid
10 Caster trapped inside Force Dome for 3D6 days
11 60' radius around caster becomes permanently Nightengaled
12 Roll again on Very High Energy Value   Very High
2 Roll again on High Energy Value
3 Next Foe gains 3D6 ST and 3D6 HT in battle
4 Caster becomes temperature intolerant
5 Caster attracts all missiles
6 Next attack against caster automatically hits and does maximum damage
7 Caster surrounded by Mystic Mist (not immune) permanently
8 Casters missile attacks are reversed
9 All casters physical attacks do no damage
10 Caster trapped inside Utter Dome
11 Successful attacks on caster are augmented to 20 ST
12 Roll twice more, ignoring rolls of 2 or 12  


2 Nothing happens
3 Bodily function sounds produced for 3D6 seconds
4 Caster seems to verbally declare undying love for inappropriate person
5 Caster chirps instead of speaking for 3D6 mins
6 Caster loses voice for 3D6 mins
7 Caster goes deaf for 3D6 mins
8 Thunderclap on casters hex
9 All sounds produced by caster include high pitched whine for 3D6 mins
10 Voice behind caster yells "BOO!" Fright check
11 Caster says something embarrassing, but possibly true
12 Roll again on Medium Energy Value   Med
2 Roll again on Low Energy Value
3 Caster seems to verbally threaten inappropriate person
4 Casters voice changes to random voice for 3D6 days
5 Caster whinnies instead of speaking for 3D6 hours
6 Nearby item learns secrets about caster and speaks them
7 Caster goes deaf for 3D6 days
8 Next spoken phrase is repeated over and over for 3D6 days in hex
9 Silence on casters hex permanently
10 All sounds produced by caster include screaming wail for 3D6 hours
11 Caster gains a lisp
12 Roll again on High Energy Value   High
2 Roll again on Med Energy Value
3 Caster or Targets voice becomes high pitched
4 Caster "hears" scents and tastes. Roll vs. hearing as well as smell and taste
5 Caster howls instead of speaking for 3D6 days
6 Caster makes noise uncontrollably for 3D6 days
7 Caster goes deaf for 3D6 weeks
8 Next spoken phrase is repeated over and over in hex for eternity
9 Next spoken phrase is heard by every living creature within 6D6 miles
10 Caster must sing instead of speaking for 3D6 days
11 Caster or Targets voice becomes low pitched
12 Roll again on Very High Energy Value   Very High
2 Roll again on High Energy Value
3 Casters voice amplified as per Great Voice
4 Sound emanates from Casters mouth 3D6 minutes after s/he tries to speak
5 Caster screams incoherently and horribly instead of speaking
6 Caster emanates Thunderclaps every 1D6 hours
7 Caster goes deaf
8 Caster makes noise uncontrollably
9 Caster must speak backwards in order to make any sound at all
10 Casters voice irritates animals into outright hostility
11 Casters voice becomes Garbled
12 Roll twice more, ignoring rolls of 2 or 12  

Technological Spells

2 Nothing happens
3 Machine glitches
4 Machine grows wings and flies around for 3D6 minutes
5 Machine turns bright red
6 Machine pinches finger of next person touching it
7 Machine/item is inscribed with measurements
8 Machine sings a happy song
9 Casters clothes all become automated, moving at their own will
10 Nearby machine becomes animated for 3D6 minutes
11 Casters fingers turn to machinery for 3D6 minutes
12 Roll again on Medium Energy Value   Med
2 Roll again on Low Energy Value
3 Machine Malfunctions
4 Casters skin turns to plastic/rubber for 3D6 hours
5 Machine animates and attacks caster
6 Machine gives off bright light and loud noises when used
7 Hinged item belonging to caster become fused
8 Machine grows usable limb
9 All nearby water turns to appropriate fuel
10 Nearby machine becomes animated for 3D6 days
11 Caster turns into a machine for 3D6 hours
12 Roll again on High Energy Value   High
2 Roll again on Med Energy Value
3 Machine Malfunctions and stays broken for 3D6 days
4 Casters hair turns to metal
5 Machine grows appropriate weaponry, animates and attacks caster
6 Machine has 1 in 6 chance of glitching whenever used
7 1D6 hinged items surrounding caster become fused
8 Caster creates time-bomb equivalent set for 3D6 minutes away
9 Casters skin turns silver/metallic
10 3D6 nearby machines become animated permanently
11 Caster turns into a machine for 3D6 days
12 Roll again on Very High Energy Value   Very High
2 Roll again on High Energy Value
3 Machine is permanently destroyed
4 Radiation burst! 60' radius is radioactive
5 Caster exchanges body with machine
6 Caster forgets language and speaks in binary
7 Machine becomes psychotic mechanized double of caster
8 Caster creates 10D6 time-bomb equivalent set for 3D6 seconds away
9 Caster glitches machines within 1D6 hex permanently
10 All Machines in 60' radius become permanently animated
11 Caster turns into a machine
12 Roll twice more, ignoring rolls of 2 or 12


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