Micro Pegasus Species in Scalespiral | World Anvil

Micro Pegasus

Selectively bred from regular pegusii via the judicious application of magic, micro pegusii provide vital accessibility services for certain disabled explorers. Their keen noses can sniff out seizure auras and alert their adventurers, as well as provide an auxiliary sensory system for adventurers that are missing one or more senses, including sight and hearing. Despite their tiny size, micro pegusii are deceptively hardy, and often have an HP and constitution that matches their larger cousins, making them the perfect companion to take into dangerous situations. Their small size is also an asset, as most can hide within the bag or armor of their companion when battle threatens.

Basic Information


Micro pegusii have a similar body structure to their larger cousins, with a horse body and wings that look similar to a swans, but unlike standard pegusii, micro pegusii rarely grow larger than a 12 inch wingspan.  Averaging a height of 4 inches at the withers, most are small enough to rest on their companion’s shoulders when not in flight.

Growth Rate & Stages

Micro pegusii grow to maturity in about 3 years, and are very trainable during those years.  Around year 4, they bond to a sapient companion, and will accompany that companion until the companion dies.  It is unclear what the lifespan of a micro pegusii is, because without a bond they fade away within a few days.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Micro pegusii mostly grave on leaves and tall grasses, although bird seed and fruit, as well as small pieces of fish often make for great treats to reward them.  Unless an adventurer is traveling to a place without any edible plants, they need not concern themselves with the dietary needs of a micro pegusii, because the pegusii will forage for its own food any time there is an opportunity.  If there is certain to be no food suitable for the micro pegusii, an explorer should pack 1 pound of alfalfa sprouts for every two days they expect to be without proper feed.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

On par with a very intelligent dog breed such as a collie

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Micro pegusii have senses similar to standard horses, except for their eye sight, which is well honed and more in the sawn range than the horse range.
Scientific Name
Equus cygnus var. minima
Average Height
4 inches
Average Weight
1/8th of a pound
Average Length
1 foot wingspan, 6 inch length from chest to withers
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Micro pegusii exhibit many of the same coat patterns as domestic horses, although dappled patterns tend to be more common in micro pegusii than in their standard size cousins.  Their wings are always a solid color, though
Geographic Distribution