No Tail Nira Prose in SanZera | World Anvil

No Tail Nira

There once was a little lilthian girl named Nira. Nira wanted to be the prettiest girl in town. She wanted to be so pretty that when she walked by, everyone would turn and whisper to one another about how beautiful she was. She wanted to be talked about, stared at, and envied. She wanted to be pretty more than she wanted anything else in the world.

She loved to just stroll through town in her nicest clothing, flouncing her tail and face around for everyone to see. She got a lot of looks, for sure, but it wasn't enough.

One day, after getting home from one of her trips, she examined herself in the mirror, trying to find why she hadn't yet earned the attention she deserved. Her face? No, it was perfectly smooth and blemishless. Her hair? No, she brushed it one hundred times every morning and night. Her arms? Her legs?

As she twisted around, studying every inch of her, she took note of her tail. Her tail! That must be it. It just wasn't thin enough!

So, the next morning when Nira got dressed, she wrapped her tail twice as tight as normal. It hurt a little, but when she looked at it in the mirror she was ecstatic! She had to be perfect now!

When she went out on her stroll, she got a lot of looks. It was a lot more looks than she'd gotten before. She was happy at first, but quickly realized that it still wasn't everyone. What about her still wasn't good enough? She rushed home to find out.

Once again she analyzed every bit of herself. Her face was still fine, as well as her hair, and her legs and arms and skin... but that tail! It was still much too fat! The next morning she wrapped it even tighter, so tight she could barely move it. But despite the pain she grinned at herself in the mirror. Surely this was enough.

But when she went for her walk, she still wasn't being whispered about, stared at, or envied! Sure, there were a few more glances than before, but it wasn't enough! How could this be possible?! She practically ran home that evening, almost forgetting to do so in an attractive manner.

It wasn't her face, it wasn't her skin, it wasn't her arms or her legs, it had to be her tail. It was the only thing about her that wasn't perfect, and Nira was determined to make it that way.

That morning, she wrapped her tail as tight as she possibly could, until it was as thin as a wire and just as stiff. She admired her handiwork and smirked. Yes, finally, she was perfect. Everyone would envy her, just like she wanted.

When she went out that day, she was overjoyed to find all the eyes on her! Everyone was staring, pointing, whispering. She twirled and beamed, sure to let them see her good sides (which were all of her sides, of course). Everyone was talking about her! It was the best day of her life. She hardly wanted it to end.

When she got home rather late that night, she practically skipped into her room to look at herself in the mirror one last time. She posed in front of it and grinned. Her dreams had all come true! Then she twisted to get a look at her perfect tail once again.

Nira screamed. Instead of a perfect tail, there was... nothing! Her tail was gone! Everyone hadn't been staring at her because she was beautiful, they'd been staring at her because she was tail-less!

From then on, Nira began to be known as no tail Nira. She was stared at and whispered about everywhere she went, but she certainly wasn't envied. Whenever she saw the other girls with their beautiful tails in colorful wraps and ribbons, she couldn't help but cry. She'd tried so hard to become perfect, but had instead ended up tail-less.

And that is why you should always be very careful when wrapping your tail. If you wrap it too tight, it might just fall off without you noticing!

Versions of this story are told throughout many lilthian cultures to warn against over-wrapping their tails. While the extreme nature of the story is exaggerated, losing a tail to over-wrapping has definitely possible. Lilthians should always be careful to only wrap the tail tight enough that it stays on, and never tight enough to restrict movement or cause pain.

Cover image: Solar Cover by Aster Blackwell


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