The Water Cough Condition in Sangwheel Chronicles | World Anvil
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The Water Cough

The Water Cough is a very feared disease on both continents of the world of the Sangwheel Chronicles. The disease is more prevalent in the Southern continent of Kisangi than in the northern Empire of Lumiaron. Those who contract the water cought will find their lungs filling with fluid and will eventually drown in this fluid, unable to breathe.

Transmission & Vectors

Some mosquitoes carry the infection and a mammal, if bitten, may contract the infection.


From empirical observation, it appears that the disease affects those without magic more than those with magic, however this might be attributed to those with magic unconciously healing themselves.


The sickness begins with a dry cough that rapidly turns into a wet cough. The lungs gradually fill with water until the patient finds it impossible to breath and dies.


Those capable of using Remy can continually clear their lungs of fluid, but there is no cure other than magic.

If the patient is not killed, the disease goes into remission, however it recurs annually every summer. The patient either survies or does not.


The disease has a very high mortality rate among those not capable of using Remy, half of those who contract the disease die
The disease repeats annually in summer in those victims it did not kill the first time.

Hosts & Carriers

Some mosquitoes carry this disease, they are not affected by it.


The application of lemon juice to mosquito bites prevents the transmission of the disease. Do not get bitten is also a good strategy.


It is a non-transmissable disease.

Cultural Reception

Those infected are pitied as they generally either suffer a quick death or a recurrance of the disease every year in summer.

Chronic, Acquired


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