Lady Gethine Fremiss the Sage Character in Scarterra | World Anvil

Lady Gethine Fremiss the Sage

Lady Gethine Fremiss (a.k.a. the Sage)

A first generation dragon blood, Lady Gethine did not fit in very well with the carefree gregarious Fremiss mold very well. She married a Numaness lord, but sort of fit the Numaness mold before joining the family. She spent most of her time in a library or the laboratory. Copies of her treatsies on alchemy are popular in Swynfaredia. Elsewhere, scroll heads say “she was an okay alchemist…for a sorceress.” She had three daughters and two sons.  
921 CE 1137 CE 216 years old

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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