Master List of Quotes
Amra the half-elf, Sentinel of the Barrier
the Sentinels of the BarrierAkeem of Magicland, professor Emeritus of History
Ale Houses Ballistas of Scarterra Boogeymen of the Void, the chimeras Chronicles of Levanalth coffee plants Crown Time Drain Demon Lords Faceless gnomes goblins kobolds Legendary Divine Talismans Lensa Vaxidor Meckelorn in the Second Age millet Scarterran opera Second Unmaking seneschals tengku the decline of human slavery in the Feudal Era Queen Ameria Ravakas Atlas of the Known World zombiesAkza owner and operator of The Drunken Bat Inn and Brewery
brodesopp The Drunken Bat Inn and BreweryAleesia the satyr, vintner and Fumayan Rover
comissioned portrait of Aleesia the Satyr by Zeta Gardner
Alexy, poseidonus satyr
Comissioned Male Poseidonous Satyr by Zeta Gardner
Almon Genmaer, grey elf sailor
Bladed Melee Weapons cats ducks maize Midsummer's Night Scarterran New Year's Observances wheat Queen Ameria Ravakas Atlas of the Known World riceAralur Greystone, Arum of the Dwarf Keepers
Dyrik Mykrrún Second Unmaking in Scarnoctis Scarterran merchants Smoke Eater Fungi Sóleið, the aka Dwarf KeepersBasim, Confederate Satyr And Apothecary And Reagent Dealer
coffee plants Confederate satyrs Control Collars grootslangs millet salt, economics satyr footwearBaron Monroe
Barony of EternityBeslyfle the gnome, matron of Fumaya's Tenders
bugbears Crown Time Drain ducks gnomes Gnome's Eye View of History in West Colassia How most Scarterrans get their drinking water Mera combs Mera's Dawn Mera's Solace Mera's Zenith Scarterran Holy Symbols in general Scarterran merchants the decline of human slavery in the Feudal Era ollums Order of Nicola seneschals zombiesSir Bendek Deorac, Adventurer and roving knight
County of Ferrous Valley Jelly Spear Plays Talon and Fang WarriorsBevan, Swynfaredian alchemist
alchemy Alchemical Food Preservation amethyst trees Chaos Snuff Duchy of Gwynllan lineages of wisdom off-winter ice Poison Detection Jewelry reagentsBelisario, Kantoca warrior priest of Hallisan
Scarterran merchantsBesoulin Chainbraids, dwarf homemaker
brodesopp Crown Time Drain "little goats" Smoke Eater Fungi Where do Scarterrans poop?Beznak Bristlebranch, Dwarf Deep Ranger
bugbears drop spiders dwarf rangers Faux Torches morlocks red goblinsBlood Mystic Detlef, swordsmen and summoner
Dawn of Maylar Jelly Spear Plays Maylar's Solace Tester Stereotypes and Opinions on Other Groups Queen Ameria Ravakas Atlas of the Known WorldBrigid, swordsmith among other things
Bladed Melee Weapons Death Goats Draconic Circle Plays Jelly Spear Plays Klarica CountyBorsas Dragonbane, freelance blacksmith
Hallmar Snowview Smoke Eater Fungi Snowview ClanCarcelli Arcane Priestess of Greymoria
Apex of Greymoria Boogeymen of the Void, the chimeras Crown Time Drain Custodians of Kismet Heritage Feather Amulet Fumayan gnomes gnomes Greymoria's Solace Greymoria's Verdance Lake of Fumaya Queen Ameria Ravakas' Atlas of the Known World Scarterran New Year's Observances Scarterran Holy Symbols in general Soultaker Blade skin changer witches Swift Shoes who becomes a theurgist and who does notCasmir, Fae Warlock
skin changer witchesBrother Nozeth, of the Order of the Stone
Apex of Hallisan Bladed Melee Weapons Order of the StoneChaifung, kappa
kappas turtle gorillasColel the kalazotz of Clan Abehreh
Scarterran New Year's ObservancesDaana, Defender of the Hearth, Paladin
Bladed Melee Weapons bugbears Ghouls How most Scarterrans get their drinking water Meraland Mera's Zenith ollums Scarterran Holy Symbols in general skin changer witchesDabub, orc hunter
Alchemical Food Preservation chimeras Imbolc, the Herald of Spring Midsummer's Night Reindeer cheese Scarterran New Year's Observances Spear of Mordock, the Maylar's Solace wendigoDaishiro author of Comprehensive Guide to Kappas
kappas turtle gorillasDanuta, Fumayan Mask
Phidas' Dawn Phidas' Solace Scarterran Holy Symbols in general Scarterran merchants Swynfaredian Dragonbloods the decline of human slavery in the Feudal Era Zenith of PhidasDemid the Reluctant Loa Hero
Barony of EternityDobry, five year old Fumayan boy
Geu-Puppies Wedding PunchingsDreiters, gnelf imperial butler
Crown Time DrainDrudlunk, Meckelorn gnome warrior
Meckelorn gnomesDuchess Isabella, Kantoca noblewoman
Borderlander National IndustryDulgrom, dwarf ranger
Axes bugbears "little goats"Dyrik Mykrrún, infamous villain
Dyrik MykrrúnEknok, tengku merchant
Tengku #5 by Zeta Gardner
Elbrus Bristlebranch, traveling blacksmith
Bristlebranch ClanElder Toregarth Greystone
Greystone dwarf clanElwin Daexina, skopen masquerading as a normal wood elf hunter
skopenEnapay, Laguza fisherman
Imbolc, the Herald of Spring Qalupalika, theEnfys the Rainbow of Death, expatriate of Swynfaredia
Bearers of the Ill Wind Custodians of Kismet Heritage How most Scarterrans get their drinking water Tester Stereotypes and Opinions on Other GroupsFarica, Uskalan Mask Breaker
Slavery in Uskala the Sentinels of the BarrierFielwa, gnome serving wench
-Meckelorn gnomesFremiss the Vibrant, dragon
dragons Man Eater's MadnessGaatha, Lantern of Zarthus
Marfa Medina Moon bread Musseland the decline of human slavery in the Feudal Era the moon and disguisesGaran, Swynfaredian Baker
Alchemical Food Preservation bonecracker eggs served at wedding feasts Midsummer's Night @dragGarima, Penarchian Steward of the Gift
Scarterran merchantsGlimmermoon, bar wench
demonic salt off-winter ice Poseidonus satyrsGlynnis, Swynfaredian Priestess of Greymoria
Children Custodians of Kismet Heritage @templeGreen Reverend Brynn
Apex of Korus Autumn Stellar Day Bladed Melee Weapons Crown Time Drain dragon grass ducks Korus' Solace Korus' Verdance maize potatoes rye Spring Stellar Day skin changer witchesGorisonad the Wise, famous dragon
chimeras Dragon's Wild Time, leyacorpla febricantium, proto-ghoul feverGriffith, patriarch of House Gareth and Grand Marshal of Swynfaredia
off-winter ice zombiesGwendolyn ap Numaness, Queen of Swynfaredia
Chronicles of Levanalth Custodians of Kismet Heritage draconic circle plays Poison Detection Jewelry Scarterran New Year's Observances skin changer witchesHallmar Snowview, freelance dwarf miner
demonic salt lead salt, economicsHarun, chief abjurer of Magicland
Principality of MagiclandHasana, shepherd's wife
base camp stewHavro, Fumayan peasant farmer
Making hay when the sun shines Wedding Punchings Zodiac Holidays in generalHarren Greystone, royal historian of Meckelorn
bugbears chimerasJanesh the Outrider
Bladed Melee Weapons Mera's Zenith Greater Mereshnari Tribe grootslangsJaromir, Fumayan Priest of Khemra
Crown Time Drain Khemra's Dawn Khemra's Dusk Khemra's Zenith Scarterran Holy Symbols in general Shield of the Sun's Splendor Sóleið, aka Dwarf Keepers, the Varying lengths of day and nightJavier Kantoca Walchese priest
Mera's Dawn Mera's Solace Mera's ZenithJelsa, Granddaughter of Pogerth, Swynfaredian Speaker for the Gnomes
Why names that start with "D" are politically charged in Swynfaredia-Jemmurth the Swamp King, dragon
Draconic Circle Plays dragons Dragon's Wild Time, leyacorpla grootslangs Man Eater's Madness Swynfaredian DragonbloodsKaitolama, Kitsune historian
kappasKataki, independent priestess of Greymoria
Scarterran merchantsKawasso, kappa
kappasKinmei, Umera fisherman
Piracy throughout ScarterraKleekz, goblin warrior
bugbearsKormatin of the Order of the Lantern
Bladed Melee Weapons skin changer witchesKovenoth the Builder, dragon
Man Eater's MadnessKuvyos, Kionus satyr
Male Kionus Satyr by Zeta Gardner