Magical Skew Physical / Metaphysical Law in Scalespiral | World Anvil

Magical Skew

Magical skew in Scalespiral resulting form the tilt of the Plane of Arcana causes some unique effects on the magic used in the system.
  Currently recorded effects:
  • Living creatures that spend a significant part of their life in Scalespiral, particularly during formative years, have a higher level of magical awareness than similar beings in other verses. As such, they can use magical items without any need for attenuation.
  • Once a year, the guardians of the lodestones on the Material Plane perform an Anchoring Ritual to maintain the ties with the Plane of Arcana. For three days (marked from sundown on the first day of to sundown on the fourth day), magic may behave unpredictably with a 1/20 chance of directly channeling the raw magic of the Plane of Arcana, with all the chaos that implies.
  • Magical powers granted by a patron are channeled directly through the client, instead of being filtered through a weave of magic. As such, this direct channel can be affected by both patron and client, and in moments of great stress the client can draw more power than they are physically capable of holding, resulting in Overcasting.
  • Magical rituals are highly based in math, and in the Speech that describes the true name of the universe. As such, altering these rituals even slightly can have intense (but predictable) effects on the universe. Ritual casters are highly encouraged to ensure that their name is always accurately written in any ritual they participate in, as changes to their name within rituals can fundamentally alter them when the ritual is cast.
  • When the Plane of Arcana fell out of alignment, it generated resinrock deposits that could be used to build Teleport Beacons, allowing easy teleportation between distant locations even for people with little experience in the arcane arts.
Metaphysical, Arcane